Sorin Markov/Lilianna of the Dark Realms deck ideas
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 18, 2012, 12:27 p.m. by yunasenna
I don't know what way to go about putting together a Sorin Markov /Liliana of the Dark Realms deck.
I mean I got Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Liliana of the Veil as well, if that might help with the suggestions.
It's for casual game play. I really want to play with these cards but, I'm at a stand still for some ideas.
Just use a handful of black Planeswalkers, a handful of good removal spells, some board-control (Mutilate , card:Black Sun's Zenith), and a couple bombs (Grave Titan , Griselbrand , card:Sorin's Vengeance, Phage the Untouchable ).
Skelasoldier says... #2
Well, you would probably want to play mono-black ramp/control. I would throw in a few card:Sorin's Vengeance's in combination with Sorin Markov . Ramp cards such as Pristine Talisman , Liliana of the Dark Realms , or even Sphere of the Suns can assure that you have the mana to play. I would use Increasing Ambition , Diabolic Revelation , or even a Diabolic Tutor . Really don't know your preference on playing control or aggro, but I would probably go for control for this meta seeing as Mutilate is in standard now.
August 18, 2012 3:57 p.m.