Sideboard Needed for Artifact-Goblins

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 16, 2012, 11:48 a.m. by CrunchBogus

I have this solid Kuldotha Rebirth deck, but I have very little experience in tournament play. What are some sideboard cards you would recommend? There are 15 cards already listed, but I have no idea if they are any good.

Link to deck:

Right now, my best guess is to board Gremlin Mine and/or Ancient Grudge to counter artifacts, Slagstorm to counter swarms of zombies and other 1/1 or 2/2 creatures, and Nihil Spellbomb to clean out a necromancer's graveyard.

CrunchBogus says... #2

I should mention that I am on a budget, so a second Koth or a playset of Ratchet Bomb is not likely to be anything I can just up and purchase. I only have 2 Mox Opals and the 1 Koth I have out of sheer luck, and I built this deck to get some good use out of them (and because I love goblins).

February 16, 2012 11:50 a.m.

OmegaSerris says... #3

Courtesy link: Goblins Like to Break Things

(All you need to do is take the deck name as it appears in the url (for your deck, it is 'goblins-like-to-break-things') and add brackets like you are linking a card.)

Nice, solid build. I've left you a suggestion, no need to repeat it here. :-)

February 16, 2012 12:36 p.m.

CrunchBogus says... #4

Ah, sorry about that; I haven't used the forums much before. Thanks for the tip!

Testing: Goblins Like to Break Things


February 16, 2012 12:41 p.m.

CrunchBogus says... #5

Just read your tips. I never thought about Infernal Plunge as actually useful, but I can totally see it working in a deck full of expendable 1/1s like this - alternately, sacrificing a Goblin ArsonistMTG Card: Goblin Arsonist would be a good option as well. How many should I run, and what should I replace?

Currently, I'm using Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge for the benefit of proliferation on Shrine of Burning RageMTG Card: Shrine of Burning Rage and Koth of the HammerMTG Card: Koth of the Hammer, though I've only inserted them upon another person's suggestion and have yet to test it. Should I replace these, or perhaps Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast?

This guy also suggested I get another Adaptive AutomatonMTG Card: Adaptive Automaton, which would be much easier than acquiring Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb. You told me to get some, but what I was implying in the OP of my thread is "I'm not paying $7 apiece for a set of 4 Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb." I might see if I can trade around and get 1 or 2, but don't hold your breath. Can you suggest anything cheaper for use in the meantime?

February 16, 2012 12:45 p.m.

OmegaSerris says... #6

Wow, I didn't know Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bombs have gone up in price since I've last looked. Maybe I just got lucky and my shop owner is dumb. :-P

Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge is nice, but only if you can really abuse it. I use it in my Curse of Stalked PreyMTG Card: Curse of Stalked Prey deck (B/R Cursed Spikeshot), an extra counter to all of my creatures while still in combat really messes with my opponent's math. A Shrine or two and maybe a Koth seems a bit of a stretch. You'd almost be better of with just IncinerateMTG Card: Incinerate or even better, Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trail.

Maybe Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elder? He is low cost (both mana and price) and can get pretty ridiculous with any bit of power boost, of which you have plenty (I really abuse him in my curse deck.) :-D

February 16, 2012 1:10 p.m.

CrunchBogus says... #7

Sounds agreeable. I have 3 copies of Arc TrailMTG Card: Arc Trail, so I could replace the 4x Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge with those and something else. I don't have any Spikeshot ElderMTG Card: Spikeshot Elder yet, but I might throw a couple into my next online order.

February 16, 2012 4:35 p.m.

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