Slivers Deck Help (Modern)
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 8, 2022, 2:38 a.m. by BossUltinuc
Okay so, a while back I wanted to put together a Slivers deck just for some fun casual play with friends, because I like the concept and playstyle they have.
I bought a relatively cheap pre-built deck online, and a friend recommended some other cards I should find to use in the deck. Unfortunately, that was a while ago, and I'm not in contact with that friend anymore so I'm pretty much back at square one.
The creatures listed below are what I already have, so based on this, what might be a fun + effective deck that I could build? I'm willing to buy singles as long as the individual cards aren't too costly (ideally no more than about $5-7 total for every copy I'd need of a card, but I'm open to spending a little bit more)
Creatures: Cleaving Sliver x1 Spiteful Sliver x1 Bladeback Sliver x1 Blur Sliver x2 Hollowhead Sliver x2 Striking Sliver x2
Lavabelly Sliver x1 Cloudshredder Sliver x2 Bonescythe Sliver x1 Enduring Sliver x1 Constricting Sliver x1 Sentinel Sliver x2 Sidewinder Sliver x2
Scuttling Sliver x3 Diffusion Sliver x4 Galerider Sliver x3
Megantic Sliver x2 Groundshaker Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x2 Manaweft Sliver x3 Predatory Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2
Darkheart Sliver x3 Dregscape Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver x3
Thank you in advance for the help!
As a side note, the Standard in the thread title is kind of misleading, since there aren't any Slivers in the Standard format. They're Modern, Legacy, or Commander right now. Just a tip for clarity.
May 8, 2022 3:36 a.m.
BossUltinuc says... #4
My bad, that's me misunderstanding the formats. I think Modern is the one I meant
legendofa says... #2
I'm not a Sliver expert, so get your grain of salt ready, but here are my thoughts.
First thing is mana fixing. I see three Manaweft Sliver. If you want to go five colors, I would add at least 2-3 mana slivers, either Manaweft or Gemhide Sliver. Depending on your land base, a playset of each might work. They're still very helpful at 2-4 colors.
Galerider Sliver and Diffusion Sliver are both very good effects, and you almost have a full playset of both, so those can make a good core. You don't need to have more than one Galerider in play, but you definitely want that one available with others on standby in your hand, and Diffusion stacks with itself to make spot removal near useless.
The and options seem underwhelming, although Cloudshredder Sliver is a decent backup to Galerider. Most of the red ones being singletons also makes them easier to set aside.
I don't see any special combos outside of the usual Sliver synergy, so a straightforward approach of "lay down Slivers and attack" is probably the way to go.
Looking at this collection (and again, not being a Sliver expert), I would suggest making a core and stocking up on mana Slivers to get access to the Cloudshredders and Striking Slivers, keeping the mana costs low for a fast, aggressive deck.
Possible template:
4 Manaweft Sliver
2 Gemhide Sliver
4 Galerider Sliver
4 Diffusion Sliver
3 Cloudshredder Sliver
4 Sentinel Sliver
2 Striking Sliver
3 Tempered Sliver
2 Bonescythe Sliver
4 Predatory Sliver
2 Distant Melody
2 Wrap in Vigor
24 lands
May 8, 2022 3:31 a.m.