Suggestions for an antelope deck please

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 27, 2012, midnight by Tekel_Brighteyes

For a long time now I've been wanting to build a deck around Graceful AntelopeMTG Card: Graceful Antelope and I've finally decided to do it. I just need some suggestions for a couple of ideas.

Idea 1: A green/white deck. It'll mostly be beast creatures. I'll throw in some Grazing GladehartMTG Card: Grazing Gladehart and phantom creatures to act as walls. I'm looking for ideas that might help add to this. Also, are there any green or white spells which would allow me to turn my opponent's land to one of my choice? Also considering low level flyers. And are there any lands similar to Sunpetal GroveMTG Card: Sunpetal Grove anyone would suggest? I'm leaning towards this idea because I already have most of the cards I'd need for it.

Idea 2: Same as first idea only white/blue. If I go with this idea I'd use a lot of counters as well as draw cards. Of course I'd run with 4 Stormscape FamiliarMTG Card: Stormscape Familiar. I'd also be looking for control. I seem to remember blue spells which would tap my opponent's lands. Or is that another color I was thinking of?

Finally, I may consider adding a planeswalker to either one. Can anyone suggest one for either idea?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.

funkalunk says... #2

Suggestion: You have to run like an antelope; out of control!

But real talk, either Garruk Wildspeaker, or Primal Hunter. Both would do well in the deck. :D Probably Wildspeaker if you're doing more than one color, as he's easier to cast.

March 27, 2012 12:13 a.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #3

if you want a planeswalker, are better for multi-color decks as opposed to Garruk, Primal HunterMTG Card: Garruk, Primal Hunter . land altering abilities are native to blue and green and sometimes black

take a peek[basic]%20[land]%20[type]||type=%20[basic]%20[land]%20[type]||subtype=%20[basic]%20[land]%20[type]||text=%20[basic]%20[land]%20[type]

either creature based change or enchantment based, both having certain advantages over each other. i just think Graceful AntelopeMTG Card: Graceful Antelope is a weird one to base a deck around

Early FrostMTG Card: Early Frost

March 27, 2012 12:38 a.m.

Syinide says... #4

Razorverge ThicketMTG Card: Razorverge Thicket is a standard one i can think of. Not too familiar with nonstandard.

you can try an gatherer search on the color you want with the text you're looking for? I know with blue you can tap your opponents cards with cards like Frost BreathMTG Card: Frost Breath and Frost TitanMTG Card: Frost Titan.

March 27, 2012 12:40 a.m.

OmegaSerris says... #5

I feel an Antelope Deck would fit a lot more flavorfully in Green/White. But nearly all land morphing has been assigned to Blue's side of the color pie in modern sets. Green, however, does still have a place in 'animating' land into creatures (which makes them vulnerable to creature removal, if that interests you).

There are still some older cards that will let you morph land types outside of Blue like Gaea's LiegeMTG Card: Gaea's Liege, Mystic CompassMTG Card: Mystic Compass, Thelonite MonkMTG Card: Thelonite Monk, and a handful in Black and Red (which I didn't think you were interested in).

For a Lord, you can use the unusual tribal deck master; Adaptive AutomatonMTG Card: Adaptive Automaton. You also have Emerald OryxMTG Card: Emerald Oryx which will be very welcome if you are going spread those forests around. You also have Stampeding SerowMTG Card: Stampeding Serow(this has been changed to 'Antelope Beast')/Stampeding WildebeestsMTG Card: Stampeding Wildebeests to use if you have any 'Enter the battlefield' effects you want to use over and over. The last two existing Antelopes in the game are also White: Trained PronghornMTG Card: Trained Pronghorn and Totem-Guide HartebeestMTG Card: Totem-Guide Hartebeest. Also, remember you have all the Lorwyn Changelings that all count as Antelopes including Game-Trail ChangelingMTG Card: Game-Trail Changeling which kind of looks like one. :-)

As for lands, you can use Temple GardenMTG Card: Temple Garden and any of the "Search for a (nonbasic) Forest/Plains" cards to give you a pretty reliable land base, but those can be expensive. You could use something cheap and simple like Safewright QuestMTG Card: Safewright Quest.

March 27, 2012 12:43 a.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #6

reading the text again, you'd do well to give the Graceful AntelopeMTG Card: Graceful Antelope double-strike and screw a non-white player over their mana base, some cards, Merfolk ThaumaturgistMTG Card: Merfolk Thaumaturgist and others, could make this card a pretty nasty beatstick too

March 27, 2012 12:44 a.m.

OMG!!! I want to thank you all for all the wonderful advice. I think I know what I'll be doing now. I will dedicate my first win to this site and everyone here.

And to answer a question from above, yes Graceful AntelopeMTG Card: Graceful Antelope is a weird one to build a deck around, which is one of the reasons I'm doing it. For some reason, nearly 90% of the people in my area build black decks. Some build green. And for reasons I don't understand, more than a few build rainbow decks where white is about the only color they don't use. So I thought it would be funny if I got the antelope out and suddenly made their manna useless. And needless to say I'll be running 4 Story CircleMTG Card: Story Circle

March 27, 2012 9:58 a.m.

Sorry, I forgot to ask, can anyone think of any creatures similar to Stormscape FamiliarMTG Card: Stormscape Familiar that would go well in a green/white deck?

March 27, 2012 10:02 a.m.

OmegaSerris says... #9

Well you can either go with Emerald MedallionMTG Card: Emerald Medallion/Pearl MedallionMTG Card: Pearl Medallion or Sunscape FamiliarMTG Card: Sunscape Familiar and Thornscape FamiliarMTG Card: Thornscape Familiar.

The Familiar cycle was made to promote three color decks, White/Blue/Black in the Stormscape's case. They only effect 'enemy' colors (colors not directly next to each other on the color wheel on the back of a MTG card).

If you want to get creatures out for 'free', there is are a ton of options in Green for that (Elvish PiperMTG Card: Elvish Piper being the most famous) and even a few in artifacts like Quicksilver AmuletMTG Card: Quicksilver Amulet. You also can use things like Cascade with Captured SunlightMTG Card: Captured Sunlight and Enlisted WurmMTG Card: Enlisted Wurm but those have a bit of chance tied into them.

Lastly, you can just use good old fashioned Green mana ramp with Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growth or the tons of other cards Green has like it along with a few in other colors.

March 27, 2012 9:22 p.m.

Wow! Thank you so much. I only wish I had come here and asked sooner. Thank you all for your wonderful ideas.

March 28, 2012 12:37 a.m.

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