Starcity IQ
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 7, 2014, 11:39 p.m. by Anti-Juliet
Possibly competing in a Starcity IQ on the 15th of March.
I've never played an IQ before.
I've barely played FNM.
But I want to play and give it a go. You can't get better unless you try.
However, I'd need some major help with my deck to give it a go. And it'd have to be budget help. Broke college student syndrome.
Any advice?
Currently running a Simic, Mono-black lifegain, Selesnya lifegain, and a Selesnya Heroic. I'm leaning towards my Simic or my Mono-black which are both up here on tapped out. Advice much needed and requested!
Anti-Juliet says... #3
Incredibly small. Maybe 20 bucks tops. Could be less. And I'm not sure when, but a local shop is having a Starcity Invitational Qualifier. Winner gets $250 and an invitation to the Invitational which can be used for any of the upcoming 4 tournaments.
March 8, 2014 11:27 a.m.
Since you're so creature heavy, I kind of feel like you can drop Sea God's Revenge . In certain decks I may run Cyclonic Rift mainly because it's an instant speed stopper if needed, or it clears the field so I can swing for the kill. For a deck running 5 and 6 CMC drops, I might also suggest finding room for 1-2 more land. If you feel like investing in Temple of Mystery , they're going for around $5 or less and you get a scry effect in addition to the mana fixing.
March 8, 2014 11:58 a.m.
Anti-Juliet says... #5
4x Master Biomancer
4x Simic Charm
1x Vorel of the Hull Clade
4x Temple of Mystery
4x Breeding Pool
2x Elusive Krasis
2x Give / Take
2x Unexpected Results
2x Zameck Guildmage
3x Renegade Krasis
1x Prime Speaker Zegana
This is currently what I'm looking at adding. Still working on taking things out to make room. I have been debating cutting the Sea God's Revenge. The only reason I haven't done so is it has saved my butt before. But Cyclonic Rift might be a better idea since for only one more mana it can get rid of everything and not just three. Though I lose my scry.
March 8, 2014 12:02 p.m.
Anti-Juliet says... #6
I've created a revised Simic Evolving Simic Prophet Revision, let me know if you think this one is any better.
March 8, 2014 12:29 p.m.
You'd be gaining so much draw/scry with the eventual changes that I wouldn't worry about it. I'd probably say with the eventual changes to drop Master of Waves and Scourge of Skola Vale . You won't get the full benefit of blue devotion for the former, and the latter seems better in a Golgari or BUG deck where you'd actually want to kill your own creatures to benefit another.
I like most of your proposed additions, except I'd say Unexpected Results is unnecessary and Elusive Krasis should be Thassa, God of the Sea .
March 8, 2014 12:34 p.m.
Anti-Juliet says... #8
Thassa, God of the Sea is running too high for me to grab her right now. Though I do see exactly why you've suggested her instead of Elusive Krasis . And I definitely did drop Master of Waves and Scourge of Skola Vale . Both cards were basically thrown in because I didn't really have anything else.
March 8, 2014 12:48 p.m.
This is kind of a full out non-budget idea given your 2nd list. Evolving Simic Prophet Revision copy
Can playtest it if you want, let me know what you think or any questions/ideas.
Emrakool says... #2
When did Starcity start administering IQ tests? I kind of like your Simic list, partly because I'm tired of seeing mono black. Zameck Guildmage can make a great card draw engine with evolve creatures. What kind of budget are we looking at?
March 8, 2014 1:25 a.m.