Standard, Budget, Boros help.
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 2, 2014, 6:40 a.m. by JUSTBLAZE
Alright, I am making my first standard deck and having some problems. I like boros, I like burn and aggro. But I'm a stingy bastard and have to do it cheaply. I feel like it's missing something big, and in multi player games I feel useless.
If anyone can suggest anything, please do. Thanks in advance. :)
Darth_Versity says... #4
Well this is a budget deck I recently made The Ring of Fire... that only costs $35 for the whole thing. Its designed to use low cost cards to quickly hurt the enemy before they can make any form of board presence. It might give you some ideas.
You have several cards which provide little benefit for their cost. Spark Trooper really needs to go. It costs 4 mana, doesn't hang around and is so easily removed before its done anything. You'd be much better off with a set of Rakdos Cackler . By the end of turn 4 it will have done 6 damage (the same as the trooper) is still around (better than the trooper) and only cost you 1 mana (better again).
I'd also remove the Warleader's Helix . You dont need lifegain, you just need to kill them before they kill you. As you have probably already seen, Boros Charm is a much better burn at 2 mana, and also has a load of extra options if you need them.
The whole deck needs more consitency. I'd lower the CMC of your spells to no more than 3, and even then i'd only have Guttersnipe and Chandra's Phoenix as the 3 cost ones. Fit in a few more cheap creatures and cheap burns. Things you can cast on turn 1 like Shock may not be as powerful, but you cant cast Lightning Strike s at all, so its better than a wasted turn.
Darth_Versity says... #2
How much of a budget are you on? How much would you like to spend and how much are you willing to spend?
I've met people with a budget of $30 and others with a budget of $100. It's quite a difference.
March 2, 2014 11:25 a.m.