Standard GW Hexproof-Auras deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 8, 2014, 3:47 p.m. by Jairoe03

I would like help fine-tuning my deck to be competitive with other top tier decks in Standard.

Standard GW Hexproof Auras

Some thoughts I would like opinions are:

How useful is Spear of Heliod in this deck?

Should I remove Fiendslayer Paladin from mainboard to place more Auras in my deck?

Selesnya Charm vs Pacifism in my sideboard.

How useful will being able to create tokens through Heliod, God of the Sun and Ajani's Chosen ?

I'd keep the Paladin as its just way too good to pass up, the Charm should probably be mainboard with maybe 2 in the side. Heliod is probably a no and the Chosen a maybe while the Spear is a yes. That's just my opinion.

January 8, 2014 3:56 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #3

I took some of the advice listed above, made space in my deck for 2 Selesnya Charm , removed 1 Fiendslayer Paladin and 1 Fleecemane Lion and placed it into my sideboard. Also, replaced Heliod, God of the Sun in my sideboard for a Spear of Heliod , which can boost my deck if I were to make it more creature heavy.

I'm still debating whether or not I really need a sideboard to counter Supreme Verdict , which can be a huge weakness vs Hexproof-aura decks but at the same time, I feel Witchstalker and Voice of Resurgence with Mistcutter Hydra should make strong enough to take out the other player before he gains control of the board. My thoughts on counters that I might want to use are Rootborn Defenses or Gift of Immortality keeping in mind usage with Voice of Resurgence or Ajani's Chosen . Any thoughts?

January 8, 2014 5:55 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #4

Tweaked my deck again, followed a poster's advice to remove a land and Nylea, God of the Hunt to make space for better spells primarily a 4th copy of Gift of Orzhova and Fleecemane Lion . I also tweaked the sideboard to include 4 copies of Rootborn Defenses seeing that Supreme Verdict was a much larger weakness than anticipated and also helps encourage my creature token sideboard a little more through Ajani's Chosen and Selesnya Charm as well. So far the deck has run fine off 23 lands, just slightly worried since having 5 lands is fairly critical for Fleecemane Lion monstrosity and Boon Satyr bestows.

January 10, 2014 12:37 a.m.

Jairoe03 says... #5

Thinking about replacing Ajani's Chosen and 1 or 2 other cards maybe Fiendslayer Paladin and/or Pithing Needle with 3-4 Advent of the Wurm to possibly make a sneaky GW Auras swap into a GW Aggro/Tokens. Thoughts on doing this? Would it be giving up too much sideboard for something doesn't directly counter a specific deck?

January 11, 2014 6:34 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #6

Did another major sideboard update. Cleared sideboard to allow 4x Advent of the Wurm allowing my deck to transform from an Auras deck to a GW Tokens deck primarily to compete against control decks, which are a major weakness for Aura-style decks. Let me know any thoughts or opinions and if its a bad idea, possible suggestions primarily to be able to compete vs Esper and monoblack control.

January 15, 2014 3:55 a.m.

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