Standard Playtesting
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2013, 10:39 a.m. by raithe000
Hey, I've got a free day today and am looking for good decks to playtest my Standard deck against. I'll post a writeup of a best of three matchup after each one. I'm not great at sideboarding, so if you have suggestions for that for your deck, please let me know. First come, first served.
Valentine35 says... #3
i haven't gotten to playstest my deck yet, so feel free to try mine and let me know how it goes...Thassa lot of Scrying
October 29, 2013 10:50 a.m.
KickballTom says... #4
October 29, 2013 10:54 a.m.
SharuumNyan says... #5
Here's one that I've been working on. If definitely needs "something" but I don't know what. I'd like to run 4x Advent of the Wurm
, but I don't know what to remove for the other two.
October 29, 2013 11 a.m.
SharuumNyan says... #7
@Valentine35 - I've been trying to build an effective Izzet deck too. I believe that Dack Fayden will eventually be a planeswalker in a Theros set (didn't WotC confirm this?), and he'll be UR. Plus, we'll have the UR scryland and the UR dual god coming soon. So it's pretty much guaranteed that Izzet will be a thing eventually.
This is what I put together last night. It needs a lot of work. I'm most concerned about the curve.
October 29, 2013 11:06 a.m.
I took a shot at a competitive Izzet deck awhile back, if you're looking for ideas. Izzet The Business End?
That said, I would appreciate feedback on my Dimir control deck. Controlled by Demon SacThanks!
October 29, 2013 11:43 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #9
If you have time, my deck likes playtests.
All Hail Sedge Scorpion, the Storm Crow of Theros!
October 29, 2013 12:09 p.m.
Match 1 abenz419's Complete Darkness
Oddly enough, I don't think this is a great matchup for either deck. Complete Darkness has enough lifegain and powerful creatures to challenge my aggro, but my hexproof creatures prevent it from using its removal to full effect, so kind of a bad matchup either way. Will use shorthand of A for Complete Darkness and R for Bantron Hexproof
Game 1
A wins the roll and keeps a risky hand with a Desecration Demon
and enough land to play it but no removal or useful lower costing cards. R keeps a pretty standard hand for the deck, Gladecover Scout
and enchantments.
R gets off to a powerful start, steamrolling A before he can get his demon up and then dropping a topdecked Aqueous Form
on an already double Unflinching Courage
'd Gladecover when the demon does come in. A attempts to stabilize with a Gray Merchant of Asphodel
, but a Spell Rupture
for 5 is more than he can pay and he concedes on turn 7 with two life.
No sideboard for A, as he doesn't have one.
R switches out two Ordeal of Thassa
for Gift of Immortality
, worried about sac effects more than needing cards.
Game 2
Mulligans all around, as A gets a starting hand with one land and R gets no creatures. A keeps a very risky hand with a couple of Read the Bones
, hoping he can get creatures before R wins. R mulligans again on a one land hand he can't play anything off, keeps a hand with powerful enchantments but no creatures since he doesn't want to go to 4.
R gets lucky and has a Gladecover Scout
on turn three enchanted with Ethereal Armor
, but A manages to pull out both a Desecration Demon
and a Whip of Erebos
, and stalemates long enough to play an Agent of the Fates
and get rid of the one 12/12 R had, forcing him to concede (note: I accidentally closed the tab with A's deck before the end of the game, but I believe this is what would have happened.)
No sideboarding.
Game 3
R goes first and keeps a Gladecover Scout
+ Unflinching Courage
+ lands hand, while A mulligans his first hand as too slow and keeps one with Agent of the Fates
in it.
A's Whip of Erebos
allows him to stay in the game for awhile, but the only card he can use on his Agent is Hero's Downfall
and he does not manage to draw anything to deal with R's heavily enchanted Gladecover Scout
and Witchstalker
, leading to a slow loss.
Not the best showing for my deck, but adequate. abenz419, the deck only managed to last as long as it did because of the lifegain off Whip. If you start seeing hexproof in your local meta, sideboard in more edicts or a Glaring Spotlight , or you probably won't be able to deal with them.
Full battle account:
Game 1
A wins roll
A starting Hand: 3x Swamp, 1x Orzhov Guildgate, 1x Boon of Erebos, 1x Desecration Demon
R Starting Hand: 1x Detention Sphere, 2x Temple of Mystery, 1x Plains, 1x Hopeful Eidolon, 1x Gladecover Scout, 1x Unflinching Courage
A1 Play Orzhov Guildgate
R1 Draw Temple of Mystery, play Temple of Mystery, scry Unflinching courage, sticks
A2 Draw Read the Bones, play Swamp
R2 Draw Unflinching Courage, Play Gladcover Scout, Play Temple of Mystery, scry Fleecemane Lion, sticks
A3 Draw Hero's Downfall, play Swamp, Play Read the Bones, scry Doomblade and Desecration Demon, put Doomblade on bottom, draw Desecration demon and Swamp, lose 2 life, at 18
R3 Draw Fleecemane Lion, play Plains, play Unflinching courage on Gladecover Scout, swing 3 lifelink, life totals A 15, R 23
A4 draw Doom Blade, play Swamp, play Desecration Demon
R4 draw plains, play Temple of mystery, scry Temple Gardens, bottom, play Detention Sphere exiling Desecration demon, swing three, life totals A 12, R 26
A5 draw swamp, play swamp, play Desecration Demon
R5 Draw Aqueous Form, Fleecemane judged too risky against black white, play Unflinching Courage and Aqueous Form on Gladecover, Swing 5, scry Hopeful eidolon, bottom, life totals a 7, R 31
A6 Draw Swamp, play Swamp, swing 6
R6 Draw Spell Rupture, Swing 5, scry Aqueous Form, Bottom, life totals A 2, R 30
A7 draw Gray merchant of Asphodel, play swamp, play gray Merchant, R counters with Spell rupture, A concedes
R Pull two Ordeal of thassa for two Gift of Immortality
Game 2, A goes first
A Starting hand: 1x Swamp, 1x Gray Merchant, 1x Hero's downfall, 1x boon of erebos, 1x orzhov guildgate, 1x gods willing, 1x read the bones, mulligans, 3x swamp, 2x Read the bones, 1x boon of erebos, keeps in hope of scrying
R starting hand: 1x ajani, 1x spell rupture, 1x aqueous form, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x plains, 1x detention sphere, 1x hallowed fountain, mulligans on no creatures, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x aqueous form, 1x ethereal armor, 1x gladecover scout, 1x gift of immortality, 1x detention sphere, mulligans on relying on land drops, 2x unflinching courage, 1x ethereal armor, 1x plains, 1x temple garden, keeps and hopes
A1 play swamp
R1 draw Spell rupture, play temple garden tapped
A2 draw read the bones, play swamp
R2 draw Breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped
A3 draw swamp, play swamp, play read the bones, scry Orzhov Guildgate and hero's downfall, put both on bottom, draw swamp and desecration demon, lose two life, life totals A 18, R 20
R3 draw Gladecover Scout, play Gladecover scout, play Ethereal Armor on gladecover scout, play plains
A4 draw doom blade, play swamp, play Desecration demon
R4 draw plains, play unflinching courage on Gladecover scout
A5 draw Whip of erebos, play swamp, play whip, swing 6, lifet totals, A 24, R 14
R5 draw aqueous form, play aqueous form and unflinching courage on Gladecover scout, swing 9, scry fleecemane, bottom, life totals, A 15, R 23
A6 draw doomblade, play Read the bones in hope of agent, scry two swamps, bottom both, draw gray merchant and swamp, lose two life, play swamp, swing 6, life totals A 19, R 17
R6 draw Witchstalker, swing 9, scry temple of mystery, bottom, lifetotals, A 10, R 26
A7 draw gods willing, play Gray merchant of asphodel, R counters with spell rupture, swing 6, life total A 16, R 20
R7 draw gift of orzhova, swing 9, scry temple of mystery, bottom, life totals, A 7, R 29
A8 draw swamp, play swamp, whip back gray merchant, drain 6, swing 8, life totals A 21, R 15, risk read the bones, scry swamp and gods willing, both on bottom, draw whip and agent, lose 2, A 19
R8 draw aqeous form, play gift of orzhova and aqueous form on Gladecover, swing 12, scry gift of orzhova, bottom, scry plains, bottom life totals A 7, R 27, R screws up by accidentally closing the tab with A's deck in it and decides that after forcing the gladecover's sacrifice next turn, would probably have conceded
Game 3, R goes first
R starting hand: 1x plains, 2x hallowed fountain, 2x breeding pool, 1x Unflinching courage, 1x gladecover scout
A starting hand: 2x doom blade, 1x orzhov guildgate, 2x swamp, 1x gray merchant, 1x boon of erebos, mulligan as too slow, 2x doom blade, 2x swamp, 1x agent, 1x gods willing
R1 play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover
A1 draw swamp, play swamp
R2 draw aqueous form, play hallowed fountain tapped, play aqueous form on gladecover, swing 1, scry plains, bottom, life totals R 18, A 19
A2 draw seamp, play swamp
R3 draw aqueous form, play plains, play unflinching courage on gladecover, swing 3, scry witchstalker, stick, life totals R 21, A 16
A3 draw Whip, play swamp, play agent
R4 draw witchstalker, play breeding pool tapped, swing 3, scry temple of mystery, bottom, life totals R 24, A 13
A4 draw Hero's downfall, play swamp, play whip, swing 3, life totals R 21, A 16
R5 draw hopeful Eidolon, swing 3, scry fleecemane, bottom, life totals R 24, A 13, play hallowed fountain tapped, play witchstalker, play aqueous form on witchstalker
A5 draw Whip of Erebos, swing 3, no blocks, life totals R 21, A 16
R6 draw Gift of Immortality, bestow hopeful eidolon on Witchstalker, swing 7, scry unflinching courage, stick, life totals R 28, A 9
A6 draw doom blade, swing 3, life totals R 25, A 12, consider hero's downfall on agent, but decide not worth it.
R7 draw Unflinching courage, play Gift of immortality on Witchstalker, swing 7, scry spell rupture, sticks, life totals R 32, A 5
A7 draw Gods willing, swing 3, life totals R 29, A 8
R8 draw Spell rupture, play unflinching courage on gladecover, before combat, A hero's downfalls Agent, R sacrifices gladecover, witchstalker gets a +1/+1 counter, swing 5, scry hallowed fountain, bottom life totals R 34, A 3
A8 draw swamp, play swamo, whip back agent, swing 3, life totals R 31, A 6, exile agent
R9 draw gladecover, swing 5, scry detention sphere, sticks, life totals R 36, A1
A9 draw underworld connections, concedes
October 29, 2013 12:40 p.m.
Here's my esper control deck: Heisenberg. Interested to see how it goes.
I'm not sure how I would sideboard this. Maybe kick in the mill machine? Like:
-1 AEtherling
-2 Hero's Downfall
-2 Detention Sphere
+1 Thoughtseize
+2 Jace, Memory Adept
+2 Glare of Heresy
and work for 2 for 1 or better with wraths (elspeth and verdict), use Thoughtseize on just creatures and to know when it's critical to hold a counter (creatures), Detention Sphere on ajani, e armor, u courage, Glare of Heresy for your fleecemane, d. sphere, and ajani, and mill like crazy with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to steal creatures then use them to chump block until Jace, Memory Adept can kick the mill into overdrive.
