Sideboard Help for PTQ

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 18, 2013, 11:47 a.m. by Kinetik615

hi, i'm running Kinetik's Aristocrats this saturday at the Cedar Rapids PTQ and, since im relatively new coming back into the game after 10+yrs away, I wondered if my sideboard is correct? im specifically wondering if I should have any enchantment hate against cards like Rest in Peace , what enchantment hate cards are good enough for tournament play and in my colors?

Slycne says... #2

While Rest in Peace shuts down some of the interactions, the bigger one you'll need to be watching out for is Curse of Death's Hold . A lot of decks are running it now to hate against the junk aristocrats build, and it likewise blanks a lot of cards here.

And Bant Hexproof isn't going to stop being a thing, so any enchantment hate pulls double duty. Though it looks like you have edicts for that.

I've actually seen some experimenting with running War Priest of Thune or Keening Apparition to still retain a creature. Otherwise I would run Erase for the cost, Paraselene if you expected a lot of Bant Hexproof, Wear / Tear for versatility or Urgent Exorcism can pull double duty against opposing Obzedat, Ghost Council .

Also, I would also absolutely include a threaten in the sideboard, it's usually Mark of Mutiny or sometimes Zealous Conscripts . It's much to good in aristocrats to not have. Steal a Thragtusk , swing the 5 life back down and then sac it to leave you with a 3/3 is one of the many great things you can do with it.

June 18, 2013 12:22 p.m.

Kinetik615 says... #3

so I think im going to change the side board

-1 Olivia Voldaren -1 Pillar of Flame - 1 Blasphemous Act -1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa

+2 Mark of Mutiny +2 Paraselene


June 18, 2013 1:33 p.m.

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