Suggestions needed for Simic Evolve
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 7, 2013, 9:53 a.m. by jaimegomez27
Evovle_Casual_PLEASEHELP is my deck.
I do not expect evolve to be the best deck but I feel I am missing several things. And this deck I also feel tries to accomplish too much.
Right now the deck relies pretty much on a turn 1 Cloudfin Raptor or Experiment One and a turn two Young Wolf and Rapid Hybridization
I am worried that there are not enough kill shots in this deck to be a good aggro, and not enough control to be an effective midrange. I like Vorapede and my other thought was to add Champion of Lambholt to make my weenies unblockable. I am having trouble seeing the finish line here though so if anyone can help clear my cloudy head for me id appreciate it