Seek help improving my Selesnya/ Azorius Standard Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 26, 2013, 4:40 p.m. by ZombieswithJetpacks
So I have been building this standard deck for a long while now, and the latest version I have yet to be able to test at fnm. Fortunately for me, next week they will being playing Standard again, and I hope to place better than I usually have been doing (last 3 fnms I went to I would usually place 2-2 or 1-3). Normally, i played more Selesnya focused, but have since switch to a more controlling route. This is the deck I will be using:
I know that shock lands would greatly improve my deck, but I simply lack the trade fodder or money for them right now. I'm also aware more Voices and more Restoration Angels would improve the build, but the same applies there. However, any suggestions to improve my build would be greatly appreciated as I would like to start earning more than 1 or 2 packs per fnm.