Standard Playtesting - B/R control
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 9, 2013, 1:08 p.m. by Nuggettt
Doing playtests for whenever I get free time today. Post the deck you want me to test against using the [ [deck-large:decknamehere] ] format.
I will be playing both decks and ill post what happens. Thanks for the help!
GoldGhost012 says... #3
Hmm, how about
All Hail Sedge Scorpion, the Storm Crow of Theros!
November 9, 2013 1:33 p.m.
Scoutin' Your Face With My Ethereal Armor-ed Fist
loves playtests.
November 9, 2013 2:18 p.m.
November 9, 2013 3:42 p.m.
November 9, 2013 3:45 p.m.
Alright. Here goes.
First match is [almerican]'s naya deck,
Please tell me if I make any stupid mistakes here, I have no experience with naya and very little with my own BR control. Here we go.
N keeps a hand of 2 Temple Garden 1 Sacred Foundry , Loxodon Smiter , Elspeth, Sun's Champion and a Gruul Charm .
D keeps a hand of 2 swamp, 2 mountain, a Haunted Plate Mail , Rakdos's Return and Mizzium Mortars .
N wins roll. Plays Sacred Foundry el tapo.
D draws Haunted Plate Mail and plays a mountain. Riveting.
N draws Mizzium Mortars shocks a Temple Garden (20/18) and slams down a Loxodon Smiter to eat up any possible burn and save Domri Rade later.
D draws a swamp, plays a mountain, and Mizzium Mortars the elephant man.
N draws Chained to the Rocks , coughs up a Domri Rade and immediatly takes a Loxodon Smiter to replace the formerly deceased.
D draws Desecration Demon , plays a swamp and summons Desecration Demon
N draws Advent of the Wurm . Land would be helpful, magic gods. N somehow manages to chain Desecration Demon to the rocks and then uses domris +1 to net himself a Stormbreath Dragon
D draws Rakdos Guildgate and plays a mountain. Rakdos's Return for 3. N discards Mizzium Mortars , Gruul Charm , and Elspeth, Sun's Champion .
N draws a Selesnya Charm . Hey, atleast it helps right? +1 rad rade peeking at a Mizzium Mortars .
D draws a swamp, and plays a gate tapped. Haunted Plate Mail makes the scene.
N EoT 2/2 knight from the charm. Draw the previously mentioned mortars. Swing 2, D activates plate mail and blocks. Knight dies. 2nd main a Mizzium Mortars takes out the animated plate mail. Domri +1 shows off Selesnya Charm 's titties once again.
D draws Read the Bones . Plays a sweeeemp, then a Haunted Plate Mail and reads those bones like you wouldn't believe. Draws Hero's Downfall and Magma Jet directly. (18/15) a little late on that downfall.
N draws Selesnya Charm and -7s domri. I REPEAT, HE -7s DOMRI!And then drops a 2/2 knight and swings 4. (14/16)
D draws a plate, swings with his plate (14/12) plays the drawn plate, and a swamp.
N draws a xenogos, the satyryr, and swings 4 (10/10)
D EoT jet, and then double activate plates ( you can do that, if you activate one and then respond by another activation ) and swing lethal
The naya deck was land screwed, and deserved to win. It fought a valiant fight. I tested two additional games and it was pretty even but the naya made its way to the top both extra times. I'm too lazy to put them on here, sorry, I'm tired.
I know I missed a few plays and probably did a bunch of stupid moves here and there, but I definitely had fun playing these decks. This play-by-play is alot harder than it seems.
November 9, 2013 4:15 p.m.
I seem to have accidentaly skipped turn 2. Nothing happened of interest, so it shouldn't matter much.
November 9, 2013 4:18 p.m.
Thanks for giving it a try! I run a little mana light in some decks, im surprised it ended 2-1 in favor of naya... Kinda thought youd take it
November 9, 2013 9:29 p.m.
The last two were certainly interesting. The tables turned when I mulled to 5 keeping one land the second match, and the third was super close, but I think you ended up swinging for exactly my life total. This was the first time I played the deck so I moved some stuff around afterwards and it's looking more solid. Haunted Plate Mail never ceases to amaze me, so underrated.
