Subjective Testing

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 20, 2014, 3:35 p.m. by raithe000

I'm getting ready to make a new deck come BNG, but I'm not sure which of the two brews (well, one is more of a netdeck) I'm working on is better/ I enjoy playing more. So, testing! Leave your deck, which deck you'd like to play against, and I'll playtest and leave a replay afterward. First come, first served.

Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable Playtest

Standard raithe000


Esper Control [HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED] Playtest

Standard raithe000


Jrjersey01 says... #2

Born-Minotaurs-Remade Playtest

Standard Jrjersey01


is a deck that you can use to test. Its a midrange deck that has some devotion. I would like to test against the esper control if thats okay with you.

January 20, 2014 4 p.m.

Attack of the Killer Hot Dogs! Playtest

Standard InconspicuousPotato

SCORE: 16 | 10 COMMENTS | 1549 VIEWS


Esper Control [HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED] Playtest

Standard raithe000


January 20, 2014 4:08 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #4

SLIVERS!!!!! SLIVERS!!!!! SLIVERS!!!!! Playtest

Standard Matsi883

SCORE: 77 | 0 COMMENTS | 10659 VIEWS


Esper Control [HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED] Playtest

Standard raithe000


January 20, 2014 4:49 p.m.

Rot and Roll Playtest

Standard bantam1234



Power Unimaginable for Pain Unendurable Playtest

Standard raithe000


January 20, 2014 6:02 p.m.

flyguy says... #6

Bant Flashiness Playtest

Standard* flyguy


vs. either one, but preferably esper. Thanks!

January 20, 2014 6:12 p.m.

raithe000 says... #7

First game vs. Jrjersey01's minotaur deck

I lost. Not 100% sure if there were any misplays on either side, but it seemed like I really could have used 1 more land drop. Full battle report follows.

Game 1
R Wins the roll
R starting hand: 2x Syncopate, 1x Watery Grave, 1x Sphinxs Revelation, 1x Aetherling, 1x Temple of Silence, 1x Supreme Verdict, keep?
J starting hand: 1x Titans Strength, 1x Kragma Warcaller, 1x Deathbellow Raider, 1x Whip of Erebos, 1x hammer of purphoros, 1x blood crypt, 1x swamp, keep?
R1 play temple of silence, scry mutavault, sticks, pass
J1 draw fanatic of mogis, play blood crypt tapped, pass
R2 draw mutavault, play mutavault, pass
J2 draw swamp, play swamp, play deathbellow raider, pass
R3 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry thoughtseize, bottom, pass
J3 draw boros reckoner, play swamp, swing with deathbellow raider, life totals R 18, J 20, pass
R4 draw far/away, play watery grave tapped, pass
J4 draw temple of malice, play temple of malice, scry boros reckoner, bottom, swing with deathbellow raider, R plays away, J sacrifices deathbellow raider, pass
R5 draw syncopate, pass
J5 draw rageblood shaman, play rageblood shaman, R counters with syncopate for 2, pass
R6 draw godless Shrine, play godless shrine, shock self, R 16, animate and swing with mutavault, life totals R 16, J 18, pass
J6 draw mountain, play mountain, play boros reckoner, pass
R7 draw heros downfall, pass
J7 draw deathbellow raider, play fanatic of mogis, in response R heros downfalls Boros reckoner, R takes 1, R 15, pass
R8 draw Elspeth, Suns Champion, pass
J8 draw temple of malice, play temple of malice, scry minotaur skullcleaver, sticks, Play deathbellow raider, swing with fanatic, life totals R 11, J 18, pass
R9 draw supreme verdict, play supreme verdict, J regenerates deathbellow raider in response, pass
J9 draw minotaur skullcleaver, play kragma warcaller, swing 8, play titans strength on kragma warcaller, scry mountain, bottom, R dies

I haven't made up my mind yet whether these will be 1-ofs or best of three, but I'm leaning towards 1-ofs.

January 21, 2014 12:04 p.m.

Jrjersey01 says... #8

Thanks for the Playtest, raithe000It's a shame you couldn't get to play Elspeth, the game would have been a lot different if you had been able to.

January 21, 2014 1:47 p.m.

raithe000 says... #9

Second Game vs. InconspicuousPotato's Orzhov Weenies

Another loss Would have been more interesting if I had drawn lands, but I think I did pretty well for only 4 the entire game. Also, would have gone faster if InconspicuousPotato's deck had drawn a few less lands.