Or I might sideboard the big guns:
-1 AEtherling
-2 Detention Sphere
-3 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
+1 Thoughtseize
+3 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
+2 Glare of Heresy
and play largely as above (get 2 for 1 or better with wrath, target creatures with Thoughtseize ), but use the Blood Baron to stabilize. I haven't played against hexproof with this deck extensively and would be interested to see how it does, especially with the two sideboard options.
October 29, 2013 1:13 p.m.
natemacfad says... #12
Hey! I'll try out your deck too. Mine is here:
October 29, 2013 1:37 p.m.
Hmm.. actually, after thinking about it I wouldn't sideboard the Detention Sphere
, the creatures may be hexproof, but the Detention Sphere
's can help a lot to minimize the damage. Hero's Downfall
would definitely come out. Also mill is too slow, and gives creatures that can't even 2 for 1, so forget that.
-3 Hero's Downfall
-3 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
+2 Glare of Heresy
+1 Thoughtseize
+3 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
that's the correct sideboard call.
October 29, 2013 2:17 p.m.
Match 2 against Valentine35's Thassa lot of ScryingThis is where my deck has a very strong matchup. Straight aggro (usually) can't deal with my creatures, and I have enough life-link to prevent racing from being effective. I will again use R for Bantron Hexproof, but V for Thassa Lot of Scying.
Game 1
R wins the roll, and mulligans his first hand due to lack of land. V keeps a hand that is a little mana light, but provides a number of powerful plays, including the signature Flamespeaker Adept
R gets off to a very good start with the combo of a Hopeful Eidolon
and Ethereal Armor
on turns 1 and 2, but V manages to stall him there for a little while with Frostburn Weird
as both fail to draw lands. However, R pulls lands first and manages to use trample and flying to swing in enough damage that by the time V does get his third land on turn 6, it is too late.
No sideboarding on either side, as this is a good matchup for R and V has no sideboard
Game 2V elects to play first, and keeps a very powerful starting hand with a Goblin Electromancer
and a couple Titan's Strength
s in it. R is forced to mulligan twice, once on no creatures and once on no lands, before keeping a barely playable 5 land hand.
V starts out on the offensive, drawing into a Flamespeaker Adept
and quickly building up a powerful offense, including a massive 12 power swing on turn 4. However, he gets mana flooded after that and R manages to pull out a win with an enchanted monstrous Fleecemane Lion
and Ajani, Caller of the Pride
Valentine35, this is a good deck and might have had a shot if you hadn't gotten mana flooded both times. That 12 swing on turn 4 was epic, but I think you may want to make the deck less focused on scry, at least until we get more creatures that care about scrying.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins the roll.
R starting hand: 2x ajani, 1x spell rupture, 1x unflinching courage, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x temple of mystery, mulligan on one land, 1x ethereal armor, 1x detention sphere, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hopeful eidolon, mulligan on no lands, 1x hopeful eidolon, 2x temple garden, 1x unflinching courage, 1x detention sphere, keep and hope
V starting hand: 2x island, 1x steam augury, 1x flamespeaker adept, 1x dissolve, 1x voyage's end, 1x frostburn weird, keepR1 play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play hopeful eidolon
V1 draw mizzium skin, play island
R2 draw Ethereal armor, play ethereal armor on hopeful eidolon, play temple garden tapped, swing 3, life totals R 21, V 17
V2 draw mizzium skin, play island, play frostburn weird
R3 draw gift of orzhova, pass turn
V3 draw Thassa, pass turn
R4 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, pass turn, V plays voyage's end on hopeful Eidolon, scrys Goblin electromancer, bottom
V4 draw dissolve, pass turn
R5 draw hallowed foundtain, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 19, play unflinching courage on fleecemane lion, swing 5, no blocks, life totals R 24, V 12
V5 draw Omenspeaker, play omenspeaker, scry voyage's end and goblin electromancer, put both on bottom in hopes of land
R6 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry spell rupture, sticks, play gift of orzhova on Fleecemane Lion, swing 6, life totals R 30, V 6
V6 draw mountain, concede as nothing can stop death next turn
No sideboarding
Game 2
V plays first
V starting hand: 1x syncopate, 1x goblin electromancer, 2x titan's strength, 1x izzet guildgate, 1x island, 1x steam vent, keep
R starting hand: 1x plains, 1x ajani, 1x breeding pool, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x detention sphere, 2x unflinching courage, mulligan on no creatures, 1x unflinching courage, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x aqueous form, 1x gladecover scout, mulligan on no lands, 1x detention sphere, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x breeding pool, 1x plains, keep
V1 play izzet guildgate
R1 draw temple of mystery, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
V2 draw flamespeaker adept, play island, play goblin electromancer
R2 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry fleecemane lion, sticks, pass turn
V3 draw frostburn weird, play steam vents, shock self, V 18, play flamespeaker adept, swing 2, no blocks, life totals, V 18, R 16
R3 draw Fleecemane lion, play plains, play fleecemane lion, pass turn
V4 draw flamespeaker adept, swing 2, no blocks, 2x titan's strength on flamespeaker adept, scry steam vents, sticks, life totals V 18, R 4
R4 draw Ordeal of thassa, play temple of Mystery, scry fleecemane lion, bottom, play detention sphere, V plays syncopate for 1, detention sphere exiled, pass turn
V5 draw steam vents, play steam vents tapped, play flamespeaker adept, pass turn
R5 draw plains, play plains, pass turn
V6 draw island, play island, play frostburn weird, pass turn, R Monstrous's Fleecemane
R6 draw Unflinching courage, play hallowed fountain tapped, play unflinching courage and ordeal of thassa on fleecemane, swing 7, no blocks, life totals V 11, R 11
V7 draw island, swing 7, gladecover blocks a flamespeaker, pump frostburn for 2, life totals V 11, R 4, play island
R7 draw Ajani, play ajani, use ajani's -3 on fleecemane, swing 7 double strike, game
October 29, 2013 2:43 p.m.
Nice write-ups raithe000
btw, how do you get the deck to list all "fancy like"
October 29, 2013 2:52 p.m.
@Apoptosis [ [deck-large:deckname] ] without the spaces
and thanks!
October 29, 2013 2:54 p.m.
October 29, 2013 3:02 p.m.
Match 3 against KickballTom's Miz - Awesome Enforced
This was a very quick couple of games (turn 5 and 4 wins), so I'm not going to go over it like above. KickballTom, you have an above-average start here, but it just wasn't able to keep up with my deck. I think you are ok on the number of lands you are running, but you may want to run better removal, fewer 2-ofs, and pull the Anger of the Gods
out of your sideboard, since it doesn't combo well with the deck.
Game 1
R wins the roll
R starting hand: 1x Ethereal armor, 3x plains, 1x breeding pool, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x fleecemane lion, keep
K starting hand: 1x skyknight legionaire, 1x dauntless onslaught, 1x judge's familiar, 1x fabled hero, 1x favored hoplite, 1x mountain, 1x cavalry pegasus, mulligan on one land, 1x phalanx leader, 1x mountain, 1x anax and cymede, 1x ordeal of heliod, 1x dauntless onslaught, 1x plains
R1 play breeding pool
K1 draw titan's strength, play plains
R2 draw unflinching courage, play plains, play fleecemane lion
K2 draw Dauntless onslaught, play mountain
R3 draw Hopeful eidolon, play plains, play unflinching courage on fleecemane lion, swing 5, life totals R 25, K 15
K3 draw judge's familiar, play judge's familiar
R4 draw Fleecemane Lion, play plains, play ethereal armor and gift of orzhova on fleecemane lion, swing 9, no blocks since it has trample, life totals R 24, K 6
K4 draw plains, play plains, play phalanx leader, concede as unable to prevent enough damage to survive
R does not sideboard, matchup already good
K sideboards out 3x banisher priest, 2x gift of immortality, and 4x judge's familiar for 2x favored hoplite, 2x madcap skills, 2x lightning strike, 2x celestial flare, and 1x titan's strength, leaning more towards racing and relevant removal for fleecemane/ hexproofGame 2
K goes first
K starting hand: 1x anax and cymede, 2x dauntless onslaught, 1x plains, 1x madcap skills, 1x plains, 1x madcap skills, 1x cavalry pegasus, 1x lightning strike, mulligan on one land, 1x madcap skills, 1x titan's strength, 2x plains, 1x boros guildgate, 1x phalanx leader, keep
R starting hand: 2x gladecover scout, 2x ethereal armor, 1x breeding pool, 1x aqueous form, 1x plains, snap keep
K1 play boros guildgate
R1 draw unflinching Courage, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
K2 draw Lightning strike, play plains, play Phalanx leader
R2 draw Ethereal Armor (wow, lucky), play plains, play ethereal armor and Aqueous form on Gladecover Scout, swing 3 unblockable, scry Breeding pool, sticks, life totals K 17, R 18
K3 draw Phalanx Leader, play plains, play madcap skills on phalanx leader, swing 5, life totals K 17, R 13
R3 draw Breeding pool, play breeding pool, shock self, R 11, play unflinching courage on gladecover scout, swing 6 unblockable, life totals K 11, R 17
K4 draw Dauntless Onslaught, play Phalanx Leader, play titan's strength on first phalanx leader, scry plains, bottom, swing 9, life totals K 11, R 8
R4 draw fleecemane lion, play gladecover scout, play ethereal armor on first gladecover scout, swing 11 unblockable, scry gift of Orzhova, bottom, game
October 29, 2013 4:15 p.m.
Alright, I'm done for today, but I'll keep working through the list at other times, so keep posting if you want your deck tested.
October 29, 2013 5:02 p.m.
Ok, not done for today as it turns out.
Match 4 against SharuumNyan's Beast King GoLion
This is the closest I've seen to a mirror match for this deck, so it should be interesting. I think my deck is a little faster, but Sharruum's has more power and board presence behind it. R for Bantron, S for for Beast King.
Game 1S starts off and keeps a powerful hand with two Voice of Resurgence
s in it, while R risks a weak hand with plenty of land and a turn 1 creature.
S starts off to a strong start, but R manages to use a Detention Sphere
to get rid of both voices without creating tokens. Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
appears, but a loaded up Gladecover Scout
isn't worth chumping and then can't be blocked due to flying. Trostani still manages to keep S alive via populating Knight and Wurm tokens, but two Ethereal Armor
on the Scout prevents it from keeping up, and S loses.
S trades out 2x Rootborn Defenses
, a Boon Satyr
, and a Soldier of the Pantheon
for 3x Sundering Growth
and a third Trostani in hopes of both staying alive and killing auras. R changes out a couple of Aqueous Form
s for Ordeal of Thassa
s, worried that a long gain will require more card draw.
Game 2
S elects to go first and keeps a very powerful hand, while R mulligans down to 4 on a series of bad hands. With no additional land draws all game, S easily steamrolls R with the 3 creatures it gets online.
Game 3
R chooses to go first and keeps a risky hand, hoping to scry his way into white mana. S again gets a very powerful hand and elects to keep it.
R luckily scrys into a Temple Garden
and manages to overwhelm S very quickly with an unblockable Ethereal Armor
ed Fleecemane Lion
. S tries to stabilize with a Boon Satyr
enchanted with Unflinching Courage
, but concedes when a Detention Sphere
takes it out.
