Standard Casual Dragon: help with idea pls
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 25, 2010, 4:57 p.m. by grey_warden
Apologies for the long post I'll just try to explain my crazy little idea =)
So my friend got fed up with their lone Ancient Hellkite because they complain it's too expensive and they never see it, and if they do it just dies when they play it.
So this got me thinking, what deck do you need to back up a beast like that?
So here are the first few things that came to my mind:
1) big fat fatty needs mana ramp
2) big fat win condition needs control or u die before you get to him
3) big fat dragon needs friends
I wanted to go 3 color to give me more variety of backup: for flavor and function would like: Red + Green + Black
my idea so far looks like this:
-- 6x Dragons (any combination of: Ancient Hellkite , Steel Hellkite , Hoard-Smelter Dragon )
-- 12x removal (any combination of: Lightning Bolt , Galvanic Blast , Doom Blade , Grasp of Darkness )
-- 10x mana ramp and fix (any combination of: Mana-Myr, Llanowar Elves , Cultivate )
What do you think?
Is this a good starting point?
Do I need more Dragons, or less? Do I need a way to Tutor for them? Do i need a way to bring the back from the grave?
What other creatures can I use to fill 3 or 4 drop slot to keep mid-game under control?
What other control do I need and would fit in? (looking at Black here)
Input welcome but please keep suggestions in Standard and away from Mythics =)
papabearcia1 says... #3
You need alot of mana, basically green-red, would be better. Unless you wanna pull infinite mana myrs. I would green ramp to Koth of the Hammer . Play some Cultivate for mountains, and use his second ability, and play your dragons.
December 27, 2010 9:14 p.m.
grey_warden says... #4
Thanks for the comments.
Here's what I threw together:
In the playtester I've consistently cast either a Turn 3: Hoarding Dragon and then a Turn 5: Ancient Hellkite , or a Turn 4: Hellkite.
My justification for black is removal. I know Red is Burn and has tons of removal but none of it can deal with really big creatures in a cheap and efficient way. I feel much safer with my Doom Blade s and Royal Assassin s scaring people off attacking and providing repeated, reliable removal.
That and the playtester hasn't mana-screwed me YET
I would like a Koth, but I don't know how easily/cheaply I can get one.
If I do somehow get a Koth of the Hammer , he's going straight in this deck =)
I'm not saying I own all the other cards that make this I don't yet, but for the basics I've tried to be realistic with what I can acquire.
Jarrod_0067 says... #2
Birds of Paradise are better than Llanowar Elves hands down.
December 26, 2010 9:13 p.m.