Suggestions for my Break Kiora control deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 30, 2013, 6:25 p.m. by cschiller
Anyone have any suggestions for the Simic control deck I'm brewing to take full advantage of Kiora, the Crashing Wave ?
The deck basically tries to poop out as many lands as possible as fast as possible, setting up counterspells and eventually Kiora.
When I look at your deck I don't see a win con. Neither Jace nor Kiora are solid win cons when they hit the board. You should consider putting in AEtherling or moving into Bant for Elspeth, Sun's Champion .
December 30, 2013 7:09 p.m.
trulychaos says... #4
Check out It's Evolution Baby! for a build that she will fit nicely into
golffore297 says... #2
I went for the Bant approach so that you can use some of those helpful Azorius spells, like Sphinx's Revelation and even Selesnya spells, because Selesnya Charm has a lot of use in Standard right now.
You can check it out here: Kiora's Bant Stall
December 30, 2013 6:33 p.m.