Sideboard curiosity on R/W Devotion

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 16, 2013, 9:30 a.m. by shift

Assemble the Legion for mono-black and controlBoros Charm for anti board wipe and possibly other mid-range as a combat trickAnger of the Gods for mono-blue, R/G devotion and white weenieWear for anti artifacts and enchantments of all kinds

but what match up is Warleader's Helix meant for? why not Skullcrack for anti rev?

shaistyone says... #2

No idea. If you don't see a point, change it out for something else.

I have a WR deck, and I get a lot of sideboard value from Pithing Needle .

December 16, 2013 12:40 p.m.

shift says... #3

From the aggressive stand point I only wanna pithing needle mazes end or therling. Planeswalkers are easily dispatched by a boros charm and most creatures can be chained or mortars(ed). I asked some people at my shop yesterday and they said its best in the mirror match or hyper aggro. I like the idea because the deck can easily play the defense and just anger of the gods wipe them then helix whatever remains while I stabilize and land dragons and reckoners. Now I can't wait til the promo releases

December 17, 2013 7:40 a.m.

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