Suggestions for my Plasm Capture deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 4, 2013, 11:22 a.m. by jangoolie

Since I read the spoilers and saw Plasm Capture I've been racking my mind to think of a type 2 deck that would work well with this card. I eventually decided that it fit better into a deck that wants to ramp and could use a counter rather than the other way around. With this in mind I set out to build a deck that would have enough instant/flash creatures that it could afford to leave 4 mana open, have plenty of bombs to ramp into if a capture resolved without going overboard with expensive spells and have alternatives ramps to hitting the big capture.

The decklist:

The SB is pretty rough except for Ready//Willing which seems like it could be really really strong vs esper control. I haven't played type 2 in a long time so be gentle with your feedback.

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