Splash or Stay Devoted?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 6:31 p.m. by tooTimid
So I have picked up mono green recently (You play creatures and turn them SIDEWAYS!!!) and it has worked pretty well so far but I feel like another color could supplement it. Black for removal and Golgari Charm to stop Supreme Verdict . Red for Domri Rade and such. Or blue for prime speaker and Prophet of Kruphix . Or should I just keep it mono green. Tell me what you think and (incoming shamless plug) check out my deck (there it is).
Cool, thanks for the play test. XD Turn 5 wurm isn't bad.
I also do run 4 Karametra's Acolyte as it is simply amazing and the most essential part of the deck. It's worse for me when my opponent Hero's Downfall my Acolyte as opposed to Polukranos.
I'm still considering red and will see how it turns out.
Servo_Token says... #2
I playtested against your deck earlier today, and you were able to get worldspine wurm out on turn 5... I think you're good for now. :P
If you want to splash though, I'd suggest Red, as you're open to all the smashy things like gore-clan rampager and domri.
If you stay devoted, Karametra's accolite stays super powerful, and is essentially your 5th-8th nykthos (Don't remember if you ran 4 or not...)
January 4, 2014 6:45 p.m.