Standard D&T Help?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 18, 2014, 11:32 a.m. by Servo_Token

Hey guys,

So i'm trying out a new build, Death and Taxes [Standard Edition]. Its based off of a modern D&T list that I found, but suited more for the slow pace of Standard.

First off, I'd like some general opinions of the deck. How's the mana, how's the curve, should I add anything that I haven't already thought of, is the idea gawful and should I therefore stop playing magic because this is so bad, etc.

Secondly, I'd like some opinions on including the following cards: Soldier of the Pantheon , Spirit of the Labyrinth , Liliana's Reaver , Imposing Sovereign .

Should I add any of these cards? And if so, in what amount, and what should they replace?

Thanks for any input here.

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