sideboard struggles

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 7, 2021, 7:31 p.m. by Lujotheganker

Hello, I've been struggling with the sideboard for my 4c creativity deck for the past few days, and I can't seem to get it just to the crisp spot. I'm always 2 cards over and I'm loosing my mind. I was hoping that someone objective might come and help me solve this problem. Thanks in advance, decklist: deck:

Metroid_Hybrid says... #2


VeloSmackus 4-color creativity

Modern Lujotheganker


September 8, 2021 1:13 a.m.

wallisface says... #3

Sideboards are super-meta dependant. It would be useful for you to post here what your current local meta looks like, and then the reasoning behind each of your current choices.

September 8, 2021 2:58 a.m.

Lujotheganker says... #4

wallisface Hey! Thanks for the comment. Well the reasoning behind my sb cards is this: 2/3 (I'd prefer 3 of them, but I've been told 3 is just too excessive) gusts for ponza and amulet titan, Emrak vs mill and removal heavy match-ups (uw control, hammertime with paths to exile etc.), flusterstorm is vs control and cascade decks, prismatic ending is very questionable atm, but i like it, as it easily gets rid of the annoying 1 drops such as ragavan, drc, deaths shadow, hammer, pithing needles and amulet, rip is vs delirium decks, gravedecks (living end etc.), one copy of shattering spree vs kitchen and hammer, timely is a must have, as I play the accelerated version of this deck with growth spirals instead of hard evidence, so it's good vs izzet tempo, jund etc., the life gain is also very important, and veil is for the control match-up and black removal. The thing is, all of those cards are very useful, I just don't know how to balance it. So thanks in advance:-) Also, most played decks at my lgs are: izzet tempo, hammer time, amulet titan, uw controls, living end/crashing footfalls decks

September 8, 2021 6:16 a.m.

wallisface says... #5

Lujotheganker Thanks for your response! Here are my thoughts on the cards i’m most sceptical of being useful:

  • Flusterstorm is a clumsy Counterspell, especially as its primary use appears to be stopping cascade. But already having lil-Tef mainboard makes this largely unhelpful, as almost-anything this card hates on lil-Tef already hoses.

  • Prismatic Ending I think is probably better-off as being 2-copies, as the reasons to bring it in are limited, and you already have mainboard answers to most of the threats you mentioned it dealing with.

September 8, 2021 4:33 p.m.

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