SharuumNyan This a very good deck and gave me a run for my money, although the second game was not really representative of either deck. +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
S wins roll
S starting hand: 2x voice of resurgence, 2x forest, 2x plains, 1x temple garden
R starting hand: 1x hallowed fountain, 1x temple of mystery, 1x detention sphere, 1x breeding pool, 1x plains, 1x gladecover scout, 1x temple garden, keep
S1 play temple garden
R1 draw Gladecover scout, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
S2 draw trostani, play forest, play voice of resurgence
R2 draw unflinching courage, play temple of mystery, scry gift of orzhova, sticks, play gladecover scout
S3 draw selesnya charm, play plains, swing 2, no blocks, life totals S 20, R 16, play voice of resurgence
R3 draw gift of orzhova, play plains, play detention sphere exiling both voices, swing 2, life totals S 18, R 16
S4 draw forest, play forest, play trostani
R4 draw ethereal Armor, play Temple garden, shock self, R 14, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout, play unflinching courage on gladecover scout, swing 6, no blocks, life totals S 14, R 20
S5 draw forest, play plains, pass turn
R5 draw Gladecover Scout, play gift of Orzhova on enchanted gladecover scout, play hallowed fountain tapped, play third gladecover scout, swing 8 flying, life totals S 6, R 28, S plays selesnya charm in third mode at end of turn, gains 2 life, S 8, the populates the token, gains 2 life, S 10
S6 draw unflinching courage, play forest, play unflinching courage on knight token, swing 6, no blocks, Life totals S 14, R 24
R6 draw witchstalker, play witchstalker, swing 8 flying, life totals S 6, R 32, end of turn S populates a token, gains 2, S 8
S7 draw advent of the wurm, play forest, swing 4, double block with witchstalker and second gladecover, life totals S 12, R 32
R7 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry hallowed fountain, bottom, swing 8 flying, life totals S 4, R 40, end of turn S plays advent of the wurm and populates the token, gains 10, S 14
S8 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, gain 3 life, S 17, swing 14, no blocks, life totals S 17, R 26
R8 draw ethereal armor, play ethereal armor on enchanted gladecover scout, swing 14 flying, life totals S 3, R 40, end of turn S populates a wurm token, gains 5, S 8
S9 draw forest, max damage is 25, max lifegain is 5, concedes
SideboardR sideboards out an 2 aqueous forms for two Ordeals of thassa, worried about longer games
S sides out 2x Rootborn defenses, 1x soldier of the pantheon and 1x boon satyr for 3x sundering growth and 1x trostani, worried about lifegain and dealing with enchantments
Game 2
S goes first
S starting hand: 1x plains, 2x forest, 1x advent of the wurm, 1x boon satyr, 1x ajani, 1x voice of resurgence, keep
R starting hand: 1x breeding pool, 1x detention sphere, 2x temple of mystery, 1x spell rupture, 1x ethereal armor, 1x hopeful eidolon, mulligans on no playable creatures, 2x plains, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x ajani, 1x detention sphere, 1x gladecover scout, mulligan again, 1x breeding pool, 1x temple of mystery, 1x spell rupture, 1x plains, 1x detention sphere, mulligans again, 2x breeding pool, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x ajani, keep and hope
S1 play forest
R1 draw detention sphere, play breeding pool tapped
S2 draw sundering growth, play forest, play voice of resurgence
R2 draw detention sphere, play breeding pool tapped
S3 draw sundering growth, play forest, swing 2, life totals S 20, R 18
R3 draw hopeful eidolon, pass turn, S plays boon satyr at end of turn
S4 draw ajani, swing 6, life totals S 20, R 12
R4 draw witchstalker, pass turn
S5 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, swing 6, life totals S 20, R 6
R5 draw Aqeuous form, concede
No sideboarding
Game 3R goes firstR starting hand: 1x ethereal armor, 2x breeding pool, 1x aqeuous form, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x temple of mystery, keep and hope for white mana
S starting hand: 2x forest, 1x trostani, 1x unflinching courage, 1x voice of resurgence, 1x selesnya guildgate, 1x boon satyr, keep
R1 play temple of mystery, scry temple garden, sticks
S1 draw forest, play selesnya guildgate
R2 draw temple garden, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play fleecemane lion
S2 draw plains, play forest, play voice of resurgence
R3 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped, play ethereal armor and aqueous form on fleecemane, swing 5, scry gladecover scout, bottom, life totals S 15, R 18
S3 draw plains, play forest, swing 2, life totals S 15, R 16
R4 draw spell rupture, play breeding pool, shock self, R 14, bestow Hopeful Eidolon on Fleecemane lion, swing 7 unblockable, scry detention sphere, sticks, life totals S 8, R 21, S plays boon satyr at end of turn
S4 draw soldier of the Pantheon, play plains, play soldier of the pantheon, play unflinching courage on Boon Satyr, swing 9, life totals S 15, R 12
R5 draw detention sphere, play breeding pool tapped, play detention sphere targetting boon satyr, S gains 1 life, S 16, swing 8, scry unflinching courage, sticks, life totals S 8, R 20
S5 draw advent of the wurm, can't play trostani and the wurm, can't gain life, concedes
October 29, 2013 8:02 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #21
Here, try this one on for size... I am thinking about running it again this weekend, if I don't, then I am going to play modern instead. JFC.
October 29, 2013 8:23 p.m.
Valentine35 says... #22
thanks raithe000 that was really cool, my deck needed some input.
October 30, 2013 6:59 a.m.
I've put up some decks that are clones of recent tournament decks that I use for testing. I'll also throw in one of my own that is a different archetype:
October 30, 2013 10:38 a.m.
Match 5 against fluffybunnypants Yippie Ki YayThis is an interesting matchup. There is enough control elements to disrupt me, and enough powerful creatures that if I don't get off to an early start I will probably die. I'm not sure I piloted fluffybunnypants's deck very well, so please tell me if I messed it up somewhere. R is for Bantron, F is for Yippie.
Game 1
Rather boring game. F manages to Thoughtseize
R's lone creature turn 1, and R draws none for the rest of the game. An Obzedat, Ghost Council
on curve seals the deal.
Game 2
F is forced down to 5 in mulligans (probably due to pilot's ineptness), but manages to hold his own for the early part of the game. A heavily buffed Gladecover Scout
combined with Ajani, Caller of the Pride
is too much to handle, however, especially with the last turn topdeck of Ethereal Armor
Game 3
Exciting, but in all the wrong ways. F mulligans once and keeps a fairly safe hand, while R runs a very risky hand with no playable creatures. R's inability to draw any green looks like it will doom him, but an incredibly lucky series of topdecks snags the win out from under F. Seriously, I should have lost this one.
fluffybunnypants your deck looks quite strong, if a little unfocused. This did not turn out to be a good playtest, but that was mainly due to my ineptitude and the card's deciding to give really boring games. +1 from me.
Full Battle Account
Game 1
F wins roll
F starting hand: 1x temple of triumph, 1x swamp, 1x obzedat, 1x plains, 1x blood crypt, 1x thoughtseize, 1x doom blade, keep
R starting hand: 1x temple of mystery, 1x temple garden, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x gladecover scout, 1x unflinching courage, 1x breeding pool, 1x plains, keep
F1 play swamp, thoughtseize, R discards gladecover scout, lose 2 life, F 18
R1 draw breeding pool, play temple of mystery, scry ethereal armor, sticks for power
F2 draw blood crypt, play temple of triumph, scry godless shrine, bottom
R2 draw ethereal armor, play temple garden tapped
F3 draw temple of silence, play temple of silence, scry blood crypt, bottom
R3 draw plains, play hallowed fountain tapped
F4 draw mizzium mortars, play blood crypt tapped
R4 draw Gift of Orzhova, play breeding pool tapped
F5 draw doom blade, play plains, play obzedat, drain 2, life totals F 20, R 18, exile Obzedat at end step
R5 draw plains, play breeding pool tapped
F6 Obzedat returns, drain 2, life totals F 22, R 16, draw sacred foundry, play blood crypt tapped, swing 5, life totals F 22, R 11, exile obzedat at end step
R6 draw Detention Sphere, play plains
F7 Obzedat returns, drain 2, life totals F 24, R 9, draw plains, play sacred foundry tapped, swing 5, life totals F 24, R 4, exile obzedat
R7 draw temple of mystery, concede
No sideboarding due to seeing almost no cards on either side
Game 2R goes firstR starting hand: 1x gladecover scout, 1x aqeuous form, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x temple garden, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x ajani, 1x temple of mystery, keep
F starting hand: 1x doom blade, 1x godless shrine, 1x temple of silence, 1x blood crypt, 1x lightning strike, 1x mizzium mortars, 1x sacred foundry, mulligan as too removal heavy against hexproof, 2x temple of mystery, 2x blood crypt, 1x godless shrine, 1x thoughtseize, mulligan as too land heavy, 1x mizzium mortars, 1x rakdos keyrune, 1x temple of silence, 1x lightning strike, 1x temple of triumph, keep
R1 play temple of mystery, scry hopeful eidolon, bottom
F1 draw swamp, play temple of silence, scry hero's downfall, bottom
R2 draw gift of orzhova, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play fleecemane lion
F2 draw sacred foundry, play sacred foundry, shock self, F 18
R3 draw detention sphere, play aqeuous form on fleecemane lion, F lightning strikes fleecemane, play gladecover scout
F3 draw boros reckoner, play temple of triumph, scry rakdos guildgate, bottom
R4 draw plains, play plains, play gift of orzhova on Gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals R 20, F 16F4 draw aurelia, play swamp, play boros reckoner
R5 draw hopeful Eidolon, play Ordeal of Thassa on Gladecover, swing 3 flying, life totals R 23, F 13F5 draw Rakdos's return, play rakdos's return for 2, R discards detention sphere and hopeful eidolon, R 21, swing 3, life total R 18, F 13
R6 draw hallowed fountain, play ajani, use ajani's +1 on gladecover, swing 5, ordeal of thassa pops, draw ordeal of thassa and witchstalker, life totals R 23, F 8, play hallowed fountain tapped
F6 draw blood crypt, play blood crypt tapped, play rakdos keyrune, swing 3 at ajani
R7 draw ethereal armor, play ethereal armor and ordeal of thassa on Gladecover, swing for game
F sideboards out rakdos keyrune and 2x dreadbore for 3x anger of the gods
R sideboards nothing
Game 3
F goes firstF starting hand: 1x temple of Silence, 2x boros reckoner, 1x swamp, 1x read the bones, 1x obzedat, 1x sacred foundry, mulligan on bad colors, 1x temple of silence, 2x desecration demon, 1x godless shrine, 1x boros reckoner, 1x hero's downfall, keep
R starting hand: 1x unflinching courage, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x ethereal armor, 1x plains, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x detention sphere, keep and hope for green
F1 play temple of silence, scry read the bones, bottom
R1 draw ajani, play hallowed fountain tapped
F2 draw temple of triumph, play temple of triumph, scry reckoner, bottom
R2 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped
F3 draw anger of the gods, play godless shrine, shock self, F 18, play boros reckoner
R3 draw gladecover scout, play plains, play detention sphere exiling boros reckoner
F4 draw temple of silence, play temple of silence, scry obzedat, sticks
R4 draw ethereal armor, play ajani, +1 ajani, F hero's dowfall's ajani
F5 draw obzedat, play desecration demon
R5 draw hopeful eidolon, play hopeful eidolon, play 2x ethereal armor on hopeful eidolon
F6 draw temple of triumph, play temple of triumph, scry anger of the gods, bottom, play desecration demon, swing 6 flying, life totals F 18, R 14
R6 draw deteniton sphere, play detention sphere exiling Desecration demons, swing 11, life totals F 7, R 25
F7 draw Chandra, play obzedat, drain 2, life total F 9, R 23, do not exile obzedat so he can block
R7 draw aqeuous form, play aqeuous form on Hopeful Eidolon, swing for game
October 30, 2013 11:36 p.m.
