Standard Dragons

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 7, 2014, 8:32 p.m. by JTetris11

Why does everyone suggest Mutavault and Dragon Hatchling for the deck? I know they are or can be "dragons" but they really don't match well with alot of the "problem decks" out there ... aka Tidebinder Mage . if someone could help me make sense of this that would be great!

Standard Dragons a THING?! You betch'ya ;) Playtest

Standard JTetris11

SCORE: 30 | 27 COMMENTS | 4506 VIEWS

GoldGhost012 says... #2

One's an early dragon that can defend fliers or attack with variable power that can catch opponents off-guard.

The other is a land that not only taps for mana (Weird, right? What kind of land does that?) but can also become a surprise attacker or blocker that's very handy after a boardwipe (cause you know control decks especially like to do that) and triggers Utvara Hellkite .

January 7, 2014 8:44 p.m.

JTetris11 says... #3

Idk I feel like Deadly Recluse is a better option to help out against fliers and/or be spot removal when paired with Domri Rade . Mutavault only taps for colorless mana and by the time I get Utvara Hellkite out, will a Mutavault even matter?

January 8, 2014 1:16 a.m.

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