Suggestions for my Golgari Zombies deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 18, 2012, 3:41 p.m. by Crohl
Looking for any suggestions for my Golgari Zombies deck.
Trying to also decide if its better to run Cackler or Shred-Freak.
-Swamps x7
-Forest x4
-Overgrown Tomb x4
-Woodland Cemetery x4
-Golgari Guildgate x3
-Cavern of Souls x1 (will be getting 3 more to replace the gates but at $20 a pop that will have to wait til next week)
-Gravecrawler x4
-Diregraf Ghoul x4
-Rakdos Cackler x4
-Lotleth Troll x4
-Geralf's Messenger x4
-Dreg Mangler x3
-Deadbridge Goliath x2
Rancor x4
Dead Weight x3
Golgari Charm x2
Abrupt Decay x3
Duress x3
Appetite for Brains x3
Bump in the Night x3
Abrupt Decay x1
Deathrite Shaman x2
Ultimate Price x2
Pithing Needle x1
ducttapedeckbox says... #2
You can just link the deck, and people would be happy to give suggestions :) The way you posted above is rather difficult to read
Golgari Zombies is the deck linked. I'll go check it out now!
October 18, 2012 4:24 p.m.