Match 6 against Twyn's Controlled by Demon Sac
This is the weakest matchup for me so fat. Twyn's deck is heavy on removal, including several edict effects, and if he can stall out will crush me with one of his win cons. My deck has sideboard stuff for Esper and American control, but Dimir is not a good matchup. Again, I'm not great at running control, so if I made mistakes, tell me R for Bantron, T for Controlled.
Game 1
R wins the roll and keeps a pretty standard hand for the deck. T keeps a hand full of removal and a desecration demon for a win-con.
R gets off to a good start, but a Devour Flesh
on his lone creature breaks the offensive. A Hopeful Eidolon
dies to a Doom Blade
before it can be suited up, and dual Desecration Demon
s spell out a win for T.
R removes a couple of Hopeful Eidolon
s for Gift of Immortality
s, hoping to defuse the threat posed by edicts, while T trades out the Doom Blade
s for a couple Ratchet Bomb
s and a third Desecration Demon, figuring that this is a Hexproof deck and mass removal is better than pin-point.
Game 2
R elects to go first and mulligans a hand with no playables, keeping a weak 6 due to worries about not having enough cards. T mulligans a one-land hand, keeping a high scry potential hand.
R manages to build momentum quickly with an Ordeal of Thassa
on a Fleecemane Lion
, smashing apart T's early defenses. T isn't able to pull any removal, unfortunately, and a Detention Sphere
on his Desecration Demon
ends the game, despite a Jace, Architect of Thought
T sideboards out Dimir Charm
s for 2x Essence Scatter
and a Negate
(pilot forgot to actually read what the charm does in the last sideboard).
Game 3
T finally gets to go first, mulliganing a black spell, blue land hand for a very blue heavy hand with scry and a win-con. R keeps a powerful hand with Ethereal Armor
, two creatures, and Ajani, Caller of the Pride
R commands the game with his Aqueous Form
ed Gladecover Scout
, scrying almost perfectly into what he needs. T does not manage to get to two black mana in time, despite his scrying, and a double striking unblockable creature (courtesy of Ajani) is just too much to handle.
Twyn, very nice deck. I was sure this was a horrible matchup for me, and if you hadn't draw almost no removal in games 2 and 3, it would almost certainly have gone another way. I definitely need to rebuild my deck, Gift of Immortality does not do enough against edicts. Thank you, and a +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins roll
R starting hand: 1x plains, 1x breeding pool, 2x temple garden, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x ethereal armor, 1x gladecover scout, keep
T starting hand: 1x swamp, 1x temple of deceit, 1x desecration demon, 1x hero's downfall, 2x doom blade, 1x devour flesh
R1 play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
T1 draw swamp, play temple of deceit, scry island, sticks
R2 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals R 18, T 18
T2 draw island, play swamp
R3 draw hopeful eidolon, play plains, play gift of orzhova targeting Gladecover scout, in respose T casts devour flesh, R sacs gladecover and gains 2, R 20
T3 draw watery grave, play island
R4 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped, play hopeful eidolon, EOT T doom blades hopeful eidolon
T4 draw desecration demon, play swamp, play desecration demon
R5 draw plains, play breeding pool tapped
T5 draw mutavault, play watery grave tapped, play desecration demon, swing 6, life totals R 14, T 18
R6 draw temple of mystery, concede as unwinnable
T sideboards out 3x doom blade for 2x ratchet bomb and 1x desecration demon
R sideboards out 2x hopeful eidolon for 2x gift of immortality
Game 2
R goes firstR starting hand: 1x spell rupture, 1x plains, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x witchstalker, 1x temple garden, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x unflinching courage, mulligan, 1x temple garden, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x plains, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x breeding pool, keep
T starting hand: 2x dissolve, 1x ratchet bomb, 1x island, 1x omenspeaker, 1x desecration demon, 1x dimir charm, mulligan, 1x desecration demon, 2x temple of deceit, 1x dissolve, 1x omenspeaker, 1x watery grave, keep
R1 play breeding pool tapped
T1 draw island, play temple of deceit, scry hero's downfall, bottom
R2 draw detention sphere, play plains, play fleecemane lion
T2 draw swamp, play island, play omenspeaker, scry dimir charm and thoughtseize, dimir charm on bottom, thoughtseize on top
R3 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, play ordeal of thassa on fleecemane, swing 4, T blocks with omenspeaker
T3 draw thoughtseize, play swamp
R4 draw witchstalker, play hallowed fountain tapped, swing 5, life totals R 20, T 15, play witchstalker, T counters witchstalker with dissolve, T scrys dissolve, sticks
T4 draw dissolve, play watery grave, shock self, T 13, play desecration demon
R5 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry gift of immortality, sticks, play detention sphere exiling desecration demon, swing 6, ordeal of thassa pops, draw gift of immortality and temple garden, life totals T 13, R 20
T5 draw jace AOT, play temple of deceit, scry swamp, bottom, play Jace AOT, use Jace AOT's -2, reveal ashiok, far/away, and dissolve, R sorts dissolve and ashiok together, T puts far/away in hand and ashiok and dissolve on bottom
R6 draw ethereal armor, play ethereal armor on fleecemane, swing for game
R does not sideboard
T sideboards out 3x Dimir charm for 2x essence scatter and 1x negate
Game 3T goes first
T starting hand: 1x thought seize, 1x devour flesh, 1x ratchet bomb, 1x far / away, 2x island, 1x mutavault, mulligan on no black, 3x island, 1x omenspeaker, 1x negate, 1x desecration demon, keep hoping scry helps
R starting hand: 1x ethereal armor, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x gladecover scout, 1x breeding pool, 1x temple garden, 1x ajani, 1x plains, keep
T1 play islandR1 draw aqeuous form, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
T2 draw island, play island, play omenspeaker, scry swamp and ashiok, put ashiok on bottom and swamp on top
R2 draw gift of orzhova, play plains, play aqeuous form and ethereal armor on gladecover scout, swing 3 unblockable, scry detention sphere, sticks, life totals T 17, R 18
T3 draw swamp, play swamp, swing 1, life totals T 17, R 17
R3 draw detention sphere, play temple garden, shock self, R 15, play gift of orzhova on Gladecover scout, T negates it, swing 3, scry plains, bottom, life totals T 14, R 15
T4 draw opportunity, play island, swing 1, life totals T 14, R 14
R4 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped, play ajani, use ajani's +1 on gladecover, swing 4, scry plains, bottom, life totals T 10, R 14
T5 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry opportunity, bottom, swing 1 at ajani
R5 draw gladecover scout, play fleecemane lion, use ajani's -3 on gladecover, swing 4 double strike, scry gift of orzhova, sticks, life totals T 2, R 14
T6 draw island, concede
October 31, 2013 11:56 a.m.
Wow, thanks for the excellent write-up. I like this matchup a lot, since I have so many sac effects, but if I don't draw any, your creatures get scary FAST. I don't think I would have dropped the Doom Blades in this matchup though, more likely to get rid of either the Charms, Thoughtseize or Syncopates for the stuff you brought in. I've not been super impressed with Ratchet Bomb, although I can see why it's great in this matchup.
I'm glad my deck was competitive without going Esper. I lack the sweeper and revelation that white provides, but the spot removal and (generally) more consistent mana base seem to make up for it as long as I can keep pace with my removal.
October 31, 2013 12:43 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #27
@ raithe000 I might've kept that opening hand game 3 and that Anger that got scryed away. To be honest I'd have to take a closer look at the play by play. Thanks for posting it and playtesting the deck. Glad you enjoyed playing it.
October 31, 2013 12:55 p.m.
I'm trying to improve my game, could you explain those choices, please?
I wasn't sure about game 3's opening hand, but I thought you would feel you need early creatures or removal against an agrro deck like mine. Was the reason to keep the Read the Bones , or something else?
The thing about the Anger of the Gods was that the only creature I had was an 7/7 at the time, so I thought it would be preferable to go for removal or getting land for Obzedat over a sorcery speed 3 damage. Why would you have kept it?
October 31, 2013 1:13 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #29
Like I said, I'd have to take a closer look at the games, I just scanned the replay for keywords.
The reasoning behind the first one though is that Reckoners can be cast with white, so having a possible two out on turn four is appealing, especially against aggro. Worst case scenario on turn three would have been digging with read. Not such a bad start.
I'll take a closer look later today.
October 31, 2013 1:22 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #30
Actually my main question is Y U No sideboard in Lifebane Zombie ?
October 31, 2013 1:54 p.m.
Because I suck at sideboarding and forgot you had it in there.
This is why I asked for people to tell me how to sideboard. If I do it, I'll probably mess it up.
October 31, 2013 1:58 p.m.
Match 7 against GoldGhost012's All Hail Sedge Scorpion, the Storm Crow of Theros!
Aggro versus midrange devotion ramp. Classic. Can I race him down before his giants get out and kill me? Slightly different, in that Sedge Scorpion
provides an effective defense against my racers. R for Bantron, G for Sedge Scorpion.
Game 1
R wins the roll and keeps a land-heavy hand, but with a turn two creature. G keeps a hand with a Giant Adephage
, 2 Sedge Scorpions, and a couple forests, hoping to draw enough forests to play Karametra's Acolyte
and play the Adephage.
G gets a glut of lands, and manages to hold off R with 2 Sedge Scorpion
s, but a Gift of Orzhova
allows him to fly over them, and a couple Spell Rupture
s prevent the Acolyte and Adephage from hitting the battlefield, allowing the flying Fleecemane Lion
to finish G off.
R sideboards nothing, while G sideboards out its Pit Fight
for Fade into Antiquity
(not sure if this was the right call. Kills the pesky enchantments, but does G know enough to suspect hexproof?)
Game 2
R puts up a good fight early, but a monstrous Colossus of Akros
and the freeing of a Giant Adephage
from a Detention Sphere
secure the game for G.
Game 3
R looks to take an early lead, but is unable to draw green mana and can't recover when his sole Hopeful Eidolon
has Fade into Antiquity
cast on it, especially against another monstrous Colossus of Akros
. G wins the match!
