Simic Game-Ender
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2013, 1:37 p.m. by koerner92
I need a simic finisher to replace Wolfir Silverheart in my standard deck. My deck is an evolve deck consisting of like 30+ creatures with my biggest drop being Master Biomancer . Ive looked at Prime Speaker Zegana but she isnt exactly a game ender. She gives you card draw and a duplicate of your biggest creature. She also needs creatures in play to have a big effect for 6 mana... So any help would be appreciated and if im wrong about zegana just let me know. I will put a link up to my deck, but ive changed a few things such as no Wolfir Avenger , instead im using Renegade Krasis ...and Experiment One instead of Young Wolf . Simic hath no limit
With the new legend rules Progenitor Mimic and Prime Speaker Zegana is a great draw engine every turn.
pookypuppy6 says... #2
Well, once Theros cycles in I'm sure they'll be suitable green monstrosities (likely hydras) to please you. Other than that, Kalonian Hydra ? It fits your theme. Vastwood hydra is also an option and doesn't die without giving you a return, but it is expensive to cast significantly.
August 9, 2013 1:44 p.m.