Sideboarding Shenanigans
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 12, 2013, 7:49 p.m. by cantthinkofacreativename
Is it viable to have a sideboard dedicated, not to keeping your opponents deck under control, but to changing your decks strategy? For example, a UWR Control player (Modern variant, 3-4 Snaps, maybe an Ajani Veng., etc.) having a sideboard consisting of nothing but creatures, in order to play aggro next game. Has it been done before? If not, what are the chances of that kind of strategy being successful?
I have actually done this succesfully on more than one occasion. It is sometimes difficult depending on what you are trying to run but when balanced properly it can be a very difficult strategy to get around for your opponent.
ENEyman says... #2
Those kinds of sideboards are called transitional sideboards because they transform your deck. They're quite common because they can make your opponent's sideboarding choices irrelevant. In this way they both make your deck better and your opponent's deck worse.
August 12, 2013 7:58 p.m.