Stuck on cytoplast manipulator

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 29, 2013, 4:48 p.m. by obitus

Ok so I have this simic manipulator deck:Tip: Mim can steal you plastic

The main focus of the deck is Cytoplast Manipulator and Forgotten Ancient . The problem I am having is figuring out what keep and what to add more of.

Bounce: 8/60 = 13.333% Simic Charm , Unsummon

Hexproof: 8/60 = 13.333% Simic Charm ,Plaxcaster Frogling

search: 6/60 = 10% Abundance , Survival of the Fittest , Worldly Tutor

counter spell: 4/60 = 6.666% Turn Aside

Untap: 4/60 = 6.666%Burst of Strength

counters: 8/60 = 13.333% Forgotten Ancient , Burst of Strength

I know this is a very hard deck to build, all I am looking to do is try and make it consistent as possible.

1.) Anybody got any bright ideas?

2.) How do you guys go about determining the number of cards a single spell should hold?

3.) Is there even a formula to question 2?

4.) whats a good two drop for this deck?

5.) Am I really that crazy for thinking this could work?

6.) How well do rate the synergy of the deck?

7.) Why did wizard print Cytoplast Manipulator ? There had to be a reason, right?

Ok, hopefully some of you have some answers to one of these questions.

pookypuppy6 says... #2

You may want a bit more counter generation. Have you considered Vigean Hydropon ? It may be an odd one but it gives you the chance to consistently steal 5 creatures belonging to your opponent thanks to your Manipulator.

There is also Bioshift if you want to move counters around.

A good two-drop for this could be Zameck Guildmage ; it can draw you cards and fuel you with extra counters on your Manipulator to gift around.

March 29, 2013 5:22 p.m.

obitus says... #3

Ya, I have tried both of those. Maybe I will try again wit the Zameck Guildmage . The Vigean Hydropon is really good, but I feel like Forgotten Ancient can graft unto all of those creatures anyway, once upkeep happens. Or replenish the Cytoplast Manipulator .

I don't seem to have a problem shifting counters, keeping my creatures alive and trying to speed the mechanic up. You know of any good mana dorks besides a Birds of Paradise ?

March 29, 2013 6:25 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #4

Gyre Sage springs to mind.

March 29, 2013 7:57 p.m.

obitus says... #5

ya I thought about her too and she does help with mana, the only problem is its green mana ramp. I guess I could try to fix the ratio of forests to islands then see how much the Gyre Sage helps. She was in the deck at one point.

Thanks for your input by the way, its nice to bounce ideas around.

March 29, 2013 9:14 p.m.

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