Steam augury or inspiration?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 23, 2013, 6:38 p.m. by Lord007

Deck in question:

deck chart Elite Taactics

Standard* Lord007 Playtest

So I was wondering if maybe Steam Augury would provide better card draw/dig for the combo than Inspiration . On the other hand it could be too random or allow my opponent too much control over what I take.

ChiefBell says... #2

Don't give opponents control

November 23, 2013 6:47 p.m.

megawurmple says... #3

Honestly, neither of those are ideal, but if I had to choose one or the other, I'd choose Inspiration . Steam Augury gives your opponent the ultimate choice, so you never get the card that you really need. If you want something to dig with, Jace, Architect of Thought is your man. He is far superior to both the aforementioned cards in terms of his ability to dig, and he also comes with added versatility and can be used more than once.

November 23, 2013 6:58 p.m.

Lord007 says... #4

Right, but I can't afford Jace, Architect of Thought

November 23, 2013 7:10 p.m.

megawurmple says... #5

Fair enough.

November 23, 2013 7:19 p.m.

Nobilior says... #6

Well, it depends on how you play Steam Augury . Lets say out of the 5 cards revealed, you really need one for whatever you have going on. So, you set the piles 1 - 4. Your opponent then has to make a really hard choice.

Choice 1) Let you draw a card that you need.


Choice 2) Let you draw 4 cards that you may not need but then that means you just paid 4 mana to draw 4 cards which is insane.

So, I would say go with Steam Augury . You just have to set the piles up so you're fine with whatever you get. Also, you can try to read your opponent based off of what pile he chooses.

November 23, 2013 7:49 p.m.

Lord007 says... #7

I might just have to playtest with Steam Augury to see which one I like better.

November 23, 2013 9:50 p.m.

I am new to MTG, but I would use Divination because it costs less than Inspiration and does not give the opponent control of what cards you get.

-Steam Augury can give you up to 4 cards, but your opponent can prevent you from getting the card you want. For example, if you need Naturalize to get your strongest creature back into play, you opponent could say, "Nope!" and send it to the graveyard. So I would stay safe and use Divination for two cards, instead of risking it.

I hope I could help!

(could someone help me out with my first deck please?--> My First Deck

November 23, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Darkness1835 says... #9

Never give your opponent control of what you get. Divination is what you want, unless you really need instant speed draw. But 4cmc is bad for 2 cards.

November 23, 2013 10:18 p.m.

Lord007 says... #10

If only Steam Augury was a reprint of Fact or Fiction it would be sooo much better.. Unfortunately because of how it is it might or might not work. I'll be doing some extensive playtesting.

As for my choice of Inspiration over Divination , I definitely need the instant speed because of the amount of Lightning Strike , Magma Jet , and AEtherize I run not to mention the occasional Triton Tactics and Simic Charm

November 23, 2013 10:40 p.m.

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