Sideboard Help? Mono Red Goblins

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 9, 2013, 7:32 p.m. by MemoElPatron

Heres the deck Oppa Goblin Style! Mono Red Goblin Aggro

I would love a little help in the sideboard part of my deck! Thanks a million!

TheLameSauce says... #2

Other good goblins to consider: Vexing Shusher (anti-control), Warren Instigator , Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician (for aggro mirrors), Zo-Zu the Punisher (because after your 3rd or 4th land, you don't really need more for goblins), pyrewild shaman (recuring buff=card advantage) , Bloodmark Mentor (combat tricks).
Helpful sideboard options: Shattering Spree , Magma Jet (sift through dead cards), Faithless Looting (discard unnecessary lands, Brute Force (combat tricks), Incinerate (regen removal), Pulse of the Forge (anti lifegain/control), Shunt (anti-control), Mizzium Mortars , Skullcrack , Pillar of Flame (anti-reanimator), Red Sun's Zenith , Tormod's Crypt (anti-reanimator/flashback)

July 9, 2013 7:56 p.m.

203995014 says... #3


You're missing AEther Vial in the mainboard. Definitely have that.

July 9, 2013 8:46 p.m.

MemoElPatron says... #4

TheLameSauce I really like those suggestions. Thank you! I actually did own Vexing shusher a while back, it was a great card vs. control. Bloodrush ability on the pyrewild shaman is pretty interesting.... hmmm.

203995014 I feel as if Aether Vial would take away from the aggro of the deck as far as getting the jump on an opponent and getting that 2 damage in off the start. And Stingscourger has a cool effect, but i also feel that since i wont be able to keep him around because of the echo cost, hes irrelevant in a deck like this, due to the need for the creature base on the field. I dont know, thats just how I see it at this point. Thanks though, man.

July 9, 2013 9:12 p.m.

203995014 says... #5

AEther Vial is not something to scoff at. It almost doubles what kind of shit you do and in the end allows for faster kills than without it. The early damage doesn't matter unless it's Goblin Lackey in legacy because the opponent is still in the game whether they are at 1 life or 100. That's why cards such as Necropotence or Griselbrand are so good.

Not only that, but instant-speed goblins are always very good.

That's not why Stingscourger is used. Stingscourger is very good sideboard tech against decks such as reanimator and other decks I haven't thought of. What the heck, I don't even consider Stingscourger a creature anymore. You're only ever going to use it for the bounce effect. It's especially good combined with AEther Vial . You're only ever going to pay the Echo cost if you have literally nothing else to do. Bouncing a Griselbrand for 2 mana is much better than giving your opponent even more of what is already insane card advantage and beating face and gaining shit tons of life.

Where is Cavern of Souls and what the hell is Siege-Gang Commander doing here? Siege-Gang Commander is fine as a one-of but Mogg War Marshal is much better than that piece of crap. Cavern of Souls is especially needed with all these counterspells going on.

Overall it's an okay goblin deck but it could be much better.

July 9, 2013 9:33 p.m.

MemoElPatron says... #6

203995014 Im not scoffing at all at AEther Vial . I respect that card a lot, and it is great. I just dont feel like it is appropriate for THIS build of a goblin deck. This one is maximizing damage dealt in the first two turns, before most opponents can get any good sort of board presence. To do that, I need creatures in play, not an artifact that takes until my next upkeep to start being able to do something. Siege-Gang Commander is great for sacrificing my goblins when they can no longer break through the opponents defenses for that last bit of damage I need to win. I feel as if its a automatic include in a weenie Goblin deck.

July 10, 2013 5:26 p.m.

203995014 says... #7

AEther Vial is very well appropriate in a goblin deck. Like I said earlier, they are still going to be in the game as long as they have more than 1 life. It doesn't matter when you deal the damage, it matters that you actually take them out of the game.

Without AEther Vial :

Turn 1: Goblin Guide , swing for 2, go

Turn 2: Some 2 one drops OR Bolt their weenie and get a goblin OR Goblin Wardriver swing for 3-5

Turn 3: Goblin Chieftain , swing for 7-10, go

Turn 4: Krenko, Mob Boss , get 4 2/2 hasties, swing for ~18 or something

With AEther Vial :

Turn 1: AEther Vial , go

Turn 2: Charge counter on AEther Vial , Goblin Guide with AEther Vial , Goblin Wardriver OR get 2 1 drops OR Bolt their stuff and get some other one drop, swing for some damage.

Turn 3: Goblin Chieftain , some one drop with AEther Vial , swing for ~10 damage.

Turn 4: Krenko, Mob Boss , Mogg Fanatic with AEther Vial , get ~6 2/2 hasty guys, swing for ~30 damage, if you really have to sac the Mogg Fanatic .

AEther Vial is much faster in terms of the amount of damage dealt. The only thing that can really kill you now is Pyroclasm but all goblin and elf decks pretty much die to Pyroclasm and AEther Vial makes the rebuilding much faster. The ability to put goblins onto the battlefield at instant speed is also extremely valuable. Every goblin deck needs AEther Vial . Magic the Gathering is a game of generating advantage. To sacrifice the first turn for double the speed in turn 2 and on is extremely good. Modern is a format where turn 4 wins are possible but unlikely.

Siege-Gang Commander is terrible for aggro. It's 5 freaking mana. You can make much more explosive plays with 5 freaking mana than Siege-Gang Commander . If you're actually fine with using THREE 5 mana cards in an aggro deck, then why are you even playing aggro? Even with what you just said you have Goblin Grenade and Lightning Bolt for that. If you're surviving long enough to be able to cast Siege-Gang Commander then something is VERY wrong. Siege-Gang Commander is an auto-jank pile card.

Mutavault MIGHT be good, might not be.

Except for Blood Moon and Shattering Spree , your sideboard isn't really a sideboard but some extra cards. Blood Moon is extremely good with all these nonbasics running around and you only have 1 nonbasic out of 20 and Shattering Spree vs affinity is also good, but some of these cards aren't sideboard material.

Coat of Arms , Goblin King , and Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician are cards that might as well be mainboarded but aren't because they aren't good for goblin decks. Goblin King comes close but Goblin Chieftain is vastly superior, which you have 4 of.

Zo-Zu the Punisher is basically a crappy version of Blood Moon 3 and 4.

Vexing Shusher is not a very good card for aggro. So if your spell is going to get countered? That's part of the reason why AEther Vial is good. You're going to be crapping out goblins and they can counter all the key goblins but you're going to have a decent board state anyway. If they counter your AEther Vial ? OK then, you're going to do okay without it anyway. They probably countered it with a Remand anyway so you should be fine.

Blood Moon can possibly be replaced with Magus of the Moon but that depends on your meta.

This is an example of a modern goblin deck where the author got 4th place in some tournament:

I'm more well versed in legacy than modern but I am very sure other people would say the same things I did.

July 10, 2013 6:21 p.m.

MemoElPatron says... #8

Very valid points.

July 10, 2013 7:30 p.m.

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