November 9, 2013 10:26 p.m.
Well i saw a few more decks up next but if youd want to try against another one of mine ive got some more. Damn those mulligans!
November 10, 2013 1:56 a.m.
Hurrah, next pairing.
All Hail Sedge Scorpion, the Storm Crow of Theros!
D for me S for sedge
S keeps 2 forest, Elvish Mystic , Worldspine Wurm , Commune with the Gods , and a nylea's acolyte, however you spell that.
D keeps swamp, Blood Crypt , mountain, Mizzium Mortars , Chandra, Pyromaster , Doom Blade and Magma Jet
D wins roll. Blood Crypt ala tapped. Pass
S draws Elvish Mystic , plays forest and elf. Pass
D draws Hero's Downfall . Plays mountain. Magma Jet on S's elf. Jet painfully throws away Chandra, Pyromaster and Stormbreath Dragon . I need lands. Pass.
S draws forest, plays forest, play and elf and Sedge Scorpion , Storm Crow 's right hand man.
D draws swamp, play swamp. Pass
S draws acolyte. Swing one with sedgy. 20/19 play acolyte, who runs into an EoT doom blade.
D draws Rakdos's Return , play Chandra, Pyromaster and +1 to smoke S's second elf. 19/19 pass.
S draws Sylvan Caryatid and communes with the gods to grab a sedge, since it hit all lands besides him. That sucks.
D draws mountain, plays mountain. Rakdos's Return for 3, dealing with the rest of S's hand. A Chandra +1 smolders a Sedge Scorpion 15/18
S draws a giant aphendage. Swings 1 at Chandra, who is now at 4.
D draws Doom Blade . A Chandra 0 hits an Anger of the Gods and D plays it.
S ends up conceding in a few turns because he drew more high cost creatures, nothing less than 3 mana.
Round 2. No sideboarding because I don't have one yet, sorry.
D mulls to 2 mountain, a Mutavault , swamp, Anger of the Gods and Hero's Downfall
S keeps 2 forest Elvish Mystic , an acolyte, Worldspine Wurm , Clan Defiance and Axebane Guardian .
S plays forest and an elf
D draws Doom Blade swamp. Pass.
S draws Bow of Nylea . Play forest and Axebane Guardian
D draws Desecration Demon and plays mountain. D blades the axe. No pun intended.
S draws Sedge Scorpion and plays Bow of Nylea
D draws swamp. Play swamp.
S draws Commune with the Gods and it snatches a Nylea, God of the Hunt
D draws mountain, play Mutavault into Desecration Demon
S draws forest, play forest and acolyte.
D draws Blood Crypt . Play mountain. Hero's Downfall on the acolyte. S sacs his elf to please the desecration demon, but gets hit by an animated mutavault for two. 20/18
S draws a forest and plays Sedge Scorpion .
D draws Mutavault play it, and S sacs Sedge Scorpion to hinder Desecration Demon
S draws forest and plays it. Pass.
D top decks a dragon, and gets a 12 point hit in. S draws another forest and concedes.
This deck does have a good matchup against ramp, since it easily deals with big creatures and benefits greatly from its creatures staying on the board. I'll test against a control next to see how it works out.
All hail sedge scorpion.
November 10, 2013 1:12 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #14
Thanks for the playtest! I can't help but wonder how different the game would have been if Sylvan Caryatid had hit the field more. Hexproof is amazing!
Well, now I know how weak I am to this type of build. Again, thanks.
November 10, 2013 1:34 p.m.
Yea, I don't have anything to deal with a caryatid, unless I want to blow an Anger of the Gods . Monogreen ramp dominates against anything without stockpiled removal, so I would expect for it to do a little bit worse facing removal from black and red.
November 10, 2013 3:45 p.m.
thelittleone says... #16
You already have a ton of decks to play, but I'd like to see how it plays up against my B/R control deck.
almerican says... #2
The Wonderful Wizard of Naya
Its my attempt at Naya control, interested to see how it will do against this kind of set-up
November 9, 2013 1:26 p.m.