Standard and Legacy Deck Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 20, 2013, 10:19 a.m. by StealthyGunnar
So I've made a lot of decks on this site, but I only have a few of them made. I would like to ask your guys'/gals' opinions.
I want to enter at least 1 deck in a Standard tournament and 1 deck in a Legacy tournament. Which deck do you think would give me the greatest chance to win or get me the farthest?
Standard Decks: Golgari Milkshake, Place ALL the Counters! 2.0 (Standard Edition), Drain of the Dark 2.0 (Standard Edition), and Vulnerabilities
Legacy Decks: Drain of the Dark , Through Fire and Water, The Light of Life, and Not Your Typical Run of the Mill
NOTE: These are not even close to all of my decks I've made. These are just my personal favorites - I want to have fun while playing..! If you're willing to undertake the task, or if you're just bored, you can take a look at all of my decks by clicking my name.
I think your Place ALL the Counters! 2.0 is your strongest standard deck and can be fixed up easily into a competitive deck with the addition of Predator Ooze, Rancor, and Ulvenwald Tracker in your mainboard.
Your Legacy decks, I'm sorry to say, aren't going to stand up in a Legacy tournament. Your mill deck is running Brain Freeze with no combo engine and no Force of Will. A deck built around High Tide is going to be faster and stronger. If you want to get into Legacy using one of those decks, you'll have to rethink some of your card choices and crank up the budget (well over $500).
March 20, 2013 10:43 p.m.
StealthyGunnar says... #4
Well that's unfortunate :/ I try to make my decks reasonably priced, but I suppose that one can only get so far with a limited budget. What common Legacy decks are there that are just good, if you don't mind me asking? I don't have $50 to spend per Force of Will :p
March 20, 2013 11:37 p.m.
StealthyGunnar says... #5
Also, the only problem I see with Place ALL The Counters! is its lack of removal. But I suppose that might be a problem with any green deck. If my opponent can make his creeps indestructible, I'm done.
March 20, 2013 11:39 p.m.
If you use Predator Ooze and Ulvenwald Tracker, you essentially have a reusable Terror every turn. The only indestructible things you have to worry about are other people with Predator Ooze (which isn't that common) and Boros Charm (which only lasts a turn).
As far as Legacy goes, Stoneblade, Miracles, Dredge, 1-land Belcher, Sneak and Show, Reanimator, and High Tide are some of the strongest decks in the format. I think the cheapest you can get and still be competitive is with either Dredge or Combo Elves.
March 21, 2013 12:07 a.m.
StealthyGunnar says... #7
What would you recommend taking out then? Wasteland Viper, Vorapede, Crocanura?
March 21, 2013 12:11 a.m.
I'd take out:
2x Ring of Kalonia4x Prey Upon4x Deadly Recluse2x Crocanura2x Fog
...and add:
4x Predator Ooze4x Ulvenwald Tracker2x Forest4x Rancor
For a sideboard:
2x Fog4x Deadly Recluse2x Triumph of Ferocity2x Ground Seal1x Naturalize3x Champion of Lambholt1x Tree of Redemption
I think your deck could also use Arbor Elf and Wolfir Silverheart in the mainboard. You'd have to cut some of the +1/+1 counter-makers, but you'd have a faster, stronger deck (turn two Predator Ooze? Yes please!)
March 21, 2013 12:25 a.m.
StealthyGunnar says... #9
Well thanks for the help. I'm a little taken aback that my Legacy decks are crap, lol, but I appreciate the help.
March 21, 2013 11:14 a.m.
I hope didn't offend you or anything. There are some decks that are okay in Legacy if you're really working on a budget. Elves using the combo of Nettle Sentinel, Heritage Druid, and Glimpse of Nature can be built for around $100. Gaea's Cradle is more of a luxury card in the deck and not completely necessary.
There's this version of ProsBloom I used to play in Legacy. It can win on turn three and consistently on turn four. There are some changes I'd make to the deck (namely, using fetch lands and taking out Natural Balance), but it can hold its own.
StealthyGunnar says... #2
Please, I do need help, guys.
March 20, 2013 10:12 p.m.