Very nice deck! First match loss for my deck, so definitely a +1 from me. I might recommend removing the Clan Defiance , which requires specific other cards to even be cast, and adding some more of your win cons, but I lost, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins roll
R starting hand: 1x breeding pool, 1x unflinching courage, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x temple garden, 2x plains, keep
G starting hand: 1x giant adephage, 2x forest, 2x sedge scorpion, 1x clan defiance, 1x karametra's acolyte, keep
R1 play breeding pool tapped
G1 draw forest, play forest, pay sedge scorpion
R2 draw spell rupture, play plains, play fleecemane lion
G2 draw forest, play forest, swing 1, no blocks, life totals R 19, G 20, play sedge scorpion
R3 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped
G3 draw forest, play forest, swing 1, no blocks, life totals R 18, G 20
R4 play temple of mystery, scry gift of orzhova, sticks
G4 draw forest, play forest, play karametra's acolyte, R counters with spell rupture, swing 1, no blocks, life totals R 17, G 20
R5 draw Gift of Orzhova, play temple garden tapped, play gift of orzhova on Fleecemane lion, swing 4 flying, life totals R 21, G 16
G5 draw commune with the gods, play forest, play commune with the gods, reveal 2x forest (first, really?), 2x axebane guardian, 1x colossus of akros, put akros guardian in hand, play axebane guardian, swing 2, life totals R19, G 16
R6 draw spell rupture, play plains, play unflinching courage on fleecemane lion, swing 6 flying, life totals R 25, G 10
G6 draw elvish mystic, play forest, play giant adephage, R counters with spell rupture, swing 2, life totals R 23, G 10
R7 draw gladecover scout, play hallowed fountain tapped, monstrous Fleecemane lion, swing 7, life totals R 30, G 3, play gladecover scout
G7 draw commune with the gods, play commune with the gods, reveal 3x forest, karametra's acolyte, pit fight, concede
R does not sideboard
G sides out 3x pit fight for 3x Fade into Antiquity (was this the right call)
Game 2
G goes first
G starting hand: 2x elvish mystic, 1x colossus of akros, 2x forest, 1x axebane guardian, 1x giant adephage, keep
R starting hand: 2x fleecemane lion, 1x detention sphere, 1x temple of mystery, 1x ethereal armor, 1x temple garden, 1x breeding pool, keep
G1 play forest, play elvish mystic
R1 draw temple garden, play temple of mystery, scry fleecemane lion, bottom
G2 draw karametra's acolyte, play forest, play axebane guardian
R2 draw hallowed fountain, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play fleecemane lion
G3 draw fade into antiquity, play Karametra's acolyte
R3 draw plains, play hallowed fountain tapped, play ethereal armor on fleecemane lion, swing 4, no blocks, life totals R 18, G 16
G4 draw karametra's acolyte, play giant adephage
R4 draw spell rupture, play breeding pool tapped, play detention sphere, swing 5, life totals R 18, G 11
G5 draw sedge scorpion, play sedge scorpion and elvish mystic, play fade into antiquity exiling Detention sphere, returning Giant Adephage to the battlefield, play Karametra's Acolyte
R5 draw ethereal armor, play ethereal armor, play plains, play fleecemane lion
G6 draw clan defiance, play colossus of akros
R6 draw temple Garden, play temple garden tapped
G7 draw forest, play forest, monstrous colossus of akros, swing with everyone, game
Game 3
R goes firstR starting hand: 2x plains, 2x unflinching courage, 1x ethereal armor, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x hallowed fountain, keep
G starting hand: 1x worldspine wurm, 1x axebane guardian, 1x sylvan caryatid, 3x forest, 1x karametra's acolyte
R1 play plains, play hopeful eidolon
G1 draw forest, play forest
R2 draw detention sphere, play hallowed fountain tapped, play ethereal armor on hopeful eidolon, swing 3, life totals R 23, G 17
G2 draw fade into antiquity, play forest, play sylvan Caryatid
R3 draw gladecover scout, play plains, swing 3, no blocks, life totals R 26, G 14
G3 draw forest, play forest, play fade into antiquity exiling hopeful eidolon
R4 draw aqeuous form, pass turn
G4 draw commune with the gods, play forest, play axebane guardian, play commune with the gods, reveal 3x forest, nykthos, sylvan caryatid, sylvan caryatid goes into hand
R5 draw gladecover scout, pass turn
G5 draw commune with the gods, play forest, play karametra's acolyte, play sylvan caryatid, play commune with the gods, reveal 3x forest, colossus of akros, sedge scorpion, put colossus of akros into hand
R6 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool, shock self, R 24, play gladecover scout, play detention sphere exiling karametra's acolyte
G6 draw axebane guardian, play colossus of akros
R7 draw aqeuous form, play unflinching courage and aqeuous form on gladecover scout, swing 3, scry hallowed fountain, bottom, life totals R 27, G 11
G7 draw karametra's acolyte, monstrous colossus of akros, swing 20, life totals R 7, G 11
R8 draw ethereal armor, concede as unwinnable
October 31, 2013 7:56 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #33
Well, I won, so I'd say that sideboard move was the right one. Lol
Honestly though, if I see a deck that's running blue, white, and green, I'm gonna think that hexproof enchantments are a thing. Almost definitely the right move.
October 31, 2013 8:22 p.m.
Heres my Jund deck, has been doing well at FNM
October 31, 2013 9:23 p.m.
Match 8 against Apoptosis's Heisenberg
This is arguably the weakest match-up for my deck. Esper holds both the Azorius Supreme Verdict
and the Dimir Far / Away
, powerful tools against hexproof. If I can't race pretty quickly, I'm dead. Additionally, my evasion auras are mostly useless. R for Bantron, A for Heisenberg.
Game 1
A wins the roll and elects to go first (is this right?). He keeps a hand with 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
s and some decent removal. R is forced to mulligan the first hand, but keeps a decent hand with Ajani, Caller of the Pride
, a Gladecover Scout
and the right mix of land.
R gets off to a quick start, but Away
does in his lone creature and he can draw neither the lands nor creatures to recover. A slowly builds up his land base, eventually playing Elspeth. R Detention Sphere
's that Elspeth, but has no answer for the second one, and dies in a flood of 1/1 soldiers.
A sideboards as per Apoptosis's instructions, changing out the Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
s and Hero's Downfall
s for some Blood Baron of Vizkopa
s, a Thoughtseize
, and a couple Glare of Heresy
R changes out one of each of his non Witchstalker
creatures for Loxodon Smiter
s, then also exchanges the Gift of Orzhova
s for Negate
s and Aqueous Form
s for Mending Touch
Game 2
R goes first, and keeps a decent starting hand with a Gladecover Scout
, an Ethereal Armor
, and a Mending Touch
. A keeps a strong with plenty of scrying, a Blood Baron, and a little removal.
R gets off to a quick start, and doesn't stop. A attempts to kill the Gladecover with both an Away
and a Supreme Verdict
, but a Spell Rupture
stops the former and Mending Touch
neuters the latter. Ajani's -3 drops A to 1, and he concedes as unable to take out the hexproof creature in time.
Game 3
A goes first, keeping a scry heavy hand with a Supreme Verdict
and a counterspell, while A keeps a slow hand, hoping to protect his lone creature with Mending Touch
As it turns out, R draws into a much faster creature, and begins beating down on A. A is unwilling to risk a Supreme Verdict
while R has green mana open (I think this is the right move, can someone tell me if not), and can do little to deal with the Gladecover Scout
beating down on him. A finally manages to play a Blood Baron of Vizkopa
, but is unable to deal with the first strike (thanks to Ethereal Armor
) on the Gladecover, and concedes after having the Supreme Verdict fail to kill it.
Apoptosis, great deck! This definitely was a good playtest for me, because this is exactly what I was worried about facing. You didn't draw into enough removal, but I think that was just bad luck and the problems with dealing with hexproof. Would you have switched anything in between games 2 and 3? I wasn't sure, so I decided not to, but I'm not sure that was the right call. +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
A wins the roll
A starting hand: 2x Elspeth, 1x far/away, 1x island, 1x godless shrine, 1x swamp, 1x detention sphere, keep (is this too light on removal?)
R starting hand: 1x spell rupture, 1x plains, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x aqueous form, 1x ethereal armor, 1x detention sphere, mulligan on no creatures, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x ajani, 1x unflinching courage, 1x temple garden, keep
A1 play godless shrine tapped
R1 draw aqueous form, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
A2 draw cyclonic rift, play island
R2 draw witchstalker, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 16, play ordeal of thassa on Gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals A 18, R 16
A3 draw temple of deceit, play swamp
R3 draw temple garden, play temple garden, shock self, R 14, play unflinching courage on gladecover scout, A plays away, R sacrifices Gladecover scout
A4 draw hallowed fountain, play temple of deceit, scry supreme verdict, sticks
R4 draw detention sphere, play witchstalker
A5 draw supreme verdict, play hallowed fountain, shock self, A 16, play supreme verdict
R5 draw gift of orzhova, play ajani, use ajani's +1 on no one
A6 draw hero's downfall, play detention sphere exiling ajani
R6 draw aqueous form, pass turn
A7 draw far/away, pass turn
R7 draw fleecemane lion, pass turn
A8 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry azorius charm, sticks
R8 draw ordeal of thassa, pass turn
A9 draw azorius charm, pass turn
R9 draw spell rupture, pass turn, A draws a card with azorius charm, A draws supreme verdict
A10 draw godless shrine, play godless shrine tapped, play Elspeth, use Elspeth's +1
R10 draw ethereal armor, play detention sphere exiling Elspeth
A11 draw detention sphere, play elspeth, use elspeth's +1, swing 3, life totals A 16, R 11R11 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool, shock self, R 9, play fleecemane lion
A12 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped, use elspeth's +1, play hero's downfall on fleecemane, R concedes
A switches out 3x Ashiok and 3x hero's downfall for 2x glare of heresy, 1x thoughtseize, and 3x blood baron, as suggested
R sideboards out 4x aqueous form, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hopeful eidolon, 3x gift of orzhova for 4x mending touch, 3x loxodon smiter, 3x negate
Game 2
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x mending touch, 1x temple garden, 1x witchstalker, 1x plains, 1x temple of mystery, 1x ethereal armor, 1x gladecover scout, keep
A starting hand: 1x temple of silence, 1x blood baron, 1x watery grave, 1x far/away, 1x island, 1x jace AOT, 1x temple of deceit, keep
R1 play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
A1 draw sphinx's revelation, play temple of silence, scry detention sphere, sticks
R2 draw ajani, play temple of mystery, scry breeding pool, bottom, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals R 18, A 18
A2 draw detention sphere, play temple of deceit, scry supreme verdict, sticks
R3 draw spell rupture, play plains, swing 2, life totals R 18, A 16
A3 draw supreme verdict, play island, play away, R counters with spell rupture
R4 draw temple garden, play temple garden, shock self, R 16, play ajani, use ajani's +1 on gladecover, swing 3, life totals R 16, A 13
A4 draw temple of deceit, play watery grave, shock self, A 11, play supreme verdict, R plays mending touch on gladecover
R5 draw hopeful eidolon, bestow hopeful eidolon on Gladecover, use ajani's -3 on gladecover, swing 5 double strike, life totals R 26, A 1
A5 draw psychic strike, concede
No Sideboarding
Game 3A goes firstA starting hand: 1x temple of silence, 1x sphinx's revelation, 2x temple of deceit, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x psychic strike, 1x supreme verdict, keep
R starting hand: 1x temple of mystery, 1x temple garden, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x ethereal armor, 1x mending touch, 1x loxodon smiter, 1x hallowed fountain, keep
A1 play temple of deceit, scry blood baron, sticks
R1 draw ethereal armor, play temple of mystery, scry gladecover, sticks
A2 draw blood baron, play temple of silence, scry temple of deceit, bottom
R2 draw gladecover scout, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout
A3 draw azorius charm, play hallowed fountain, shock self, A 18
R3 draw loxodon smiter, play temple garden tapped, play ethereal armor on gladecover, A counters with psychic strike, mill gladecover and plains, swing 2, life total R 18, A 16
A4 draw elspeth, play temple of deceit, scry temple of silence, sticks
R4 draw detention sphere, play ordeal of thassa on gladecover, swing 4, life totals R 18, A 12
A5 draw temple of silence, play temple of silence, scry cyclonic rift, sticks
R5 draw detention sphere, swing 5, life totals R 18, A 7, end of turn A draws a card with azorius charm, A draws cyclonic rift
A6 draw azorius charm, play blood baron
R6 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry temple of mystery, bottom, swing 5, ordeal pops, draw spell rupture and witchstalker, no blocks, life totals R 18, A 2
A7 draw sphinx's revelation, pass turn
R7 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, swing 5, A casts cylconic rift targeting ethereal armor, R spell ruptures cyclonic rift, A blocks with Blood baron, end of turn A plays azorius charm and draws glare of heresy
A8 draw plains, play plains, play supreme verdict, R plays mending touch on gladecover, A concedes
November 1, 2013 1:08 p.m.
