Standar Two-Headed Giant Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 4, 2013, 4:26 p.m. by TorresDeAvacyn
Hello.Well, there will be a Standar Two-Headed Giant tournament soon and I would like some help with ideas for decks that work really good in this format.
Some card that I know are good are Deathrite Shaman , Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , Guttersnipe , Skull Rend . Am I missing something else?
BTW, would Temporal Mastery give us both an extra turn?
Thanks :D
Is this a constructed or limited 2-headed giant?
Basically anything that mentions "each opponent" becomes a lot more threatening - here's the gatherer search I just did for it.
Conversely, be careful of the overload cards. They hit everything you don't control, so that includes your partner.
Landwalking can also be useful, between 2 decks and everyone running usually 2 colors there's a pretty decent chance of it being relevant.
With regards to decks, it's often a good idea to somewhat split up the decks approaches, like having one be more controlling and the other be more aggressive.
January 4, 2013 5:47 p.m.
TorresDeAvacyn says... #5
Hey, thank you all for your answers.
Well, it seems that Golgari and Rakdos are very good options. Definetly will build around those.
I think the other pair could be Azorious with Temporal Mastery and another Rakdos with Blood Artist.
Thanks Slycne for the observaions =) I had not thought abouth the landwalk. It could be very relevant.
I will try to build the 4 decks. Thanks again! :D
January 4, 2013 6:27 p.m.
SwiftDeath says... #6
a really fun interaction you could use is a B/G self mill strategy with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Ghoultree as a finisher. this can win as early as turn 5 using cards like Dawntreader Elk to ramp mana along with Grisly Salvage you could also run white to use Unburial Rites and possibly Lingering Souls this would also allow you to run Thragtusk with Restoration Angel , Angel of Serenity , Griselbrand and Loxodon Smiter /Centaur Healer but at that point it you would just go the reanimator build.
For two headed giant you have to figure out what your partner is going to run then build your deck to compliment theirs. so if your opponent is playing U/W/R control then you could either play an aggro deck, tempo deck or control deck of a different type but no matter what you play if the decks don't work together then they will fall to decks that do even if the decks your facing against are worse then yours.
CrimsonKing says... #2
In Two headed dragon both players on the team take their turns at the same time. Temporal Mastery will give you an extra turn and since you both share turns you will both take an extra turn.
January 4, 2013 4:41 p.m.