Standard Vraska
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 15, 2014, 11:48 p.m. by Asher18
Before she goes out, how could I make Vraska the Unseen into a two-color deck based around here? I have ideas of Abrupt Decay , Grisly Transformation , and Thoughtseize . What else would go in a deck for her?
@-Logician Kiora only targets opponents permanents with her +1. (I assume that's what you meant)
March 16, 2014 12:18 a.m.
Kiora targets your opponents creatures and says they can't do damage until your next turn, effectively stopping their largest attacker from attacking your walkers next turn. That's what I was implying by the protection.
March 16, 2014 12:27 a.m.
rochdalekilla9 says... #5
As a matter of preference I would go without the Thoughtseize and focus more on creature removal. Abrupt Decay and Hero's Downfall are staples in a G/B deck as well as Putrefy . Doom Blade can be side boarded. Sylvan Caryatid , Desecration Demon , Scavenging Ooze , Reaper of the Wilds are always good to have. Primeval Bounty is always a plus. Sideboard a couple Drown in Sorrow to have against fast but small creature decks. Whip of Erebos gives the flashback function as well as lifelink, or you could go the opposite route and use Bow of Nylea , but I wouldn't run both. If you're trying to protect your planeswalkers, I would suggest Fog or anything else in that category.
March 16, 2014 1:42 a.m.
would you want me to use Grisly Transformation ? I know intimidate isn't perfect, but it does get a draw.... Also, I am trying to stick to B/G to keep the cost down, and I never really had good luck drawing in three color decks.
March 16, 2014 11:12 a.m.
I constructed the deck, so now i need help to make it better or even +1's
Standard Vraksa?! Why not! Playtest
-Logician says... #2
Too bad you're not playing BUG. Kiora, the Crashing Wave protects her while she +'s up, and you can run Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver as well, including a bunch of defenders to defend your walkers, which also promotes Phenax, God of Deception .
But if you're just going G/B, then mainly you need all sorts of removal.
You also need Golgari Charm because of how good it is against control. it kills d-sphere and protects your creatures from verdict.
Your meaty creatures consist of Desecration Demon , Reaper of the Wilds , and to a funnier extent, Deadly Recluse . Don't forget about Pack Rat of course.
If you wanna be stronger in the late game, consider Garruk, Caller of Beasts in a deck with at least 20 creatures, Primeval Bounty or Deadbridge Chant for a six-drop bomb enchantment, and Whip of Erebos to keep you alive and moving. Whipping back an Abhorrent Overlord can be quite tasty because of his ability... same with Lord of the Void .
I would steer clear of Varolz, the Scar-Striped strategies. That's not very effective unless you're playing more of a Junk build using Xathrid Necromancer , Cartel Aristocrat , and Voice of Resurgence .
The idea is to be a strong rock that is difficult to overcome. Don't let them establish board presence, and if they do, make sure your board presence is bigger and better.
Run between 9 and 14 targeted removal spells. It all depends on your taste. Definitely include Putrefy and Hero's Downfall in your removal package. The rest is up to you.
Sylvan Caryatid is the preffered method of mana ramp. He's more important to run than Elvish Mystic . It allows for turn 3 Desecration Demon and Reaper of the Wilds . You can use Burst of Strength with Desecration Demon to troll your opponent, but that's a flavor choice on your end.
Run one or two Rogue's Passage to make the assassin token unblockable.
Sideboard looks good with Lifebane Zombie , and even some Duress against control to go along with your Thoughtseize . Perhaps Wasteland Viper to go against hyper aggro decks. It's a kill spell on a stick to play on turn one instead of doing nothing.
March 16, 2014 12:16 a.m.