Standard Junk Grave Synergy Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 27, 2013, 11:49 a.m. by DawnsRayofLight
I am working on a standard list that utilizes cards like Deathrite Shaman , Scavenging Ooze , Lotleth Troll , and the like to make a list that utilizes every possibly aspect of the game. Discard cards (theirs or mine) to utilize them from the grave, kill off their guys or sacing my own, etc.
Cards I feel could be in the deck
I feel there are occasions where I might be sitting there with nothing to do, Skirsdag High Priest might be a good card to utilize.
Ready / Willing : I feel this card can allow me to safely play aggro against control while holding my own and making the most of my matchup against aggro (their guys hitting the grave from deathtouch).
Obzedat, Ghost Council : honestly one of my favorite cards. I think he could be a good finisher and make for a good control matchup.
Grisly Salvage
: this will both get lands and other cards in the grave to utilize (i just wish Knight of the Reliquary
was in standard).
Liliana of the Veil would be a definite 2-0f in the list as soon as I come across some.
Any suggestions for making this list viable?
DECK: Rites Worst Nightmare