Suggestions for Balefire Humans?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 16, 2012, 2:59 p.m. by bmercury13
Non Standard deck built for fun. I'm just looking for any suggestions that could make it a faster deck. I feel like there may not be enough one drops, and possibly not enough mana at the moment to reliably get a turn 5 Balefire Liege. Any help would be appreciated.
bmercury13 says... #3
Thanks for the feedback, I added/removed some stuff I thought was unnecessary, like Porcelain Legionnaire and War Report . I think having this deck be aggro based would be best for it, and I totally didn't think about that Seething Song card, that would work really well. My only problem would be what to get rid of for it, and how to use it in the case I don't have any Liege's, as all of my other cards are at least partly white, except for Figure of Destiny . Thanks for the help either way though.
January 17, 2012 6:07 p.m.
for the seething song You could throw in a Couple of Fireball s if you want to put some burn in and maybe like 2 Inferno Titan or Flameblast Dragon . those guys would both have good synergy with Seething Song you could use it to cast them early or use it for their buffing/firebreathing abilities. plus theyre just both reaalllly good creatures for late game.
id also consider putting a few Lightning Bolt if you can find a place for a little extra oomph. also its a quick cheap red spell for the Liege.
think about Cerodon Yearling a really good cheap R/W creature. hes super cool.
if i were to think about taking anything out id think about the Bonds of Faith s and the Spirit Mantle because youre probably going to be attacking with more than one creature most of the time and i see only having one being a waste of a slot.
its all up to you though:D. Good luck! glad i could help!
Mawree says... #2
for future refrence you can link your decks in these --> [ ] just like you can link cards and usernames. just put two of them on both sides of your deck name and it will show up like this Balefire Humans.
just some friendly advice:3
as for your deck.
you need more land. id suggest 22 or 23. 20 is risky (its all up to preference but thats my opinion and what works best for me) either way its worth giving a shot
another thing is what is your objective and how do you want to win the game with this deck. because it looks like you are unsure if you want to gain a lot of life or you want to make this an aggro rush/burn deck.
if you focus more on burn this deck could be very fast.
if you want to cast Balefire Liege earlier id reccomend the card Seething Song . if you have both in your hand on turn three you get to cast him two turns early.
January 17, 2012 2:20 a.m.