Whoops, wrong Heisenberg link, here is the right one. Heisenberg
November 1, 2013 1:09 p.m.
Nice write-up raithe000 and thanks for the playtest. I don't think I would have taken a mulligan on those hands, I'm usually happy with 3-4 lands and some removal, especially a wrath. It's hard to say whether I would have played it differently. G2 you had the right answer to my removal A3-A4, which leads to the T6 win. Pretty solid. Game 3 I might have let the Blood Baron go A1, because after that beating G2 I would be thinking I need kill spells before T5. I would have used Jace to dig A4 to look for a kill spell, which I think would have left me with the Cyclonic Rift (not great) but a little tempo. If you killed Jace R5, that buys me a turn (fine), if not I get to dig again (better). Would that have helped? Probably not. You had the right calls on your sideboard and it showed: you had the right cards when you needed them. I'm not sure whether my sideboard is correct. Anyway, I don't know. I think you played it fine and I'm not sure that I agree that this is a bad matchup for you. Great job. Thanks again.
November 1, 2013 2:24 p.m.
WovenNebula says... #38
Try mine out please, I would like to hear the results.
November 1, 2013 2:30 p.m.
its still under construction so lets see how it does.
November 1, 2013 2:40 p.m.
raithe000, I ran a few playtests and I actually think the decks are pretty even, both pre and post sideboard and I'm happy with the calls I made on the swap. This is the deck I'll playtest against when I want to see how I compare to Bant hexproof. Great job!
November 1, 2013 2:55 p.m.
Match 9 against gnarlicide's JFC.
Jund Ramp. I haven't seen this build before, but I have seen G/R ramp that runs similarly. Again, it comes down to racing. Can I kill him before the fatties kill me? R for Bantron, G fro JFC.
Game 1
G wins the roll and keeps a ramp heavy hand with a Stormbreath Dragon
. R keeps a pretty standard hand for the deck, a couple of Gladecover Scout
s and an enchantment.
G gets off to an early ramp, playing a Sylvan Caryatid
into a turn 3 Desecration Demon
. R manages to counter with Spell Rupture
, but has no answer for a turn 4 Stormbreath Dragon
. R manages to keep pace for a while with Gift of Orzhova
on a Fleecemane Lion
creating a stalemate, but once Hero's Downfall
takes care of that, the Caryatids block on the ground while the dragon flies in for the win.
G sideboards out his Doom Blade
and Magma Jet
s for Fade into Antiquity
and Golgari Charm
(I think this was the wrong call, but I'm not sure what the right one is).
R changes out the Detention Sphere
s for Selesnya Charm
s (this was more of a test for me than because it was necessary).
Game 2
R goes first, and keeps a creature heavy hand, hoping for land. G mulligans his one land hand, then keeps a removal heavy hand.
R gets off to an early start, but using his Fleecemane Lion
s for enchant targets proves vulnerable to removal, and without life gain, once again Stormbreath Dragon
secures the game for G.
gnarlicide very nice deck! The first stomping my deck has seen in a while, so no notes from me. +1 from me, and great job!
Full battle account
Game 1
G wins roll
G starting hand: 1x swamp, 2x sylvan caryatid, 1x stormbreath dragon, 1x scavenging ooze, 1x temple of abandon, 1x blood crypt, keep
R starting hand: 1x Hallowed fountain, 2x gladecover scout, 1x temple garden, 1x detention sphere, 1x spell rupture, 1x gift of orzhova, keep
G1 play temple of abandon, scry blood crypt, bottom
R1 draw plains, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
G2 draw desecration demon, play swamp, play sylvan caryatid
R2 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 16
G3 draw swamp, play swamp, play desecration demon, R counters with Spell rupture
R3 draw fleecemane lion, play hallowed fountain tapped, play fleecemane lion, swing 1, life totals G 19, R 16
G4 draw sylvan caryatid, play blood crypt, shock self, G 18, play stormbreath dragon, swing 4, life totals G 17, R 12
R4 draw detention sphere, play plains, play gladecover scout, play gift of orzhova on fleecemane lion, swing 5, life totals R G 12, R 16
G5 draw blood crypt, play blood crypt taped, play sylvan caryatid and Scavenging ooze
R5 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, play detention sphere exiling Scavenging ooze
G6 draw hero's downfall, play hero's downfall on Fleecemane lion, swing 4, life totals G 12, R 12, play sylvan caryatid
R6 draw ordeal of thassa, play ordeal of thassa on gladecover 1, swing 2, G blocks with sylvan caryatid
G7 draw thoughtseize, swing 4, life totals G 12, R 8
R7 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, swing 3, G blocks with a sylvan caryatid
G8 draw blood crypt, play blood crypt tapped, swing 4, life totals G 12, R 4
R8 draw aqueous form, play aqueous form on gladecover 1, swing 4, scry ethereal armor, bottom, ordeal pops, draw ajani and breeding pool, concede before damage
G sideboards out doom blade and 3x magma jet for 2x fade into antiquity and 2x golgari charm (pretty sure this is wrong, but I can't see a better move)
R sideboards out 3x detention sphere for 3x selesnya charm (testing this out)
Game 2
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x fleecemane lion, 1x gladecover scout, 1x ethereal armor, 1x witchstalker, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x breeding pool, 1x hopeful eidolon, keep
G starting hand: 1x putrefy, 1x mountain, 1x sylvan caryatid, 1x golgari charm, 1x stormbreath dragon, 1x reaper of the wilds, 1x anger of the gods, mulligan on one land, 1x overgrown tomb, 1x blood crypt, 1x putrefy, 1x golgari charm, 1x stormbreath dragon, 1x mountain, keep
R1 play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
G1 draw overgrown tomb, play overgrown tomb tapped
R2 draw fleecemane lion, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 16, play fleecemane lion, swing 1, life totals R 16, G 19
G2 draw sylvan caryatid, play mountain, play sylvan caryatid
R3 draw spell rupture, play ethereal armor on fleecemane, swing 4, no blocks, life totals R 16, G 15
G3 draw mizzium mortars, play overgrown tomb tapped, play mizzium mortars on fleecemane
R4 draw plains, play plains, play fleecemane lion
G4 draw swamp, play swamp, play stormbreath dragon, swing 4, life totals R 12, G 15
R5 draw aqueous form, play aqueous form on fleecemane, swing 4, scry aqueous form, bottom, life totals R 12, G 11
G5 draw scavenging ooze, play overgrown tomb tapped, play scavenging ooze, swing 4, life totals R 8, G 11
R6 draw temple garden, play temple garden, shock self, R 6, bestow Hopeful eidolon on Fleecemane, before combat G putrefys fleecemane
G6 draw blood crypt, play blood crypt, shock self, G 9, monstrous Stormbreath, swing 7, game
November 2, 2013 10:33 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #42
raithe000, thanks for the kind words, I have been home brewing this since the spoilers came out. Since then it has got me 7th and 4th place. I get bumped out for keeping greedy hands.
As for the sideboarding, I would have made the same call, actually. Bant likes enchantments, and I would feel the need to remove them as fast as possible. I probably would have taken out 2x scavenging ooze and replaced them with 2x thoughtseize also.
You played my deck right, great job man. Keeping early removal is key with my build.
Once again, thanks for the test and write up. Keep up the great work!
November 2, 2013 10:55 a.m.
Match 10 against Agog's Black with a Sheen of Blue
BU devotion, although it feels a lot like control because of all the removal. Got the ever scary Desecration Demon
, but if I can get through that, I should be clear. R for Bantron, A for Black-sheen-Blue.
Game 1
R wins the roll and keeps a pretty powerful hand with creatures and the ever useful Ethereal Armor
. A mulligans his one land hand and picks up a removal heavy hand with a Desecration Demon
R gets off to a good start and A just can't keep up. With none of that removal playable against a Gladecover Scout
, and a lone Pack Rat
not up to holding it off, the game quickly goes to R, despite a last minute draw of a Whip of Erebos
A changes out the Abhorrent Overlord
, 2 Nightveil Specter
s, and a couple Ultimate Price
s for a Far / Away
, Duress
, and 3 Lifebane Zombie
R changes out his Gift of Orzhova
s for Negate
s, figuring that UB means sac effects.
Game 2
A goes first and keeps a removal and Whip of Erebos
hand. R gets 3 Ethereal Armor
, but can't risk them with no creatures, then is forced to mulligan on a one land hand, finally keeping a rather slow 5 card hand.
A starts off with a Thoughtseize
, grabbing one of R's Fleecemane Lion
, then the game stalls out, with neither player drawing lands until turn 4-5. By this point, A just has too much removal for R's non hexproof creatures to survive, and when a Desecration Demon
shows up in the middle of R's mana flood, he concedes.
