Standard B/W Opponent Hand Shred? Help Please!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 11, 2013, 6:59 p.m. by Esper_Silence
I'm running a Orzhov deck with hand shredders like Mind Rot & Drainpipe Vermin. I'm looking for other 2-3 drop (Maybe 4 if it's worth it) hand shredders that are standard. Any suggestions? (Already played Sin Collector, would rather have more discard, more variety than sorcerys/instants)
The deck is also based around Xathrid Necromancer. I play Skirsdag High Priest & let a few Doomed Travelers die, gain tokens & zombies, then Modbid skirsdag for a 5/5 demon, potentially turn 4, if one of my creatures die. My only disgust is opponents hands! They will waste their counter spells if they choose to, on my Mind Rot, (Can't stop Drainpipe Vermin's ability) then i'll let them tap out for a Xathrid. So while you're top-decking lands, i'll have a hoard of creatures that even if they're verdict'ed, they'll come back as zombies.
What do you think? & what other creatures/spells that are short-cost to shred hand?
Thanks for checkin' out the thread!