Stardard review/sideboard help
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2014, 2:21 p.m. by TheXHeroJ0013
Does my deck I Got Hydras and Dragons now, Now What You Got? look like it can possibly get top 8 in a generalized tourney? Also, would like help with my sideboard for weenie/fast aggro decks. I have room in there for up to 3 cards.
TheXHeroJ0013 says... #3
About scooze, he just isn't a mainboard for me. He use to be there when i first made the deck, but has served as a dead draw then, and he comes in for decks that poke with the graveyard. And my local meta is probably the average one one finds if looking across the country. And i live in a college town in iowa, but the lgs gets about 40-50 some people in for fnms. Hope that helps.
KrosanTusker says... #2
Looks good but I don't know your meta, size of your tournies, etc. Sorry.
I think that some Mizzium Mortars , Lightning Strike , etc. would not go amiss in the side.
Also, Scooze could come into the main and Mistcutter Hydra in the sideboard against mono-U. By turn 5, for example, you can have a 4/4 that has already attacked for three and then for four or even more than that (the Ooze) or you can cast a 4/4 that only starts dealing damage at that point (the Hydra).
March 11, 2014 3:38 p.m.