Standard: Card draw for combo
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2013, 1:23 p.m. by Lord007
So my deck:
I'm looking at card draw. I've gone through:
Izzet Charm (no actual advantage since I have to discard the same as I get to draw)
Opportunity Too slow
currently running Inspiration but it doesn't dig far enough
I'm debating swapping the Inspiration for either Steam Augury which digs very well but gives control to my opponents or Thoughtflare
Honestly at this point I really like Thoughtflare but I want your opinions.
Divination is too slow at sorcery speed. And Thoughtflare actually seems to fit in quite nicely since I don't have any other 5 drops
November 28, 2013 1:42 p.m.
Personally, I think Izzet Charm is a decent fit for your deck. The first ablility allows you to counter spells which would seek to kill your combo creatures. The second ability isn't all that relevent, but it's usually enough to kill utility creatures. The third part is actually decent draw power for you. Since you're playing a combo, you don't necessarily want a larger number of cards, as much as you want particular pieces of the combo. The charm does exactly that.
November 28, 2013 1:51 p.m.
The problem I ran into with Izzet Charm was having it, and 2 of my combo pieces in hand and all I needed was to draw the third... I couldn't use Izzet Charm because that would mean either I cycle through 2 useless cards (decent option I suppose) or I draw my missing piece and am forced to discard it or one of the other pieces.
November 28, 2013 2:08 p.m.
Thoughtflare is draw four then discard 2, plus the thoughtflare itself so aside from digging 4 cards deep, in the end you are only up 1 more card than you started with, you know what other card in standard does that? Divination just bite the bullet and try running them, you'll be surprised how good they are.
November 28, 2013 2:14 p.m.
Quicken I have found is a very under rated card draw. Pay U draw a card, synergizes with Divination later on for pay UU2 instant draw 3
November 28, 2013 2:19 p.m.
Arachnarchist says... #8
I think Thoughtflare is severely under rated. And if given the choice between Thoughtflare and Steam Augury I would choose the Flare every time. Digging through 4 cards is huge. Sure you only net one card off of it. But since you can discard any useless cards in hand, you can net even more virtual card advantage.
That being said, 5 cmc is a lot, so I would probably only play 2 of them or 3 absolute max.
TylertheTiger says... #2
Divination isn't too bad. Steam Augury doesn't seem too good in a combo deck, because once they know the combo they would never give you the pieces you need. Thoughtflare seems really slow though, not being able to cast until turn 5 and all.
November 28, 2013 1:37 p.m.