Game 3
R goes first and is forced to mulligan a no-land hand, then keeps a very creature heavy one. A keeps a slightly slower hand with a Thoughtseize
and Doom Blade
A's Thoughtseize keeps R slowed down and lacking Hexproof for the first few turns. giving A enough time to play two Desecration Demon
s and finish R off with a Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Agog, nice deck. I would have liked to see how mine would have done without so many mulligans, but you had plenty of removal for dealing with me. The only suggestion might be to run more edicts in the sideboard, but other than that the deck is quite solid. +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins roll
R starting hand: 1x ethereal armor, 1x gladecover scout, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x aqueous form, 1x plains, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x temple of mystery, keep
A starting hand: 1x pack rat, 2x gray merchant, 1x desecration demon, 1x swamp, 1x thoughtseize, 1x underworld connections, mulligan on one land, 2x swamp, 1x ultimate price, 1x desecration demon, 1x doom blade, 1x hero's downfall
R1 play temple of mystery, scry temple of mystery, bottom
A1 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry pack rat, sticks
R2 draw gift of orzhova, play plains, play gladecover scout, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout
A2 draw pack rat, play swamp, play pack rat
R3 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped, play aqeuous form on Gladecover, swing 3, scry ajani, bottom, life totals R 20, A 17
A3 draw underworld connections, play swamp, enchant swamp with underworld connections, swing 1, life totals R 19, A 17
R4 draw aqueous form, play fleecemane lion, play aqueous form on fleecemane lion, swing 4, scry unflinching courage, sticks, life totals R 19, A 13
A4 draw swamp, play swamp, pass turn
R5 draw unflinching courage, play unflinching courage on Gladecover, before combat A doom blades fleecemane, swing 6, scry ordeal of thassa, sticks, life total R 25, A 7, end of turn A draws whip of erebos with underworld connections, A 6
A5 draw swamp, play swamp, play whip of erebos, swing 1, life totals R 24, A 7
R6 draw ordeal of thassa, play ordeal of thassa on gladecover, A concedes
A sideboards out abhorrent overlord, 2x Nightveil Specter, and 2x ultimate price for 1x far/away, 1x duress, and 3x lifebane zombie
R sideboards out 3x gift of orzhova for 3x negate
Game 2
A goes first
A starting hand: 2x swamp. 1x doom blade, 2x underworld connections, 1x thoughtseize, 1x whip of erebos, keep
R starting hand: 1x aqueous form, 3x ethereal armor, 2x temple of mystery, 1x spell rupture, sorely want to keep but mulligans, 1x temple of mystery, 1x negate, 1x spell rupture, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x detention sphere, 1x aqueous form, mulligan, 1x ordeal of thassa, 2x fleecemane lion, 1x plains, 1x hallowed fountain, keep
A1 play swamp, play thoughtseize, R discards fleecemane lion, A 18
R1 draw witchstalker, play hallowed fountain tapped
A2 draw desecration demon, play swamp
R2 draw aqueous form, play plains
A3 draw hero's downfall, pass turn
R3 draw unflinching courage, pass turn
A4 draw whip of erebos, pass turn
R4 draw plains, play plains
A5 draw swamp, play swamp
R5 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry temple garden, sticks
A6 draw thoughtseize, play thoughtseize, R discards witchstalker, A 16
R6 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, play fleecemane lion, end of turn A doom blades fleecemane lion
A7 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry ashiok, bottom, play underworld connections on a swamp
R7 draw hopeful eidolon, play hopeful eidolon, play ordeal of thassa and aqueous form on hopeful eidolon
A8 draw temple of deceit, temple of deceit, scry nightveil specter, sticks, play desecration demon
R8 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped, play unflinching courage on hopeful eidolon, swing 4, scry plains, bottom, life totals A 12, R 24
A9 draw nightveil specter, swing 6, life totals A 12, R 18
R9 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, before combat A hero's donwfalls hopefull eidolon
A10 draw far/away, play whip of erebos, swing 6, life totals A 18, R 12
R10 draw plains, play plains, end of turn A draws thoughtseize with underworld connections, A 17
A11 draw swamp, play nightveil specter, play swamp, swing 6, life total A 23, R 6
R10 draw ordeal of thassa, concede
No sideboarding
Game 3
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x gladecover scout, 1x negate, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x detention sphere, 1x aqueous form, 1x unflinching courage, 1x spell rupture, mulligan, 1x witchstalker, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x plains, 1x temple of mystery, 1x gladecover scout, keep
A starting hand: 1x swamp, 1x thoughtseize, 1x gray merchant of asphodel, 1x temple of deceit, 1x desecration demon, 1x doom blade, 1x mutavault, keep
R1 play temple of mystery, scry fleecemane lion, bottom
A1 draw hero's downfall, play swamp, play thoughtseize, R discards gladecover scout, A 18
R2 draw unflinching courage, play plains, play fleecemane lion
A2 draw duress, play mutavault
R3 draw spell rupture, swing 3, A plays doom blade, R counters with spell rupture, life totals R 20, A 15
A3 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry gray merchant of asphodel, bottom, play duress, R discards unflinching courage
R4 draw temple garden, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, swing 3, life totals R 18, A 12
A4 draw lifebane zombie, play temple of deceit, scry pack rat, bottom, play hero's downfall on fleecemane lion
R5 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, swing 3, life totals R 18, A 9
A5 draw desecration demon, play desecration demon
R6 draw unflinching courage, play unflinching courage on witchstalker
A6 draw swamp, play swamp, swing 6, life totals R 12, A9, play desecration demon
R7 draw plains, play hopeful eidolon, sacrifice hopeful eidolon to desecration demon, swing 8, life totals R 17, A 1A7 draw thoughtseize, play gray merchant of asphodel, drain 6, swing 13, game
November 2, 2013 1:38 p.m.
Match 11 against Jamjam's Jam Jams Jund Deck
Another Jund monster. Once again, I need to kill before the fatties kill me. R for Bantron, J for JJJD.
Game 1
R wins the roll and keeps a hand with a Gladecover Scout
, a couple of auras, and lots of land. J mulligans his one land hand, then keeps a removal heavy hand.
R gets off to a fast start, having both an Ethereal Armor
and Unflinching Courage
on his Gladecover by turn 3. J manages to prevent a second Ethereal Armor
from sticking on the Gladecover and to play a Desecration Demon
turn 4, but an Aqueous Form
prevents blocking and he just can't deal with it.
R doesn't change up his deck, having seen no sac spells and uncertain on the effectiveness of his Loxodon Smiter
s in this mathup. J changes out theRakdos Keyrune
, two Magma Jet
s, three Scavenging Ooze
s, and 2 Dreadbore
s for 3 Anger of the Gods
, 2 Golgari Charm
s, two Slaughter Games
, and his 4th Desecration Demon
. (I have no idea if this was the correct call, but I couldn't think of anything better)
Game 2
J goes first and keeps a hand with some scry, removal, and a Desecration Demon
. R mulligans his two Planeswalker, no creature hand for a Hopeful Eidolon
and Ordeal of Thassa
R lucks into a Gladecover Scout
on his first draw, allowing him to put an Ordeal of Thassa
on it and begin swinging. J can't draw enough red to fire off his Anger of the Gods
, and risks life on both a Read the Bones
and a shockland to try to find a way to kill the Gladecover, but an Aqueous Form
means he can't block, and when J sees an Ajani in R's hand when J plays a Lifebane Zombie
, he concedes.
Jamjam, this is certainly a good start to a competitive deck and is great for someone who has only been playing magic for a little while. I would recommend playing fewer one-ofs, and tightening up the sideboard a bit. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing this deck in the future.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins the roll
R starting hand: plains, 1x breeding pool, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x gladecover scout, 1x ethereal armor, 1x unflinching courage, 1x temple garden, keep
J starting hand: 2x desecration demon, 1x hero's downfall, 1x rakdos keyrune, 1x scavenging ooze, 1x lifebane zombie, mulligan, 1x rakdos guildgate, 1x mizzium mortars, 1x stomping ground, 1x abrupt decay, 1x blood crypt, 1x scavenging ooze, keep
R1 play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
J1 draw desecration demon, play rakdos guildgate
R2 draw gladecover scout, play hallowed fountain tapped, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals R 18, J 18
J2 draw forest, play forest, play scavenging ooze
R3 draw aqueous form, play plains, play unflinching courage on gladecover scout, swing 5, no blocks, life totals R 23, J 13
J3 draw stomping ground, play blood crypt tapped, swing 2, life totals R 21, J 18
R4 draw ethereal armor, play breeding pool tapped, play ethereal armor and aqueous form on gladecover scout, play gladecover scout, before combat J abrupt decays one of the ethereal armors, swing 6, scry hopeful eidolon, bottom, life totals R 27, J 7
J4 draw swamp, play swamp, play desecration demon
R5 draw fleecemane lion, swing 6, scry gladecover scout, bottom, life totals R 33, J 1, play fleecemane lion
J5 draw Xenagos, Concede
J sideboards out 1x rakdos keyrune, 2x magma jet, 3x scavenging ooze, and 2x dreadbore for 3x anger of the gods, 2x golgari charm, 2x slaughter games and 1x desecration demon
R sideboards nothing
Game 2
J goes first
j starting hand: 1x desecration demon, 1x mizzium mortars, 1x mountain, 1x forest, 1x overgrown tomb, 1x read the bones, 1x anger of the gods, keep (not sure if this is ok?)
R starting hand: 1x ethereal armor, 2x ajani, 1x ordeal of thassa, 2x breeding pool, 1x plains, mulligan on no creatures, 2x plains, 1x detention sphere, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x breeding pool, 1x hopeful eidolon, keep
J1 play overgrown tomb tapped
R1 draw gladecover scout, play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
J2 draw forest, play mountain
R2 draw hopeful eidolon, play plains, play ordeal of thassa on gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals J 18, R 18
J3 draw overgrown tomb, play forest, play read the bones, scry xenagos and reaper of the wild, put reaper on bottom and xenagos on top, draw xenagos and temple of abandon, lose 2 life, J 16
R3 draw witchstalker, play plains, swing 3, life totals J 13, R 18
J4 draw reaper of the wilds, play overgrown tomb, shock self, J 11, play desecration demon
R4 draw aqueous form, play aqueous form on Gladecover scout, swing 4, scry spell rupture, bottom, ordeal of thassa pops, draw ajani and ethereal armor, life totals J 7, R 18, play ethereal armor on gladecover scout
J5 draw lifebane zombie, play temple of abandon, scry golgari charm, sticks, play lifebane zombie, choose hopeful eidolon and exile it, concede
November 3, 2013 9:34 a.m.
If you have time after all these suggestions,
Just made it and I want to see what I could cut or change around. It's not finished but I'm sure it works.
November 3, 2013 9:44 a.m.
Match 12 against WovenNebula's Puff, The Stormy Dragon
A basic (and I mean that in the best way) RDW, with a few late game creatures. This is arguably my best matchup. Assuming I can layer enchantments on heavily, I'm sure I can race effectively, especially with all my life gain. R for Bantron, W for Puff.
Game 1
W wins the roll and keeps a decent hand with a Firedrinker Satyr
and some 3-5 drops. R mulligans his first hand based on the uncertainty of a Hopeful Eidolon
with no Ethereal Armor
, keeping a good hand with Fleecemane Lion
and two powerful enchantments.
As it turns out, the most boring game of this match. W can't draw a land, and after a Mizzium Mortars
blows up Fleecemane Lion, R can't draw creatures. Guess who wins. Go on, guess.
No sideboarding, as this is a great match for me and there was no sideboard for Puff.
Game 2
R goes first and keeps a hand with Fleecemane Lion
and two Ethereal Armor
s. W keeps a fast hand with 2 Rakdos Cackler
s and a Chandra's Phoenix
W gets off to a good start, managing to Mizzium Mortars
Fleecemane Lion again and dropping R to 14. However, R manages to topdeck another Fleecemane Lion, and this one gets suited up into a 15/15 flying, lifelink, first strike, unblockable monster. Despite W's ability to swing for 26 damage on his last turn, he just can't kill R in time.
Game 3
W goes first and keeps a hand with a Burning-Tree Emissary
and each of his three one-drops. R keeps a hand heavy on creatures, hoping to draw into enchantments.
W again gets off to an early start, managing to kill another Fleecemane Lion
by trading with the BTE and a shock. However, an Ordeal of Thassa
and Gift of Orzhova
keep R alive, and when the Ordeal draws him Unflinching Courage
and Ethereal Armor
, W concedes, not helped by whiffing on his last three draws.
