Starting early preparations for FNM

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 23, 2013, 7:30 p.m. by AjMcGamer

Grixis Shenanegins - Feedback please

I am planning on bringing this to FNM this week and want to start preparing it early. I have had a couple of playtesting matches against a Standard legal R/W/U burn/reverberate deck running Assemble the Legion as its main wincon. I was able to take all 4 rounds we played.

I am curious though to hear what matchups I should watch out for, and if anyone feels there is a card or cards I should be using to improve the flow please feel free to comment. Any advice is welcomed.

thyhax says... #2

It seems like Jund aggro/midrange is pretty common. Junk tokens/Reanimator is a thing, too. Things like Esper Control and UWR are seeing some play. Bant decks, Auras or Hexproof have declined it seems like. I always watch out for common staples like Boros Reckoner , Voice of Resurgence , and Sphinx's Revelation and AEtherling , even Supreme Verdict . It all depends on your local meta- that is, what everyone else is playing at your local venue/gaming shop.

If you want, shows the most recent top decks, and provides statistics, both from Magic Online and various large tourneys.

June 23, 2013 9:52 p.m.

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