Solar Flare- Discard outlet options
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 8, 2011, 7:25 a.m. by Jayman66
Everyone knows about Solar Flare, the cost of the staple cards and how the combo goes off. I'd like to explore the options available for those not willing to pay for a playset of Liliana of the Veil or snapcaster-mage. The question is can this deck make it without these cards and still manage competitive play at Tier 1? I have been working on a version without those cards, and so far have found Horrifying Revelation useful alongside Ponder . But is this deck being approached from the wrong angle? I would be quite interested to see an aggro version of this deck! Please let me know your thoughts and opinions, I think this is a topic worth discussing considering standard as it is now.
It is a deck from the past, around odyssey block where flashback was first introduced. It involved reanimating creatures of various colours early to stomp your opponent, whilst also controlling the board with superior card advantage and counters etc. It has now been made possible to rebuild a standard version with the return of the flashback mechanic. It is currently a tier 1 deck, and is expensive to build due to Liliana of the Veil and snapcaster mage which are the main cards, alongside Unburial Rites . I built a version and playtested today, and it worked pretty well considering the main cards were missing. Take a look if you like? deck:reanimation-project-v2-please-help.
October 8, 2011 6:16 p.m.
Revelation is pretty terrible, merfolk looter is actually a really interesting choice. I am in the same position as you (deck:new-age-solar-flare) and I will now consider looter a viable option. But we are both building sub par versions of a good deck.
October 9, 2011 1:01 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
I've seen Forbidden Alchemy used to positive effect by a local Esper control build. That deck did not, to the extent of my knowledge, run Liliana of the Veil . I am unsure of whether it was meant to be an imitation of Solar Flare or simply a control build.
October 9, 2011 1:42 a.m.
I tested with Horrifying Revelation and it was handy to get rid of cards, but at the same time I found that there were better ways of getting the cards into the graveyard. Zombie Infestation was another card I tested with, and being able to discard 2 cards for a zombie was effective as it gave me a chump blocker, but a lot of the time I didn't have 2 cards. You are right about Merfolk Looter though, he is a great candidate for the deck but also too weak. This deck is weakened by the lack of snapcaster, as he is useful in recurring Mana Leak , Day of Judgment etc. Forbidden Alchemy is a must in this deck, and I have been playing with a full playset in testing.
rckclimber777 says... #2
Well I kinda look at Merfolk Looter as a poor man's liliana in the solar flare deck. It'll get your cards in the graveyard faster and give you a routine draw. Civilized Scholar Flip Flip
has a similar use.
October 8, 2011 9:59 a.m.