Self Mill Reanimation
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 24, 2013, 8:54 p.m. by Sweet-Nightmare
Okay, so this isn't a build for me, so I'm not really used to playing like this, but I wanted a challenge and I'd really like my boyfriend to play FNM with us this Friday. So, this is a BG splash W deck I've been working on. It's a little self mill, a little reanimation, aimed at being a lot of fun for him. But, like I said, I don't play these colors together much. My one request is not to suggest Deathrite Shaman , as he's out of our price range. ((We already own the Thrags and Serenities.))
Sweet-Nightmare says... #3
Just suggestions, what you would do, things you like, things you don't, it's an open ended question, just general help making it decent on a budget. Think outside the deckbox.
June 24, 2013 9:31 p.m.
The general idea is that if you're asking for suggestions in general and you could go by fine without help, then the deck is probably good or at least not bad.
The sideboard cards don't make sense though. Most of the cards in the sideboard might as well either be mainboarded or not be in the deck at all. Abrupt Decay is mainboard material.
The sideboard is meant for cards that would help improve matchups against decks you are weak against. For example, if you are facing graveyard hate by cards such as Surgical Extraction , you might use Relic of Progenitus to help against Surgical Extraction (keep in mind that this isn't actually a standard legal situation)
June 24, 2013 9:39 p.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #5
I know very well both of those are not standard legal.
Reason Abrupt is side is I mainly don't know if he'll be able to purchase it. We don't already have any, so it might wind up being Devour Flesh instead. O-Rings are mainly for non creature removal. Obzedat's Aid is in case someone starts running enchantment hate so we can bring Deadbridge Chant back from the grave. Putrefy's side because my meta is either heavy creatures or barely any; don't want to main too many kill spells in a meta where they may be dead draws/mills. I'm also not certain on Sylvan as another reanimation target. I think it sounds alright, but I can't help but wishing our budget would allow a couple of Griselbrand s or Craterhoof Behemoth s. Jarad is if I'm facing a wall of tokens and need some direct damage. ((Plus I can use him to kill of Thragtusk, reanimate Sir Tusk, gain life and have a nice token. Same idea with Serenity, if I really need to get a handful of creatures back in my hand, then reanimate her for removal.)) Or at least that's my thinking.
June 24, 2013 9:49 p.m.
Well like I said, the reasoning for why you sideboarded them (Except for Abrupt Decay ) might as well make them mainboard material. Putrefy is mainboard material because standard is a format where decks are almost guaranteed to have creatures that you want to kill.
It's never a good idea to rely on a single card to win you the game UNLESS you're playing legacy and you have all sorts of crazy tutor cards such as the 5 (6?) wish cycles, Brainstorm /Ponder /Preordain , and all sorts of other ridiculous cards available in legacy. If you don't already, you really should add ways to go on without needing Deadbridge Chant .
June 24, 2013 9:56 p.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #7
Oh, I don't necessarily need it, but it's certainly nice to have. Reanimated Serenities, Thrags, and Sylvans could also get the job done. So, what would you suggest for sideboard? And would you run four Putrefy main?
June 24, 2013 10 p.m.
I'm no standard expert, I can only say what NOT to do, and not a lot of what to do.
Yes, I would run 4 Putrefy mainboard.
203995014 says... #2
I'm not sure what you want us to help with...
June 24, 2013 9:29 p.m.