Splash healp
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 29, 2013, 4:24 p.m. by JoaoS
Hi, i use a mono-black deck to play with friend:I'm gonna eat your brain!
but i would like to splash it whith white. what cards should i add?
MindAblaze says... #4
lol @ SharuumNyan
@ JoaoS Tidehollow Sculler ? It's a zombie...that takes things out of your brain. Makes sense to me.
August 29, 2013 6:17 p.m.
Angry_Graybeard says... #5
If you have cards like Lashwrithe , Liliana of the Dark Realms , Mutilate , and technically Geralf's Messenger , why do you want to add white? I GUESS you can use Godless Shrine , but it doesn't really make sense to "just add white because" without changing your deck completely given the semi-swamp theme.
August 29, 2013 7:07 p.m.
Thanks to all comments.Angry_Graybeard, you are right, i would have to replace thouse cards but if i spashed white i could put Restoration Angel or Cartel Aristocrat and Obzedat, Ghost Council insted of them.
i just do not know what is the best way to do that..
August 30, 2013 5:52 p.m.
Angry_Graybeard says... #7
In my opinion, for your CURRENT deck as it IS right this second, I don't think it's worth adding those cards.
Right now you have somewhat of a mono-black creature control deck with strong cards such as Lashwrithe and Geralf's Messenger . You have a small "swamps matter" theme to go with your deck, and a zombie package with little combos such as Bloodthrone Vampire and Blood Artist with zombies of Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger that want to get eaten.
Adding Restoration Angel really does nothing to help you out since you probably want things to die and at best it might have a creature dodge removal and it has flying.I can see Cartel Aristocrat fitting in, but she isn't worth the white cost because I'm SURE black has something better.Obzedat, Ghost Council is pretty sweet but again, it's not helping out your deck in any way, especially for the WW part of his mana cost.
If you REALLLLY want to use said cards, I would just start working on a w/b deck that is separate from your current one here.
But if you are like "Forget you crazy old man! I'm gonna add these cards to crush my friends!", there's always "mana rocks" like Darksteel Ingot
or Orzhov Cluestone
, or Orzhov Signet
as some quick examples.
August 30, 2013 6:20 p.m.
i think i get your point of view..but how can i upgrade my deck and turn it stronger staying mono-black?
JoaoS says... #2
*help xD
August 29, 2013 4:26 p.m.