Standard Junk Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 7, 2013, 12:43 p.m. by Some1TookMyName
I've been messing around with this deck a lot the past few weeks... more aggro... more removal. and its finally looking complete. The funny thing is it looks similiar to this Jund deck that won the most recent SCG open if you go to their website, I cant link it. But so far I have 61 cards and it's killing me at what to take out. Should it be Reaper of the Wilds , Ready / Willing , Vraska the Unseen , or someone else. The deck has already proven to be competitive with whatever I put in, (including Hythonia the Cruel ). Please help, I'm taking this to my next FNM. Thanks in advance and I apologize in advance if I don't take advice. deck-large:/reapers-junk/
Some1TookMyName says... #3
Right, it was mostly in there just for the one-to-one card interaction for Supreme Verdict and when there was more creatures. should I sideboard Ready / Willing or something like Rootborn Defenses or even Fleecemane Lion (which in earlier playtesting, because of the mana ramp I was able to monstrous it quick but took him out to focus the deck more) for the matchups with Supreme Verdict , my locale runs a lot of control/removal.Even with Read the Bones I should have Underworld Connections ? Or go with the pair and find other things for Read the Bones ' spot. I really appreciate the help it makes sense and I should face the facts instead of trying to play what I like since this won't be casual magic.
December 7, 2013 1:29 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #4
actually I have Golgari Charm to answer to Supreme Verdict .... lol
December 7, 2013 1:42 p.m.
I think mainboard you just don't care about Supreme Verdict . You're not emptying your hand to the board and Obzedat, Ghost Council is already resilient to it. You're not really winning that match by say keeping Reaper of the Wilds on the board. You're going to be grinding it out and trying to get something like a planeswalker to stick. Out of the sideboard, Golgari Charm is your best bet. It's cheap and versatile.
Read the Bones vs Underworld Connections . It depends on the meta. If you expect more grindy match ups, Underworld Connections is a must answer problem for your opponent. You'll quickly bury them in card advantage otherwise. Read the Bones is better in the "I need something now!" situation.
As for some other options to consider. Scavenging Ooze 1 or 2 are not to shabby to have around. You're going to be taking a bit of damage off some of your spells, and run a lot of removal to fill the yard. No more than 3 though, since they just end up getting in each other's way. Voice of Resurgence it's been seeing less play lately, but it's still quite good against both control and aggro, and Pillar of Flame is gone. Advent of the Wurm is great for playing a nice big threat at instant speed, sometimes get to block and just blow people out.
December 7, 2013 1:48 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #6
Thanks, I'll probably be spending all week making a decision. I did have Voice of Resurgence in at some point, and thought about Scavenging Ooze , we'll see, I'm sure when I play it Friday I'll have more of an idea.
Slycne says... #2
Ready / Willing , in fact I would pull them all. You only have 12 creatures, sans Elspeth, Sun's Champion tokens, and Sylvan Caryatid has no power and Obzedat, Ghost Council isn't going to often be around to take advantage of it. It's just not for this style of deck.
I would recommend cutting those 3 cards, I'd also shave Whip of Erebos to 1 since you don't ever want to see it in multiples and then bump the land count up to 25 and run a pair of Underworld Connections . You need to be able to hit your land drops even when you don't have Sylvan Caryatid , and Sylvan Caryatid is at its best when it's accelerating you, not when you're stuck on 2 lands and it.
December 7, 2013 1:08 p.m.