Should i branch to a 3rd color?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 18, 2013, 4:20 p.m. by harrydemon117
With mana fixing keyrunes and things like Prophetic Prism I have debated a few times whether or not to go to 3 colors for Trading Post .
Please have a look and give me your feedback Trading post (post Theros)
harrydemon117 says... #3
It was originally made with INN-RTR cards but I changed it so I would remember that it was updated now :)
Oh, I didn't event think about the pun haha
September 18, 2013 4:35 p.m.
Puns are my speciality. It's actually almost shameful how many puns I make. My friends won't even say words with more than one use anymore.
September 18, 2013 4:38 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #5
Ok, I have updated my list with Esper colors now adding in Thoughtseize and Obzedat, Ghost Council .
What are thoughts on putting Orzhov Keyrune in the sideboard vs aggro decks? Or should I just keep the Azorius Keyrune s in?
September 19, 2013 9:44 a.m.
harrydemon117 says... #6
I'm looking for more sideboard things now too
Jay says... #2
Why is it called Trading post (post Theros) and not Trading Post-Theros??
September 18, 2013 4:33 p.m.