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Deck Help forum

Posted on May 29, 2013, 11:33 a.m. by capriom85

My current deck, You Just BANT Win, has taken me to the Final round the last 2 times I have played MtG. Once was a FNM event where I ended up losing to a Grixis build centered around Heartless Summoning . I have no idea how to deal with was Olivia Voldaren and Desecration Demon for 2 mana, then Crypt Ghast to make Olivia steal my creatures for 3 mana total. It was just nasty. However, my bigger concern was my loss at the DGM Game Day finals to a Boros Deck Wins build. Game 1 worked really well, I dropped my Smiters and Thrags on target and was able to neutralize anything that came at me with sheer force. Game 2 and 3 went something like this: He came out swinging with Ash Zealot and Rakdos Shred-Freak before I had a chance to stabilize. What could I do with this deck to better account for RDW/BDW matches?I sided in Detention Sphere , Blind Obedience , and Voice of Resurgence for an early game blocker that replaces itself with a potential big body. I think a HUGE error on my part was not siding in the Centaur Healer ...they are literally there as agro hate. I figured my Smiters would do the trick and didn't know what to cut, but I see that error in hindsight.So what advice does the tappedout community have for me? Thanks!

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