WovenNebula, this is an exemplary example of RDW. I think this is among the worst matchups for you because of my high lifegain, but you still had me on the ropes throughout that. +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
W wins roll
W starting hand: 1x fanatic of mogis, 2x mountain, 1x chandra's phoenix, 1x stormbreath dragon, 1x boros reckoner, 1x firedrinker satyr, keep
R starting hand: 2x temple garden, 1x unflinching courage, 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x detention sphere, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x gift of orzhova, mulligan, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x ordeal of thassa, 1x gift of orzhova, 2x temple of mystery, 1x plains, keep
W1 play mountain, play firedrinker satyr
R1 draw breeding pool, play temple of mystery, scry breeding pool, bottom
W2 draw mizzium mortars, play mountain, swing 2, pump firedrinker satyr once, life totals W 19, R 17
R2 draw aqueous form, play plains, play fleecemane lion
W3 draw stormbreath dragon, play mizzium mortars on fleecemane, swing 2, life totals W 19, R 15
R3 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry plains, bottom
W4 draw rakdos cackler, play rakdos cackler unleashed, swing 2, life totals W 19, R 13
R4 draw detention sphere, play temple of mystery, scry hallowed fountain, bottom, play detention sphere exiling rakdos cackler
W5 draw Firedrinker satyr, play firedrinker satyr, swing 2, life totals W 19, R 11
R5 draw breeding pool, play breeding pool tapped
W6 draw rakdos cackler, play rakdos cackler unleashed, swing 4, life totals W 19, R 7
R6 draw ordeal of thassa, play breeding pool tapped
W7 draw boros reckoner, swing and pump a satyr for game
no sideboarding
Game 2
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x fleecemane lion, 1x temple garden, 1x ordeal of thassa, 2x ethereal armor, 1x plains, 1x gift of orzhova, snap keep
W starting hand: 2x rakdos cackler, 3x mountain, 1x chandra's phoenix, 1x mizzium mortars, keep
R1 play temple garden tapped
W1 draw stormbreath dragon, play mountain, play rakdos cackler unleashed
R2 draw aqueous form, play plains, play fleecemane lion
W2 draw mountain, play mountain, play mizzium mortars on fleecemane lion, swing 2, life totals R 18, W 20
R3 draw plains, play plains
W3 draw mountain, play mountain, play chandra's phoenix, swing 4, life totals R 14, W 20
R4 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, play ethereal armor on fleecemane lion
W4 draw rakdos cackler, play mountain, play rakdos cackler x2 unleashed, swing 2, life totals R 12, W 20
R5 draw gift of orzhova, play gift of orzhova on fleecemane lion
W5 draw mountain, play mountain, play stormbreath dragon, swing 4, life totals R 8, W 20
R6 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry spell rupture, bottom, play ethereal armor on fleecemane lion, swing 10, W blocks with chandra's phoenix, life totals R 18, W 20
W6 draw purphoros, play mountain, play purphoros, swing 6, life totals R 12, W 20
R7 draw temple garden, play temple garden tapped, play gift of orzhova and aqueous form on fleecemane lion, swing 15, scry fleecemane lion, bottom, life totals R 27, W 5
W7 draw mizzium mortars, max damage that can be dealt is 26, concede
Game 3
W goes first
W starting hand: 3x mountain, 1x shock, 1x burning-tree emissary, 1x firedrinker satyr, 1x rakdos cackler, keep
R starting hand: 1x hopeful eidolon, 1x gladecover scout, 1x plains, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x breeding pool, 1x temple garden
W1 play mountain, play rakdos cackler unleashed
R1 draw gladecover scout, play temple garden, shock self, R 18, play gladecover scout
W2 draw rakdos cackler, play mountain, swing with rakdos cackler, no blocks, life totals W 20, R 16, play burning tree emissary, play rakdos cackler unleashed
R2 draw ordeal of thassa, play plains, play fleecemane lion
W3 draw rakdos cackler, swing 6, R blocks BTE with fleecemane, life totals W 20, R 14, play mountain, shock Fleecemane lion, play rakdos cackler unleashed and firedrinker satyr
r3 draw gift of orzhova, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 12, play gladecover scout, play ordeal of thassa on first gladecover, swing 2, no blocks, life totals W 18, R 12
W4 draw mizzium mortars, swing 8, R blocks firedrinker satyr with gladecover, life totals W 17, R 6
R4 draw breeding pool, play hallowed fountain tapped, play gift of orzhova on gladecover scout, swing 4, life totals W 13, R 10
W5 draw mountain, play mountain, swing 6, life totals W 13, R 4
R5 draw plains, swing 5, ordeal of thassa pops, draw unflinching courage and ethereal armor, life totals W 8, R 9, play unflinching courage and ethereal armor on gladecover, play breeding pool tapped
W6 draw mountain, concede
November 3, 2013 11:27 a.m.
WovenNebula says... #47
@raithe000 thank you very much for testing my deck versus yours. Interesting turnout and your right life gain is hard on my deck. I was thinking of swapping out burning trees for ash zealot to speed up damage. Those extra turn points of damage may make or break me. Thanks again for the detailed outcome.
November 3, 2013 10:57 p.m.
Thanks for the deck review - great to see the play-by-play action! It seemed like the last match could have gone either way.
Yeah, more edicts may just be in order.
November 4, 2013 11:34 a.m.
Match 13 against Sagi007's Controlled by the Reaper
I have no experience with BUG, so I'm not going to comment on how the decks match up. R for Bantron, S for Reaper.
Game 1
R wins the roll, mulligans a no creature hand, and keeps one with a Fleecemane Lion
. S mulligans a six land hand, mulligans a 5 land hand, and keeps a hand with scry, Polukranos, World Eater
, and a Thoughtseize
S Thoughtseizes the Fleecemane Lion out of R's hand, then looses his Polukranos to a Detention Sphere
. The game stalls out as neither draws lands creatures, but when S board wipes with a Gaze of Granite
, R can't come back from an AEtherling
/ Polukranos combo.
S sideboards out Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
and Opportunity
for more removal. R trades out Aqueous Form
, Ordeal of Thassa
, and a Gift of Orzhova
for Mending Touch
and Negate
Game 2
S goes first and keeps a hand with a Gladecover Scout
, a couple Hopeful Eidolon
and some counterspells and removal. S mulligans a 5 land hand, keeps one with Deadbridge Goliath
and some removal.
R manages to keep up a fight, baiting out a Far / Away
with a Gladecover before playing a Fleecemane Lion
. S just can't comeback, especially when his Opportunity
is Negate
Game 3
S goes first and keeps a hand with Polukranos, World Eater
and Jace, Architect of Thought
. R keeps a hand with a Witchstalker
and lots of auras, hoping to draw another green land.
Unfortunately, he can't. S's removal keeps the few creatures R can get out from sticking, and the pure card advantage S gets from Jace simply forces R out of the game by turn 6.
Sagi007, nice deck! I haven't played against anything like this before, so I have no idea how representative these matches were, but it looked very good for you. +1 from me.
Full battle account
Game 1
R wins the roll
R starting hand: 1x plains, 1x ajani, 1x unflinching courage, 1x breeding pool, 2x temple of mystery, 1x hallowed fountain, mulligan on the play, 1x plains, 1x temple of mystery, 1x aqueous form, 1x fleecemane lion, 1x hallowed fountain, 1x spell rupture, keep
S starting hand: 1x island, 1x opportunity, 1x watery grave, 1x swamp, 2x forest, 1x overgrown tomb, mulligan on 1 nonland, 1x temple of deceit, 1x putrefy, 3x watery grave, 1x temple of mystery, mulligan, 1x forest, 1x temple of deceit, 1x swamp, 1x polukranos, 1x thoughtseize, keep
R1 play temple of mystery, scry breeding pool, bottom
S1 draw aetherling, play swamp, play thougtseize, R discards fleecemane lion, S 18
R2 draw detention sphere, play hallowed fountain tapped
S2 draw forest, play temple of deceit, scry far/away, sticks
R3 draw unflinching courage, play plains
S3 draw far/away, play forest
R4 draw hopeful eidolon, play hopeful eidolon, play aqueous form on hopeful eidolon, S casts away, R sacrifices hopeful eidolon
S4 draw gaze of granite, play forest, play polukranos
R5 draw plains, play plains, play detention sphere exiling polukranos
S5 draw swamp, play swamp
R6 draw witchstalker, pass turn
S6 draw opportunity, pass turn
R7 draw hopeful eidolon, play hopeful eidolon
S7 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry opportunity, bottom
R8 draw ajani, play ajani, use ajani's +1 on hopeful eidolon, swing 2, life totals R 22, S 16
S8 draw vraska, play gaze of granite for three, get back polukranos
R9 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain tapped
S9 draw island, play island, play aetherling, swing 5, life totals R 17, S 16
R10 draw gladecover scout, play gladecover scout
S10 draw watery grave, play watery grave tapped, swing 9, no blocks, life totals R 8, S 16
R11 draw gift of orzhova, play gift of orzhova on gladecover scout, swing 2, life totals R 10, S 14, S plays opportunity at EOT, R spell ruptures it
S11 draw abrupt decay, pump aetherling and swing for game
S sideboards out 2x Ashiok and 1x opportunity for 1x duress, 1x fade into antiquity, 1x golgari charm (is this right? I don't know this archetype)
R sideboards out 4x aqueous form, 2x ordeal of thassa, 1x gift of orzhova for 4x mending touch and 3x negate
Game 2
R goes first
R starting hand: 1x breeding pool, 2x hopeful eidolon, 1x plains, 1x spell rupture, 1x gladecover scout, 1x detention sphere, keep
S starting hand: 1x far/away, 1x temple of deceit, 1x forest, 1x swamp, 2x island, 1x putrefy, mulligan on too few spells, 1x fade into antiquity, 1x watery grave, 1x far / away, 1x temple of mystery, 1x island, 1x deadbridge goliath, keep
R1 play breeding pool, shock self, R 18, play glade cover scout
S1 draw island, play temple of mystery, scry far/away, sticks
R2 draw plains, play plains, swing 1, life totals R 18, S 19
S2 draw far/away, play watery grave tapped
R3 draw mending touch, play plains, swing 1, life totals R 18, S 18
S3 draw forest, play forest
R4 draw fleecemane lion, swing 1, S casts away, R sacrifices gladecover scout, play fleecemane lion and hopeful eidolon
S4 draw overgrown tomb, play island, play deadbridge goliath
R5 draw unflinching courage, play detention sphere exiling deadbridge goliath, swing 4, life totals R 19, S 14
S5 draw swamp, play island
R6 draw witchstalker, swing 4, S casts a fused far/away targeting hopeful ediolon, R counters with spell rupture, life totals R 20, S 10
S6 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry opportunity, sticks, play fade into antiquity on detention sphere, get back deadbridge goliath
R7 draw temple of mystery, play temple of mystery, scry negate, sticks, play unflinching courage on Fleecemane
S7 draw opportunity, play overgrown tomb tapped
R8 draw negate, swing 5, S blocks with deadbridge goliath, R casts mending touch on fleecemane, EOT S casts opportunity, R negates it
S8 draw island, play swamp
R9 draw hallowed fountain, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R18, swing 6 life totals R 24, S 4
S9 draw thoughtseize, concede
Game 3
S goes first
S starting hand: 2x forest, 1x reaper of the wilds, 1x polukranos, 1x jace AOT, 1x island, 1x temple of deceit, keep
R starting hand: 1x plains, 1x witchstalker, 1x temple garden, 1x gift of orzhova, 1x unflinching courage, 1x ethereal armor, 1x mending touch, keep
S1 play temple of deceit, scry aetherling, bottom
R1 draw plains, play temple garden tapped
S2 draw putrefy, play forest
R2 draw unflinching courage, play plains
S3 draw swamp, play forest
R3 draw fleecemane lion, play fleecemane lion, play plains, EOT S putrefys fleecemane lion
S4 draw swamp, play island, play polukranos
R4 draw ethereal armor, pass turn
S5 draw putrefy, play swamp, play jace AOT, use jace's -2, reveal 2x vraska and swamp, R seperates into piles, S puts Swamp and vraska into hand and vraska on bottom, swing 5, life totals S 20, R 15
R5 draw hopeful eidolon, play hopeful eidolon, play ethereal armor x2 on hopeful eidolon
S6 draw duress, play swamp, use jace's -2, reveal temple of deceit, watery grave, and abrupt decay, R seperates into piles, S puts abrupt decay into hand and watery grave and temple of deceit on bottom, play reaper of the wilds, play abrupt decay on hopeful eidolon, scry forest, bottom, swing 5, life totals S 20, R 10
R6 draw hopeful eidolon, concede
November 4, 2013 2:49 p.m.
The shades of gray (Help Needed) I need help and advice
abenz419 says... #2
feel free to give this a shot, I'm not saying its the greatest deck but at least it's relevant to whats going around right.
October 29, 2013 10:48 a.m.