Standard R/B Dragon Deck. Help me make it!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 19, 2012, 10:32 a.m. by Bigburlybill

I'm putting together a dragon deck focusing on getting dragons out early game to stomp the opponent. Heartless Summoning is the main card to do this. I also have Rakdos, Lord of Riots to help out if I can get him out.

I'm new to black and red, so please tell me if I should include something important, or if the creatures do not mesh so well. Thanks.

Rakdos with Dragons

microBeats says... #2

To start, I would definitely have some Slumbering Dragon s in there. Also, I would suggest card:Krenko's Command,Goblin Arsonist (or any black one drops) and Infernal Plunge . You need chump blockers and when you do draw an infernal plunge that goblin basically becomes two free mana. This will allow you get an easy turn 3 Thundermaw Hellkite ; turn 4 Moonveil Dragon ; or turn 6(maybe even sooner with multiple plunges!) Utvara Hellkite . And if you do decide to keep the Heartless Summoning that just makes those dragons come out even cheaper.

November 19, 2012 1:31 p.m.

Bigburlybill says... #3

I like that idea. Low drop goblins to help pump the way to the Dragons.

The card I'm undecided about is Rakdos, Lord of Riots. It can help, but it seems to either slow down the deck due to requiring damage, or it can speed up everything by swinging for damage and giving me dragons for extremely cheap costs.

Do you think Vexing Devil should get a spot? He's good, but most times they'll take the damage and then I have no field.

A possible option is to run zombies to abuse Gravecrawler as a chump blocker.

November 19, 2012 2:49 p.m.

microBeats says... #4

well sadly, Gravecrawler can't block (he would probably be OP if he could). but there are some other great black 1 drops if you wanted to add more black to the deck: Diregraf Ghoul , Duty-Bound Dead , Slitherhead , and of course Rakdos Cackler . I think the last two would definitely help in this deck. Slitherhead can help pump Slumbering Dragon quicker and Rakdos Cackler can either chump block or aggro when unleashed. Even card:Geralf's Messenger(my favorite black card in standard) could work really well with a few dual/shock lands. And honestly, I REALLY like Rakdos, Lord of Riots for your deck concept. A sick card AND it has synergy with getting those dragons out fast.

November 19, 2012 3:49 p.m.

microBeats says... #5

And finally I can see your deck haha. All links have been down today.

November 19, 2012 3:49 p.m.

Bigburlybill says... #6

Thanks for the help. I'm slowly putting together the deck. I've got to find a way to stay consistent. That's the main issue I'm having. =)

November 19, 2012 10:20 p.m.

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