Sliver mana
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 28, 2013, 12:35 a.m. by Ice2
My Sliver deck In for a nickel, in for a sliver could really use a way to get mana early in the game. If Manaweft Sliver gets out it starts to create a snowball effect of mana as mana creates slivers, and slivers create mana. The problem comes if I don't get manaweft, or it gets killed/countered. So I'm looking for some cards that will either help me draw, find manaweft in particular, give me an alternative source of mana, and/or secure my mana generation.
this is early game focused, and standard format, late game I don't really have much problems with it, and if the slivers get a foot up in the early game they become a truly frightening force as their numbers and abilities stack upon each other
theinfernumflame says... #3
An option (even though it's not a sliver) is Sylvan Caryatid . Taps for mana of any color, and is resistant to most forms of removal.
December 28, 2013 2:15 a.m.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I've added 3 jets and charms, it's 5 colour, though only 4 copies of a single blue, and 2 copies of a single black, and I've added 4 sylvan Caryatid, it has been useful as both a mana source and a blocker as I'm more willing to let it go than I am a sliver
December 28, 2013 5:12 a.m.
Overall there's now 15 scry cards, and the deck feels a little more fluid again which is what I was hoping for. If you have any other suggestions to make it better I'm all for it
I play tested the deck against CastleSiege's Friday Night Milling, and the two highest rated standard decks, Advanced Mutology and Perfection of Milling to see how it fared, and the results where 1-1, 3-0, and 2-1 respectively (myself-theirs). It's not as accurate as playing them for real though, for multiple reasons, including I wouldn't know how to play their decks the best
ColdHeartedSith says... #2
run Boros Charm to protect slivers and get heavy on scry. Temples , Magma Jet Read the Bones . Slivers just need a some time to get going and the meta is fast. Blind Obedience can buy you time. I'd run 2 blind 3 jet 3 charm and maybe 2 bones and go 4 color heavy R /W/ G /less B
December 28, 2013 2:10 a.m.