Side board help and general build
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 18, 2012, 12:12 a.m. by voojeff
Hello. Hoping to get some help in stream lining my current decks side board (currently at 18) as well as general suggestions on the build.
I put a wolf and a bird in my enlarged Pee-Pole!
Initially I was tempted to take out the graveyard hate as I have a good match up as it is with the current state of the deck but I know that about 20-25% of the players in my area currently brandish a golgari or zombie build and a few more that still have snapcasters. Now Im leaning towards cutting the artifact/enchantment spells as there really is no dominating artifacts in standard at this time and Detention Sphere or the o-rings are the ones I would probably look out for.
My biggest matchups at the moment are clear board wipes thus the Entreat the Angels were added to the side board.
Again I appreciate any help and will seriously consider any and all suggestions from you guys.