Sideboard curiosity on R/W Devotion
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2013, 9:30 a.m. by shift
Assemble the Legion for mono-black and controlBoros Charm for anti board wipe and possibly other mid-range as a combat trickAnger of the Gods for mono-blue, R/G devotion and white weenieWear for anti artifacts and enchantments of all kinds
but what match up is Warleader's Helix meant for? why not Skullcrack for anti rev?
From the aggressive stand point I only wanna pithing needle mazes end or therling. Planeswalkers are easily dispatched by a boros charm and most creatures can be chained or mortars(ed). I asked some people at my shop yesterday and they said its best in the mirror match or hyper aggro. I like the idea because the deck can easily play the defense and just anger of the gods wipe them then helix whatever remains while I stabilize and land dragons and reckoners. Now I can't wait til the promo releases
shaistyone says... #2
No idea. If you don't see a point, change it out for something else.
I have a WR deck, and I get a lot of sideboard value from Pithing Needle .
December 16, 2013 12:40 p.m.