Seeking Help for Pioneer Combo Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 20, 2020, 9:21 p.m. by Kiran_M
This is an interesting Combo Deck I am trying to build. The main combo is to use Boros Reckoner, an indestructible source, and Jaya, Venerated Firemage to deal infinite damage, or a similar combo with Truefire Captain and card:Gidon's Sacrifice instead of the Reckoner. I am looking for advice with the mana base, the Sideboard, and ways to make it more consistent (e.g. Card Draw, etc.) I was considering running Risk Factor, is that a good idea? Also, I am trying to keep it as budget as I can (not more than $120, if I can help it). Thanks!
Here is a link to the deck:
triproberts12 says... #3
Check out the first deck in this MTGGoldfish article. It's pretty much what you just described.
StopShot says... #2
Risk Factor is not good in combo-kill decks. Your opponent will always choose the damage option as their life total don't matter since you're confined through winning by combo.
Remove Truefire Captain and Gideon's Sacrifice. Lethal combos should not take 4 or more cards to win the game with. The less cards you need to win with the more likelier you'll be able to pull off the combo. A better combo than Truefire would be Boros Reckoner, Irencrag Feat, Star of Extinction. (You don't even need indestructible and you could win as early as turn 4.)
In order to consistently pull off your combos you also need draw power. White and Red are not suited to drawing cards which is this deck's biggest weakness. Instead you should make it so this deck wins by dealing damage over time and it uses your main combo as a plan B if that fails. I suggest running cards that just fit well around Boros Reckoner and Jaya, Venerated Firemage.
Feather, the Redeemed, Sheltering Light, Reckless Rage
Feather is a good evasive body that can get some damage across. Pair that with Sheltering Light as you'll be able to scry multiple times and be able to protect Boros Reckoner from removal spells without losing your indestructible spell. Reckless Rage can also be spammed on repeat with Feather, but it also works well with Boros Reckoner as you can ping him with it to remove two of your opponent's creatures at once.
Thermo-Alchemist, Spear Spewer, Hanweir Garrison
Thermo-Alchemist and Spear Spewer are great early game pinging creatures, but with Jaya, Venerated Firemage you can double their damage output and they make greater blockers to protect Jaya with. Hanweir Garrison also generates crazy value with Jaya as she doubles the power of the tokens you'll be able to flood the board with and the tokens can double as chump blockers if needed.
March 21, 2020 3:22 a.m.