R wins the roll
R starting hand: 1x spinxs revelation, 1x thoughtseize, 2x hallowed fountain, 1x aetherling, 1x detention sphere, 1x heros downfall, keep
I starting hand: 1x Godless Shrine, 2x orzhov charm, 1x orzhov guildgate, 1x banisher priest, 1x boros elite, 1x xathrid necromancer, keep
R1 play hallowed fountain tapped, pass
I1 draw temple of silence, play godless shrine, shock self, I 18, play boros elite, pass
R2 draw detention sphere, play hallowed fountain tapped, pass
I2 draw swamp, play temple of silence, scry daring skyjek, sticks, swing 1, life totals R 19, I 18, pass
R3 draw temple of deceit, play temple of deceit, scry far/away, bottom, pass
I3 draw daring skyjek, play orzhov guildgate, play daring skyjek, swing 1, life totals R 18, I 18, pass
R4 draw thoughtseize, play thoughtseize, I discards Xathrid Necromancer, R 16, pass
I4 draw plains, play swamp, swing 4, life totals R 12, I 18, pass
R5 draw heros downfall, play detention sphere Targeting daring skyjek, I responds by orzhov charming daring skyjek back to hand, pass
I5 draw temple of silence, play temple of silence, scry boros elite, sticks, play daring skyjek, swing 1, life totals R 11, I 18, pass
R6 draw temple of enlightenment, play temple of enlightenment, scry supreme verdict, sticks, pass
I6 draw boros elite, play plains, swing 4, life totals R 7, I 18, play boros elite, pass
R7 draw supreme verdict, play supreme verdict, in response I orzhov charms daring skyjek back to his hand, pass
I7 draw boros elite, play boros elite, banisher priest, and daring skyjek, pass
R8 draw aetherling, play detention sphere, exiling daring skyjek, pass
I8 draw imposing sovereign, swing 3, life totals R 4, I 18, play imposing sovereign, pass
R9 draw temple of silence, concede

Definitely going to be 1-ofs.

January 22, 2014 3:19 p.m.

Thanks for the playtest! I actually had honestly never thought about using Orzhov Charm to bounce a creature that was about to be killed. I

January 22, 2014 8:39 p.m.

raithe000 says... #11

Game 3 vs. Matsi883 Slivers!!!!!!!

I won by default on this one. The playtester froze after turn 11 on Matsi's side, but I had basically broken his offense and had Elspeth on the field, so I think I would have had this one.

M wins roll
M starting hand: 1x blur sliver, 1x striking sliver, 1x hive stirrings, 1x mountain, 1x forest, 1x gruul guildgate, 1x bonescythe sliver, keep
R starting hand: 1x Elspeth, suns champion, 4x temple of silence (swear I am not making this up), 1x heros betrayal, 1x hallowed fountain, keep
M1 play mountain, play striking sliver, pass
R1 draw mutavault, play temple of silence, scry supreme verdict, sticks, pass
M2 draw mizzium mortars, play gruul guildgate, swing 1, life totals M 20, R 19, pass
R2 draw supreme verdict, play temple of silence, scry watery grave, bottom, pass
M3 draw predatory sliver, play forest, play blur sliver, swing 3, life totals M 20, R 16, pass
R3 draw mutavault, play mutavault, pass
M4 draw striking sliver, play predatory sliver, play striking sliver, R heros downfalls predatory sliver, swing 4, life totals M 20, R 12, pass
R4 draw dissolve, play hallowed fountain, shock self, R 10, play supreme verdict, pass
M5 draw manaweft sliver, play manaweft sliver, pass
R5 draw watery grave, play watery grave tapped, pass
M6 draw plains, play plains, play bonescythe sliver, swing 2, life totals M 20, R 8, pass
R6 draw godless shrine, play mutavault, play elspeth, +1 elspeth, pass
M7 draw blur sliver, play blur sliver, play hive stirrings, swing 8 at elspeth, R blocks with soldier tokens, pass
R7 draw godless shrine, +1 elspeth, play temple of silence, scry sphinxs revelation, sticks, pass
M8 draw mountain, play mountain, overload mizzium mortars, R counters with dissolve and keeps sphinx rev on top, swing 12 at R, R animates a mutavualt, blocks with the tokens and the mutavualt, killing the manaweft sliver, pass
R8 draw sphinxs revelation, +1 elspeth, play temple of silence, scry dissolve, bottom, pass
M9 draw battle sliver, play battle sliver, swing 38, R animates the mutavault, blocks with soldier tokens and mutavault, takes 6, life totals M 20, R 2, pass
R9 draw temple of enlightenment, play temple of enlightenment, scry heros downfall, bottom, -3 Elspeth, pass
M10 draw forest, play forest, swing 2 at R, R plays Sphinxs rev for 3, draws 2x jace aot and thoughtseize, gains 3, R5, life totals M 20, R 3, pass
R10 draw mutavault, +1 Elspeth, play mutavault, play jace, -2 jace, reveal godless shrine, temple of enlightenment, thoughtseize, M separates godless shrine and thoughtseize from temple, R takes temple, pass
M11 draw predatory sliver, play predatory sliver, swing 4 at R, R double blocks a token with two soldiers and the other token with the last soldier, pass
R11 draw far/away, -2 jace, reveal sphinxs rev, supreme verdict, temple of deceit, M puts temple with supreme verdict, R takes sphinxs rev, +1 elspeth, play temple of enlightenment, scry hallowed fountain, bottom, fuse far/away, targeting the token

This is when the playtester on Ms side froze up. The only thing i could do was draw, (next 6 are gruul guildgate, mountain, prophetic prism, battle sliver, forest, and boros charm, in that order) so I think R would win

January 22, 2014 9:42 p.m.

This discussion has been closed