Selesnya Standard: tokens or aggro/midrange?

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 13, 2013, 10:12 p.m. by Goody

I'm trying to figure out what to turn my standard deck into, a token deck or just midrange/aggro using the best cards I can. My current Standard deck is Slightly Naya.

What do you guys think will be better in the upcoming meta, a dedicated token build with 4x of the best token stuff, or a more balanced build with regulars like Restoration Angel and Thragtusk and perhaps some newcomers (Voice of Resurgence , Advent of the Wurm )?

Ohthenoises says... #2

I really enjoy Bant lifegain. It's got a pretty good aggro matchup and a wonderful control matchup. My version uses lots of creatures that do good things when they enter and leave the battlefield.

Live Long and Populate

Yours looks similar in a way. I would really commit to midrange or aggro though. Once you do that it will be easy to help.

May 13, 2013 10:37 p.m.

capriom85 says... #3

I have hsad a lot of success with my Selesnya aggro build. essentially, it hits as hard and fast as g/w can do so consistently. G/W aggro depends heavily on accelerating things out a turn or 2 early and pulling your resources together to hit for as much as you can before the games slows and your opponent stabilizes. If you go aggro try and keep your drops in the 3 cmc range. Think Loxodon Smiter , Silverblade Paladin , and Restoration Angel to cover the skies. Also, a later game bomb or two help like Sigarda, Host of Herons helps to shut down Liliana of the Veil and can hit hard and Wolfir Silverheart can pump your guys a ton.

If you commit to midrange you are look more toward getting going a bit later with accelerated drops like Thragtusk and Armada Wurm . Even Angel of Serenity fits here. When these drop the battlefield is Immediately effected and the opponent knows something bad is about to happen. What helps here is always an Advent of the Wurm at the end of their turn to put them on the ropes early. Helps them to get cocky and make the wrong play when you do this on turn 3 with the assistance of Farseek or mana dorks. Farseek is your best friend here and you need to see it as an opener to make this work.

They function is two different ways with the same basic idea. If you commit to aggro use the fastest stuff you can to win early before your opponent can establish a presence. If it comes down to the aggro vs aggro matchup your guys are usually bigger. The midrange strategy is to stick to creatures that may come out later but effect the board in a huge way once they hit. I would include Loxodon Smiter in both, though, just to avoid that turn 2-3 power hit so many decks are capable of right now.

May 14, 2013 12:27 a.m.

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