Selesnya help!!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 22, 2014, 5:03 p.m. by PrimeEpoch

I'm re-making my selesnya after a break from standard, and I've found that Brave the Elements is a good win condition, however a lot of my creatures are mono-green (2x polukrinos, world eater, 4x Experiment One , 4x Advent of the Wurm , 4x Boon Satyr ). Should I change my creatures, not run Brave the Elements , or is it fine? I need advice!

The deck is completed selesnya aggro if you want to take a look at it, and thanks for the help :)

infinitemana says... #2

I originally ran Brave the Elements in my own selesnya aggro, Lions and Smiters and Wurms, Oh My!. I took it out pretty soon afterwards. Sometimes it is a huge blowout, but most times it just gives protection to one maybe two of your creatures, and other times it literally does nothing. Take it out.

January 22, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Spootyone says... #3

When running big mono-greens in G/W aggro I feel it's better to run Ajani, Caller of the Pride as a late-game reach card. And honestly, I'd remove Karametra from your deck if I were you. She will rarely be a creature and the ramp is not necessary. You don't want games to go that long.

January 22, 2014 7:41 p.m.

omnipotato says... #4

Not related to your question, but Brimaz needs to be in every deck that's aggro and has white in Standard.

January 22, 2014 7:57 p.m.

PrimeEpoch says... #5

I don't think that I'll be running Caller of the Pride, there are just so many better choices for 3 drops, like Brimaz. I think that I'll run him.

infinitemana, you run a lot more mono green creatures than I do, so brave would be very inefficient in your deck.

Spootyone, I run Karametra because she is a 6/7 indestructible for 5. I'll have to do some testing to see how much she is actually a creature, but the ramp is really irrelevant tbh.

January 23, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #6

I agree with at least taking out Brave the Elements , that card really should only be ran if you are running an all white aggro deck otherwise you should look towards something more useful in deck. I wouldn't discount Caller of the Pride especially because for 3 mana, you can already be flying/double striking a fleecemane lion for 6 damage easy or at least swinging one for 4 if you use the +1/+1 counter ability. Planeswalkers are all inherently strong based on the fact that they are constantly creating effects that happen free of mana cost and distract damage away from you as a player. It's incredibly strong in Selesnya and currently your Brave the Elements isn't doing much for your deck.

On that note I wouldn't discount Karametra, God of Harvests ramp ability because not only are you gaining more resources for later but you are fixing your deck for better draws (which is probably the bigger part of the bonus). Getting more plays out of your cards (in this example creature cards) and more land is always a good thing, no matter what kind of curve your Selesnya deck is running off of.

If you really aren't liking Ajani, Caller of the Pride as replacement for Brave the Elements , you can always consider Rootborn Defenses or Ready / Willing with emphasis on Ready side of course (maybe splash 4 dual lands with black in the rare occassions you want/need Willing side).

January 23, 2014 7:35 p.m.

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