Splashing in the Wave Pool?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 24, 2013, 10:50 p.m. by daveandkenz
Is this deck good, or am I just splashing in the Wave pool?
It is built around the Synergy shared between Young Pyromancer , Purphoros, God of the Forge , and Master of Waves . You make tokens, control the opponent, and overwhelm them. It's built in a way that it works as both aggro, by overwhelming with early game creatures, and control, by burning and counting opponent's spells to lock them down. Check it out and let me know if its worth sticking with or if I should just let it drown out. Everything is appreciated!
Fleetfiend says... #3
I recently made a pretty similar deck, but using Xenagos to get all de manaz: Chorus of the Satyr (Post-Rotation).
There's some really nice synergy there. I definitely suggest trying out Curse of the Swine . Not only will it make your tokens more powerful, but it also creates more ETBs for Purphoros.
daveandkenz says... #2
Balls! It linked the wrong deck. Its this one:
September 24, 2013 10:53 p.m.