Sexual innuendo?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 29, 2013, 12:30 p.m. by GreyFawkes
Just did a major revision, let me know what you guys think!All suggestions are greatly appreciated.
It looks pretty solid. Im not a black or blue person (mono-Green for the win), but theres nothing i can say bad about it. Good job.
December 29, 2013 9:43 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #5
Thanks again, I'm with ya there though, green is my main, I just wanted to do something a little different this time
December 30, 2013 1:27 p.m.
Yea, I'm trying to play Counter-spells to try something new, but then I'm just like "I NEED creatures" xD
December 30, 2013 2:39 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #7
Yeah, playing control is so different. I hate it usually..
Jace and aetherling are all you need lol
I tried to see what decks you had but couldn't find any, if you get that control deck listed let me know so I can throw a few suggestions out there mayhaps!
isaaace says... #2
I play tested it, and its not bad. You did a great job on the devotion part of it.
December 29, 2013 4:57 p.m.